All Of Publications(Limit:2010-2019)

Showing 2151-2175 of 42463
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-03 十六世紀英格蘭的服飾法 MAY-SHINE LIN article pdf(1088)
2011 Humanitarian Crisis in Darfur and the Strategic Political Warfare of Mainland China in War-torn Sudan 薩威飛、Wilfried Relwende SAWADOGO thesis
2011-06 Between Passion and Repression: Medical Views of Demon Dreams, Demonic Fetuses, and Female Sexual Madness in Late Imperial China, HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN article web page(1830)
2010-12 Between Sleep and Dreams: Perceptions of “Dreaming Sex HSIU-FEN CHENHSIU-FEN CHEN article pdf(890)
2012-04 文法與寫作與聽力訓練線上英文課程增修初步計畫 CHIN-CHI CHAOLI-YUAN HSU report pdf(2449)
2012-05 50th Anniversary of Social Sciecnes Information Center, National Chengchi University: Retrospect and Prospect 國立政治大學社會科學資料中心五十周年特輯小組 book/chapter pdf(1837)
2011-10 優質學校品質管理指標建構之研究 MU-JIN CHEN、楊念湘 article pdf(1745)
2012-07-31 NCC與媒介政策:公共利益、規管哲學與實務 BONNIE PENG book/chapter pdf(3994)
2010-06 近代中國國族意識中的「野蠻情結」:以1903年日本大阪人類館事件為核心的探討 JUI-SUNG YANGJUI-SUNG YANG article pdf(459)
2011-06 On the Interaction between Confucian Knowledge and Political Power in Traditional China and Korea: A Historical Overview HSIN-CHUAN HOHSIN-CHUAN HO article web page(1234)
2011-06 Can We Deduce the Principle of Rule of Law from Confucianism? An Analysis Based on the Conception of Moral Autonomy HSIN-CHUAN HOHSIN-CHUAN HO article pdf(858)
2012-06 牟宗三哲學中的道德主體:一種康德式的自我觀? HSIN-CHUAN HOHSIN-CHUAN HO conference
2010-06 Truth and Method in the Saṃdhinirmocana Sūtra CHEN-KUO LINCHEN-KUO LIN article pdf(1390)
2011-10 Divinity and Beauty through the Process of Indication-A Phenomenological Approach WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(806)
2011-05 The Grecian and Judeo-Christian Background in Heidegger`s Conception of Dasein: On a Possible Meeting-point of Eastern and Western Philosophy WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(1010)
2011-03 Introduction: Philosophy and Theology WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(883)
2011-03 Dose Heidegger Stand for a Theological Philosophy or a Philosophical Theology? In Comparison with Husserl`s and Arendt`s Position WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Shen article pdf(1027)
2010-09 休閒文化意義的現象學構成 WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Shen article
2010-02 精神分裂症病患與家庭成員面臨疾病遺傳不確定情境之生活經驗探討 陸雪芬、洪志成、WEN-SHENG WANG、許樹珍 article pdf(1022)
2012-02 Fa, Lei and Mohist Bian-Knowledge in Practice and Dao-Following 林從一、Lin, Chung-I article pdf(896)
2011 Xunzi as a Semantic Inferentialist: Zhengmin, Bian-Shuo and Dao-Li Lin, chung-I、林從一 article pdf(1579)
2010-07 再論孟、告辯「生之謂性」的邏輯推理問題 SHU-CHING HOSHU-CHING HO article pdf(1075)
2010 損失函數管制圖之研究(II) SU-FEN YANG report
2010 兩個卜瓦松分佈的統計檢定方法 HUEY-MIIN HSUEH report pdf(536)
2010 存活模式中當某些共變量不可控時最適設計之探討 CHAO-PING TINGLI-SHYA CHEN report pdf(440)