All Of Publications(Limit:2000-2009)

Showing 42751-42775 of 44105
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007 鴻海集團個案 KUO-FENG HUANG、張雅婷 report
2002 轉學考-新聞系 91年 新聞系 exam pdf(163)
2004 年金保險與附加給付;退休規劃 LI-LING WANG book/chapter web page(891)
2005-07 Emotion in motion: emotional disorders and medical therapies in 16th-17th century China HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN conference
2007 Theory and research in language learning strategy CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO book/chapter web page(1083)
2006 The Passive Constitution of Subjectivity: the Dialectic of Desiring Body of Merleau-Ponty and Lacan 林靜秀、Lin,Ching Hsiu thesis web page(916)
2006-07 亞歐會議經濟議程的建構與發展:從國際建制的角度分析 ZHENG-JIA TSAI article pdf(1299)
2004-01 『新憲三部曲』vs.『公投制新憲』 DUH-CHING SWEI article
2003 A-optimal and efficient diallel cross experiments for comparing test lines with a control CHAO-PING TING conference
2005 Design and Implementation of a Seamless Network Selection System across GPRS and WLANs 石貴平、張志勇、周建閔、張恩譯、Shih, Kuei-Ping、Chang, Chih-Yung、Chou, Chien-Min、Chang, En-Yi article pdf(250)
2001 姿勢動作與口語溝通3/3 KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai、Kawai Chui report pdf(1183)
2000 Quest for Integration: Space and Psyche in Doris Lessing`s The Four-Gated City 陳建州、Chen, Chien-Chou thesis web page(331)
2004-12 提出一個以媒介為核心的創意理論 WEI-WEN CHUNG conference
2009 Some Observations on the Use of the Future in Rom 6,5.8 KUO-YU TSUI article
2002 期貨巿場效率性之再探討-季節性單根檢定 周曉萍 thesis
2001 資料特性對線性迴歸與類神經網路預測效果影響之研究 LI-SHYA CHENCHUEN-LUNG CHEN、楊雅媛 conference
2006-11 歐洲近代初期的教派化運動與帝國公法的形成 YU-LIN CHIANG conference
2008/6/1 投資連結型保險分離帳戶之性質及其監管 – 理論與比較法之觀點 KUAN-CHUN CHANG conference
2006-06 VIBRANT: A Brainstorming Agent for Computer Supported Creative Problem Solving H.C. Wang、TSAI-YEN LI、C.P. Rose、C.C. Huang、C.Y. Chang、TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(551)
2008 The effect of employee stock bonus being expensed and company`s reaction to shareholders` equity and employees` income 陳振中、Chen, Chen Chung thesis web page(485)
2007 大陸配偶在台生計現況訪視調查研究計畫 HSIAO-HUNG CHEN report
2002 網際網路仲介公司智慧資本管理制度之探討—以線上旅遊與人力銀行網站為例 王梓齡、Wang Tzyy Ling thesis pdf(841)pdf(1070)pdf(1514)pdf(1210)pdf(2765)pdf(1180)pdf(10494)pdf(13300)pdf(3738)pdf(954)pdf(1619)pdf(1218)
2004-02 我國之容積移轉制度 LI-FU CHEN article web page(775)
2008-07 Political Economy and the Social Marginal Cost of Public Funds: The Case of the Meltzer-Richard Economy Hsu,K. W. Kevin、CHENG-CHEN YANG article pdf(1218)
2001.06 360度回饋與傳統上司評鑑對領導效能預測力之比較 YUE-LOONG CHANGYUE-LOONG CHANG、劉岡憬、YUE-LOONG CHANG article pdf(8297)