Publications-NSC Projects

Showing 26-47 of 47
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1993 台灣地區勞工手部職業殘廢之研究 HUEI-LING WANG、李俊年 report web page(1638)
1993 「產業與勞動關係」理念 、制度與政策之研究 黃越欽 report web page(1238)
1995 性別正義:兼檢析「男女工作平等法草案」 MEI-CHUN LIU report web page(1556)
1996 中國大陸勞動力流動的管理與控制---政策面與立法面之探討 CHIH-YU CHENG report web page(1623)
1997 經濟發展自由化趨勢下勞資雙方對應策略之探索 CHIH-YU CHENG report web page(1227)
1998 企業購併對勞資關係影響之研究 CHIH-YU CHENG report web page(1472)
1998 「家內勞動」初探(I) MEI-CHUN LIU report web page(1343)
2000 台灣地區「派遣勞動」的發展及其對勞資關係與勞動政策影響之研究(I) CHIH-YU CHENG、鄭津津 report web page(1333)
2014 台灣與歐盟Eurofound勞動政策運作模式之比較研 究 CHYI-HERNG CHANG、王惠玲、焦興鎧 report pdf(491)
2015-07 Access Right of Union – Study on the Recruitment of Membership and Promotional Activities in Germany TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report web page(336)
2018-07 A Review of the Employer $S Responsibility for Prevention and Correction of Sexual Harassment TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report pdf(292)
2016-12 從職場性騷擾案件類型探討雇主防制責任與補救措施-以新北市為例 TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report pdf(235)
2011-07 The Research about the Special Protection from Unwarranted Termation for the Labor Contract TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report web page(262)
2014-07 Article 24 of the Labor Standards Act to Extend the Working Time Wage Calculations Related Issues TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report web page(280)
2012-07 The Review about the Otherwise Agreement from the &Quot;Employer and Employee of Act 84-1 Lsl TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report web page(324)
2013-10 Illegal Transfer of the Type of Unfair Labor Practice- and the Relationship between Labor Union Act, Article 35 Paragraph 1 and 2 TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report web page(266)
2019-07 A Review of the Enterprise Customs for the Decision on the Unfair Labor Practices TZU-HUI WU、Wu, Tzu-Hui report web page(277)
2021-07 原住民族健康與勞動變化之動態歷程 MEI-CHUN LIUMEI-CHUN LIU report pdf(231)
2020-10 Discussion on the Obligation to Keep Confidential of Representatives of the Trade Union by Participating in Internal Meetings of Enterprises TZU-HUI WU report web page(202)
2017-10 Dilemma for the Teachers’ Labor Unions in Bargaining and Concluding of Collective Agreement TZU-HUI WU report web page(174)
2022-10 A Study on the Provisional Remedy Proceedings of the Labor Incident Law: Focus on the Practical Operation of the Court for the Provisional Injunction or a Temporary Status Quo Injunction TZU-HUI WU report web page(280)
2023-10 Protection of Night Workers after the Declaration of Paragraph 1 of Article 49 of the Labor Law Act as Unconstitutional TZU-HUI WU report web page(141)