2004 |
專利侵權訴訟機制之再建構--審前程序的檢討與改革 |
陳昱奉、Chen, Harris Y. |
thesis |
web page(644) |
2004 |
The Research of Experimental Use Exception on Patent Law and Pharmaceutical Affairs Act -Especially in Pharmaceutical Industry |
孫小萍、Sun, Hsiao-ping |
thesis |
web page(574) |
2004 |
探討文化創意產業智慧資本之建構、管理與保護-以工藝產業為例 |
孫建崴、Sun, Chien-Wei |
thesis |
web page(700) |
2003 |
The Study on Legal Issues of Value-added Applications for Digital Archiving |
尚安雅 |
thesis |
web page(742) |
2006 |
The study of international investment strategies of Transitional Corporations Case Study:Communication industry R&D centers in China |
高逢誠、Vincent, Feng Cheng Kao |
thesis |
web page(634) |
2008 |
The Tax Benefits Derived from Enterprise’s Intellectual Property in Doing Cross-boarding Transitions |
邱國晉 |
thesis |
web page(113) |
2008 |
A Study on Designing University License Agreement |
翁千惠 |
thesis |
web page(841) |
2007 |
How to Create the Value in the Biopharmaceutical Industry? Case Study of APEX, NEXMED, and BURRILL&COMPANY. |
林群倫、Lin, Chun Lun |
thesis |
web page(776) |
2007 |
A Legal analysis of IP transactions under the income tax system |
李容嘉、Li, Jung Chia |
thesis |
web page(641) |
2008 |
Patent Trolls and Responding Strategies for Industries |
黃紫旻 |
thesis |
web page(569) |
2007 |
The Research of applying knowledge management to increase intellectual capital: an illustration of notebook companies’ ID center |
賀楚芬、Ho, Chu Fen |
thesis |
web page(843) |
2006 |
境外控股公司上市之研究 |
劉怡成 |
thesis |
web page(737) |
2006 |
跨國專利侵權訴訟之管理 |
陳郁婷、Chen,Yu-Ting |
thesis |
web page(653) |
2008 |
A Study on the damages award of the patent infringement |
楊晉佳、Yang, Chin Chia |
thesis |
web page(581) |
2006 |
Intellectual Property Marketing - Focus on Patent Marketing |
張佳瑜、Chang, Chia-Yu |
thesis |
web page(777) |
2007 |
The Business model of intellectual property management in automotive industrythe management strategy in upgrading the traditianl industry, utilizing alloy wheel industry as case study |
黃翊珽 |
thesis |
web page(736) |
2008 |
從生技新藥產業觀點探討大學之智慧財產管理 |
江雅鈴、Chiang, Ya Lin |
thesis |
web page(634) |
2004 |
智慧資源規劃之產業策略研究—以TFT LCD產業實證研究為例 |
黃金成 |
thesis |
web page(746) |
2008 |
數位時代科技保護措施對著作權的影響與因應--從利益平衡出發 |
蔡馨惠 |
thesis |
web page(611) |
2005 |
專案組合證券化模式在智慧財產證券化之應用-以流行音樂證劵化為例 |
武仁、WU, JEN |
thesis |
web page(569) |
2008 |
Study on High Tech Start-Ups and the Consideration of Intellectual Property as Equity |
林姿伶、Lin, Tzu Ling |
thesis |
web page(831) |
2005 |
Study on the intellectual capital and intellectual properity of industrial computer industry – A case study of Advantech |
張俊一、Chang, Chun-Yi |
thesis |
pdf(1241)pdf(1634)pdf(1917)pdf(2276)pdf(1481)pdf(5506)pdf(2107)pdf(26615)pdf(4460)pdf(1922)pdf(2650)pdf(1595) |
2003 |
The Study on Related Strategy of Intellectual Property Management and Legal Planning in Corporate M&A-Towards the Patent Due Diligence of Merging / Acquiring an U.S. High-Technology Company |
陳則銘、Chen , Tze-ming |
thesis |
pdf(2325)pdf(3685)pdf(3755)pdf(3444)pdf(5609)pdf(42863)pdf(6695)pdf(10394)pdf(3287)pdf(7013) |
2006 |
Strategic IP Structuring in M&A of Mobile Phone Businesses-Utilizing the BenQ-Siemens Merger for Case Study |
張淑貞、Chang,Aileen S.J |
thesis |
pdf(1203)pdf(1453)pdf(1383)pdf(1434)pdf(1414)pdf(3556)pdf(10131)pdf(2401)pdf(1618)pdf(1499)pdf(1377)pdf(1588)pdf(1587) |
2003 |
The Research of Intellectual Property Management and License of Animation Industry in Taiwan |
黃鈺晴、Huang,Cindy |
thesis |
pdf(1064)pdf(1223)pdf(1183)pdf(1112)pdf(1168)pdf(1499)pdf(1309)pdf(1309)pdf(1675)pdf(1281)pdf(1262) |