All Of Publications

Showing 144351-144375 of 144985
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2024-07 In the Name of Love: Screen Representations of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples (1920s-1940s) TING-WU CHO、Cho, Ting-Wu book/chapter web page(33)
2022-12 Kueimei, A Woman (1985): Female Mobility and Modern Homemaking TING-WU CHO book/chapter web page(31)
2024-07 Spectacle of Violence and the Beiqing Masculine: Post-war Structure of Feeling in Taiwan Pulp TING-WU CHO book/chapter web page(29)
2024-01 Z 世代的流量密碼:青少年的網路影音使用及參與行為 JHIH-SYUAN LIN book/chapter web page(44)
2024-08 傳播概論 HUI-WEN LIUCHIUNG-WEN HSU book web page(41)
2022-05 破擊假新聞:解析數位時代的媒體與資訊操控 SUMEI WANG book web page(37)
2024-01 生活中不可或缺的手機:青少年手機使用與多工 YUHMIIN CHANG book/chapter web page(47)
2024-10 OIC Connect 國合處 other pdf(1)pdf(38)
2023-12 民國時期的南京《中央日報》 WAN-JU WANG article web page(33)
2023-12 從草屯到砂拉越—李瑞騰教授的文學「跨域」與追尋 WAN-JU WANG article web page(22)
2024-05 孔德成抗戰日記中的屈萬里 HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(31)
2023-12 高明先生逝世三十週年紀念座談會紀錄(下) HSING-CHIEN CHE article web page(19)
2024-05 從「學生」的再定位出發設計中國文學史教法 YA-WEN HOU article web page(29)
2023-09 Ritual Master CHEN-HUNG KAOCHEN-HUNG KAO article web page(31)
2023-12 On Lü Kai's Studies of Divination RUI- HONG CHEN article web page(27)
2024-09 Study on "Ge Ren" 戈人 as Seen in Oracle Bone Divination Inscriptions RUEI-JHE LUO article web page(25)
2024-07 〈東京人〉的日本戰後風景書寫 PEI-CHEN WU article web page(19)
2024-03 Qui E on "The Idle Prince Supported by Hardworking Ministers" KANG CHANKANG CHAN article web page(24)
2023-09 The Political Thought of Guo Songtao KANG CHANKANG CHAN article web page(25)
2024-08 The Concept of "Understanding Words" and Its Connection with "the Unperturbed Mind-heart", "Recognizing the Ordinances of Heaven" and "Understanding People"--A Philosophical Commentary on Chapter 2 of the Book 2A of Mencius 黎競檜、Loi, Chen-hwee article web page(31)
2023-03 Effects of synthesized inflectional tones on the perception of Mandarin third tone by native Chinese speakers and Korean L2 learners JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-yueh、Li, Chen article web page(34)
2024-09 A comparative analysis between the HSK examination-oriented materials: exemplified by cases for level 3 in China and Korea JUNG-YUEH TU、Tu, Jung-yueh、Ha, Minyeong article web page(45)
2024-09 Bridging Cultural Divides: The Role of Public Libraries in Taiwan in Enhancing Cultural Capital and Promoting Social Inclusion PEI CHUN LEE、Lee, Pei-Chun article web page(48)
2024-11 User engagement in digital curation: A systematic review and synthesis PEI CHUN LEE、Lee, Pei-Chun article web page(34)
2024-06 Discussion on the Assessment Framework of Cybersecurity Awareness on Electronic Record Management System and Its Practical Application CHIAO-MIN LIN、劉穎芝、CHIAO-MIN LIN、Liu, Yin-Chih article web page(36)