All Of Publications

Showing 144726-144750 of 144878
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-09 朝覲路上的跨越與共融: 以桃園龍岡清真寺周邊穆斯林群體為中心 NAI-HUA CHEN conference pdf(8)
2024-08 身分認定必須連結到民族文化的維繫 CHI-PING HUANG conference pdf(24)
2024-09 Slowing, Blockading and Patchworking: Methodological Implications for Conducting Ethnographic Research on Border Conflicts in Myanmar TZU KAI LIU conference pdf(13)
2024-11 The Politics of Warscape and Displacement: “Bordering-as-Method” in/beyond Myanmar’s Northeast Borders TZU KAI LIU、Liu, Tzu-kai conference pdf(11)
2024-08 The Seventh Janggiya Qutuγtu in Taiwan MEI-HUA LANMEI-HUA LAN conference pdf(21)
2023-07 房市恐慌購買與稀缺心理之研究 FANG-NI CHUMING-CHI CHEN、劉祉岑 conference pdf(31)
2023-10 Developmentalist City: How the Municipal !Equalization Land Rights Fund” Finances and Financializes the Urban in Taiwan YING-HUI CHIANGYING-HUI CHIANGYING-HUI CHIANG、Lim, Soo Yeon conference pdf(18)
2024-07 Homeownership, Income Inequality, and Parental Supports YING-HUI CHIANGYING-HUI CHIANGWEN-CHIEH WU、Ma, Yu Chun conference pdf(19)
2024-06 Housing unaffordability worsening through market-led urban renewal schemes as profit-extracting machines: comparative perspectives from London and Taipei YING-HUI CHIANGYING-HUI CHIANG conference web page(13)
2024-04 Creation and Validation of a Taiwanese (Han and Indigenous) Version of Positive Youth Development Scale - Very Short Form (PYD-VSF) PEI-JUNG YANGPEI-JUNG YANG conference pdf(25)
2023-10 脆弱家庭兒少的掌控感發展需求:社區兒少據點工作者觀點 PEI-JUNG YANG conference pdf(24)
2024-06 Challenges and Debates of Social Assistance Act in Taiwan PEI-YUEN TSAI conference
2024-04 Poverty and the Influences of Social Assistance Policies on Financially Disadvantaged People in Taiwan PEI-YUEN TSAIPEI-YUEN TSAI conference web page(20)
2024-06 無序愛的共通體:替身和收藏的新社會邏輯 KUO-KUEI KAO conference web page(14)
2024-11 Breaking barriers: Perspectives on clinical trial participation among older Hispanic/Latino adults of Mexican origin RUEY-YING LIU、Liu, Ruey-Ying、Renero-Hannan, Bruno、Schramm, Danielle conference pdf(36)
2023-08 Disinformation and Electoral Integrity in the Digital Age CHAO-CHI LIN conference web page(12)
2024-07 Human Rights under the 'Multiple Empires': Revisiting Taiwan’s Fisheries Controversies from a TWAIL Perspective VIVIANNE WENG、Weng, Vivianne Y.-C. conference pdf(18)
2024-05 On the Necessity of a 'Fisheries and Human Rights' Governance beyond IUU under the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations VIVIANNE WENG、Weng, Vivianne conference pdf(15)
2024-09 Analyzing Straight- and Split-Ticket Voting: A Machine Learning Approach CHI HUANGCHI HUANG conference web page(17)
2024-05 The Impact of Long-term Care Policy on the Wages and Employment of Adult Children: Evidence from Taiwan CHIEN-HAO FU、Fu, Chien-Hao conference pdf(0)
2024-05 Navigating Aging with Limited Resources: Financial Challenges and Their Influence on Living and Care Arrangements CHIEN-HAO FU conference pdf(24)
2023-10 ‘Freedom’ in Sustainability Movement: From Perspectives of Comparative Ethnography and Multi-sited Fieldwork HAO-TZU HO conference web page(16)
2023-10 臺灣原住民族聚落當代發展:公共事務中之集體福祉與個人幸福 HAO-TZU HO conference pdf(14)
2023-10 Gold God Glory: Mater Hui Li and Taiwanese Experiences in Africa HSIAO PONG LIU conference web page(19)
2022-08 Lee Kuan Yew in Chiang Ching-kuo’s Diaries HSIAO PONG LIU conference