
Showing 176-200 of 482
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998 阿美族長老教會與真耶穌教會之比較研究—以成功地區為例 曾敏菁 thesis web page(307)
1998 清代前期的后妃制度 閆嬰華 thesis web page(369)web page(406)
1996 Muslim Conflicts of North-West in Ching China 鄭月裡、Cheng, Yueh-Lee thesis web page(373)
1996 The new mode of education the Manchurians receiced in the later years of the Ch`ing 黃旭慶、Huang, Syun-Ching thesis web page(341)
1997 The Madrasa of Hui-Ming in China During Ming and Ching Dynasty 趙子瑩、Chao, Zui-Yin thesis web page(357)
1996 Development period of Chianchou Jusen 王永一、Wang, Yung-Yi thesis web page(353)
1996 The study of Mongolia economic reform 金仁中、Kim, In-Joong thesis web page(312)
1996 The Oroncon`s People under Luh-Tzuoo system in Ching dyansty 鄧琪瑛、Deng, Chyi-Ing thesis web page(283)
1996 Goast festival in Keelung--ritual, culture and memory 陳緯華、Chen, Wei-Hwa thesis web page(426)
1997 河湟地區人群生態變遷--從魏晉到隋唐 白璧玲 thesis web page(340)
1997 都市原住民職業生涯發展之研究--以都市阿美族為例 黃逢明 thesis web page(354)
1998 元曲中處置式句法之探討 張華克 thesis web page(442)
1997 戰後臺灣原住民政策--從平地原住民及山地原住民的身份區分去探討 陳茂順 thesis web page(329)
1997 清同治年間(1862∼1873年)陜甘穆斯林(回民)起事研究 陽惠貞 thesis web page(341)
1998 賽夏族祈天祭的研究 潘秋榮 thesis web page(281)
1996 元朝廷與西番佛教之關係 王儒慧 thesis web page(454)
1996 A LIFE STUDY OF THE TAYAL FEMALE ON NORTHERN TAIWAN 黃鵬仁、Huang, Peng-Jeng thesis web page(488)
1996 A Study on the Irrigation of Sinkiang in Ching Dynasty 王鶴皊、Wang, Heh-ling thesis web page(303)
1996 The Analysis of the Relations Between Human and God in ace- lhamo\"chookee-norsan\" 鄭怡甄、Cheng, Yi-Chen(Jean) thesis web page(375)
1996 The History of Qosot Ulus in Qinghai (1637-1724) 隋皓昀、Swei, Haw Yiun thesis web page(402)
1996 A Research for Turfan Polity(the late 14th century-the late 17th century) 章華正、Chang, Hwa-Jeng thesis web page(373)
1995 The \"Aboriginal Theology\" Movement of Tayal Presbyterian Church 謝欣育、Shieh, Shin Yu thesis web page(456)
1995 Causation of Delinquency of Atayals` Juveniles in Wulai Area--An Empirical Test of Hirschis` Social Control Theory in Abooriginal Society 吳玉珠、Wu, Yu-chu thesis web page(367)
1995 The research of the late Tsing"s national policies toward Taiwanese (1875 - 1885) 楊燿鴻、Yang, Yao-Hung thesis web page(294)