
Showing 144576-144600 of 145923
日期 題名 作者 類型 全文(次)
2024-06 Taiwán: desaceleración económica, diplomacia de semiconductores y la carrera por la presidencia 馮慕文、Fonseca, Fabricio A. article 說明頁(66)
2017-10 The Chinese Initiative for a Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road: Opportunities and Challenges for Latin America 馮慕文、Fonseca, Fabricio A. article 說明頁(53)
2020-04 Trajectory of Capitalism in Mexico: Hierarchical Market Economy and the Role of the State 馮慕文、Fonseca, Fabricio A. article 說明頁(52)
2024-06 Strategizing the New Southbound Policy in President Lai's ‘Shin-Lai’s (Trustworthy) Diplomacy: Making Taiwan Indispensable and More Reliable 楊昊、Yang, Alan Hao article 說明頁(75)
2024-07 Taiwan alla resa dei conti 楊昊、Yang, Alan H.、Lee, Po Yu article 說明頁(100)
2024-06 What’s New for the Bluebird Movement? Advancing Asian Democratic Solidarity between Taiwan and Southeast Asia via Digital Technology and Partnership 楊昊、Yang, Alan H.、Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael article 說明頁(93)
2024-04 Rare Earth and Resource Nationalism: What Happened Before and After China’s Embargo on Japan 楊雯婷、Yang, Florence W. article 說明頁(66)
2023-12 中國產業政策體系中的新面孔:新型基礎設施建設中的高科技私有企業 劉致賢Liou, Chih-shian article 說明頁(62)
2024-09 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch and countries in the Kuroshio Current Region: Existing Regulations and Prospects 蔡沛倫、Tsai, Pei-Lun、 Wu, Bo-Shian、 Yang, Ming-Hao article 說明頁(68)
2024-08 A Defensive Normative Power: A Study on EU's Strategic Autonomy Capacity 蘇卓馨Su, Cho-Hsin article 說明頁(52)
2024-05 總編輯的自我告白 張盈堃 article 說明頁(66)
2024-08 Parents’ perspectives on using virtual reality for learning mathematics: Identifying factors for innovative technology acceptance 邱美秀Chiu, Mei-Shiu、Zhu, Meihua article 說明頁(82)
2023-12 發展性視導可行方案調查研究 郭昭佑 article 說明頁(88)
2024-07 Influences of internet access on civic knowledge measurement in Taiwan 湯家偉、Tang, Chia-Wei、Chen, Chi-Chen、Jin, Kuan-Yu article 說明頁(79)
2024-09 高中生知覺教師支持對其投入學習歷程檔案的影響:以焦慮及自我效能為中介變項 湯家偉、王俐淳、Tang, Chia-Wei、Wang, Li-Chun article 說明頁(70)
2024-06 「懷念過往」的正向力量:回顧與展望懷舊對人際關係的影響 孫蒨如、黃文豪、Sun, Chien-Ru、Huang, Wen-Hao article 說明頁(73)
2024-07 Is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale a valid outcome measure to evaluate the effectiveness of positive airway pressure treatments on daytime sleepiness? Psychometric insights from measurement invariance and response shifts 楊建銘Yang, Chien-Ming、Chen, Po-Yi、Wang, Min-Heng、Chang, Chih-Ning、Chao, Tzi-Yang article 說明頁(74)
2023-12 Prioritization of sleep: Discrepancies between attitude and practice 楊建銘、 黃雅娟、Yang, Chien-Ming、Huang, Ya-Chuan、Lin, Tzu-Ting article 說明頁(48)
2024-06 Validation of the Korean version of the Sleep Hygiene Practice Scale in a Non-Clinical Population 楊建銘Yang, Chien-Ming、Kim, Dongyeop、Yun, Ji Young、Lee, Hye Ah、Song, Pamela、Ahn, Heeyoung、Kim, Jee Hyun article 說明頁(78)
2024-09 主要照顧者於病人生命末期照護過程的心理經驗―個案報告 楊啟正、沈晏羽、吳曉聞、Yang, Chi-Cheng、Shen, Yan-Yu、Wu, Hsiao-Wen article 說明頁(78)
2024-06 Probing entanglement dynamics and topological transitions on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers 林瑜琤、Lin, Yu-Cheng、Chang, Huai-Chun、Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan article 說明頁(63)
2024-01 Complementarity relations of a delayed-choice quantum eraser in a quantum circuit 許琇娟、Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan、Chiou, Dah-Wei article 說明頁(61)
2024-11 Mathematical proof of the ordinal marginal preference theory under the fixed exchange conditions 曾正男Tzeng, Jengnan、Peng, Shi-Shu article 說明頁(72)
2023-12 安民與遣送:疫情下的臺灣民俗與信仰—以驅瘟與代巡儀式為觀察核心 洪瑩發、Hung, Ying Fa article 說明頁(64)
2024-06 從地方祭典到文化資產:學甲上白礁祭典的形成與轉變 洪瑩發、Hung, Ying-Fa、Wang, Nai-Zheng article 說明頁(77)