All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、2010-2019)

Showing 301-325 of 6946
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010 The performance measurement model of online tax filing by “Revised Balanced Scorecard"-A case study of Taipei national tax administration 洪淑惠、Hung, Shu Hui thesis pdf(2197)
2010 Empirical Analysis on Driving Forces and Technical Efficiency of Energy Demand, Economic Growth and Carbon Emission 單珮玲、Shan, Pei Ling thesis pdf(1981)
2010 The impact of regional social welfare spending on crime rate in Taiwan 林倖妤、Lin, Xing Yu thesis pdf(2013)
2010 The analysis of the industrial development of \"motorbike taxi\" in beitou:social capital perspective 江俐禛 thesis pdf(886)
2010 Examining the subsidy mechanism for science volunteer teams of national science council: from a perspective of non-profit organizations 蘇美玲 thesis web page(203)
2010 A study on the principal-agent relationship, structure of property rights,and the contractual relationship of rights transformation system for urban renewal 卓輝華、Cho, Hui Hua thesis pdf(768)
2010 A study on the trend and causes of spatial development pattern change in the Taipei Metropolitan Area 徐國城、Hsu, Kuo Cheng thesis pdf(1292)
2010 Work adjustment for new entry-level female police officers recruited through civil service special examination for entry-level police officers 胡雅芳 thesis pdf(2578)
2010 The analysis of the service delivery system of the emergnecy assistance in implementing urgent caring system: a case study of wenshan district, Taipei City 石晏宇 thesis pdf(2746)
2011 拾起散落的婦運歷史—婦運史多媒體影音教材製作及教育推廣計畫 WAN-YING YANG、吳嘉麗 report pdf(770)
2010 性別、族群與國族的理論與經驗對話 WAN-YING YANG report pdf(2357)
2010 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題---中國的轉型與崛起 CHIEN-WEN KOUJENN-HWAN WANGJYI-SHANE LIUCHING-PING TANG、耿曙 report web page(1014)
2010 西洋政治思想中的錢、財富與正當性 孫善豪 report pdf(1470)
2010 政權特性對菁英甄補的影響---兩岸海歸菁英的政治流動 CHIEN-WEN KOU report pdf(441)
2010 立法院中的議程設定與立法產出(II) SHING-YUAN SHENG report pdf(464)
2010 約翰彌爾的生活試驗與自由主義的證成(II) HAO YEH report pdf(502)
2010 民族主義的民主神學---中國與台灣(II) CHENG-TIAN KUO report pdf(939)
2010 制度發展、市民社會與環境保護---環境協力治理的兩岸比較研究 CHING-PING TANG report pdf(332)web page(670)
2010 日本政黨、官僚與利益團體三角關係---政黨輪替前後的比較 CHAO-CHI LIN report pdf(737)
2010 因果推論:分析方法之探討及其對混合選制中「污染效果」之應用研究 CHI HUANG report pdf(605)
2011 馬克思、恩格斯、魏德麥爾《德意志意識型態第一卷 費爾巴哈》經典譯注計畫 孫善豪 report pdf(650)
2011 看見私領域的政治性: 重新連結公私領域的性別政治 WAN-YING YANG report pdf(368)
2011 對外關係的國內根源:兩岸關係中的中國威脅 陳映男 report pdf(374)
2011 選區服務與立法問政:選制變遷前後的比較 SHING-YUAN SHENG report pdf(728)