2024-01 |
Employee Self-Ratings in Performance Evaluations |
吳安妮、Wu, Anne、Stede, Wim Van der、Wu, Steve Yuching |
conference |
說明頁(13) |
2024-06 |
ESG Strategy and Measurement: Management Accounting Perspective |
吳安妮、Wu, Anne |
conference |
pdf(26) |
2024-08 |
CEO Organizational Identification and Stock Price Crash Risk |
徐愛恩、Tsui, Stephanie、Lo, Kuang-Ta、Tang, Xiaojian |
conference |
pdf(21) |
2024-06 |
The influence of social capital and consumer empowerment on online insurance purchasing |
林怡伶、Lin, Yi-ling、Huang, Le Ping、Peng, Jin-Lung |
conference |
說明頁(16) |
2025-01 |
A Review on Shaping Chatbot Personalities via Large Language Models |
簡士鎰、Chien, Shih-Yi |
conference |
說明頁(17) |
2025-01 |
A Systematic Review of Integrating Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Museums: Enhancing Visitor Experiences and Innovating Exhibit Design |
簡士鎰、Chien, Shih-Yi |
conference |
說明頁(17) |
2024-10 |
Common Ownership Networks and the Expansion of Female Board Representation |
邱健嘉 |
conference |
說明頁(21) |
2024-06 |
Missing data imputation using classification and regression trees |
張育瑋、陳政揚 |
conference |
pdf(23) |
2023-12 |
日本地方自治體的對台交流的發展與課題 |
石原忠浩 |
conference |
2024-04 |
台日地方政府間交流的現況與課題 |
石原忠浩 |
conference |
pdf(21) |
2024-01 |
能否超越戰略互惠關係?後疫情時代的中日關係 |
石原忠浩 |
conference |
pdf(15) |
2023-09 |
臺灣有事與日本的對應及課題 |
石原忠浩 |
conference |
2021-09 |
An Analysis of the Diplomatic Opportunities and Challenges of Vaccine Donations |
吳崇涵 |
conference |
2024-02 |
2024印尼大選觀察重點 |
孫采薇 |
conference |
2023-12 |
馬來族群政黨板塊重整與台馬關係展望 |
孫采薇 |
conference |
2024-10 |
俄中合作及俄美關係在美國大選後美國外交政策所扮演的角色 |
許菁芸 |
conference |
pdf(275) |
2024-04 |
Cultural Diplomacy and Language Promotion Policies by China and Taiwan in Latin America |
馮慕文、Fonseca, Fabricio |
conference |
說明頁(19) |
2024-04 |
Relational Inequality: Why the Vietnamese-Sino Relations is Kinship but not Friendship |
黃瓊萩、Huang, Chiung-Chiu |
conference |
pdf(19) |
2024-04 |
Showing Gratitude as Relationality: Periphery States’ Responses toward China’s Vaccine Diplomacy |
黃瓊萩、Huang, Chiung-Chiu |
conference |
pdf(13) |
2024-09 |
Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election and Its Impacts on Regional and Global Power Structure |
黃瓊萩、Huang, Chiung-Chiu、Hwang, Yih-Jye |
conference |
pdf(15) |
2023-10 |
比較疫情後歐洲與東南亞區域各國對於中美關係與國際情勢之回應 |
黃瓊萩 |
conference |
2024-04 |
South Korea’s Shifting Stance on Taiwan Strait |
楊雯婷、Yang, Florence W. |
conference |
pdf(10) |
2024-09 |
A Turn in China's Industrial Policy? A Comparative Study of Three Strategic Industries |
劉致賢、Liou, Chih-shian |
conference |
pdf(31) |
2023-12 |
當前關於中國政治經濟現象的對話 |
劉致賢 |
conference |
說明頁(13) |
2023-11 |
Combating Transnational Crimes in the South China Sea: Challenges and Opportunities |
蔡沛倫 |
conference |