Publications-Books & Chapters in Books

Showing 526-544 of 544
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-02 Quality Regulation in Higher Education in Asia-Pacific: Roles of Quality Assurance and National Qualification Frameworks CHAO-YU GUO、YUNG-CHI HOU、CHAO-YU GUO、Hou, Angela Yung Chi、Lu, I-Jung Grace、Chen, Karen Hui Jung book/chapter web page(260)
2023-07 New managerialism, academics' working conditions, teaching input, and research emphasis in the East Asia context JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN book/chapter web page(230)
2022-11 學習成效的理論與實務 YU-HUI CHEN book/chapter pdf(3)
2023-05 Exploring Emerging Governance Models of Transnational Research Partnership and the Influence of Science Globalism Under the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Longitudinal Study of a PIRE Project in Taiwan and the USA YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi、Chen, Karen Hui-Jung、Chan, Sheng Ju、Hill, Christopher、Hu, Zoe、Chen, Penny、Tsai, Roy book/chapter web page(164)
2023-05 A Comparative Study of Hong Kong branch campuses in UIC and CUHK SZ: Motivations, Challenges, Impacts on Higher Education Regionalization in the Great Bay Area YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi、Tao, Christopher Hong Yi book/chapter web page(194)
2023-05 Quality and inequality: Students’ online learning experiences amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan YUNG-CHI HOU、林芳伃、Hou, Angela Yung Chi、Lin, Arianna Fang Yu book/chapter web page(232)
2021-03 諮商理論與技術-在社會工作之應用 PEI-YU WU、羅幼瓊、楊顗帆、游以安、洪千惠、翁毓秀、籃文彬、彭武德、王大維、洪慧涓、鄒繼礎 book web page(173)
2017-05 變革抗拒:哈佛組織心理學家教你不靠意志力,啟動變革開關 PEI-YU WU、陸洛、吳欣蓓、張婷婷、HSUEH-LIANG FAN、周君倚、陳楓媚、梁錦泉 book web page(172)
2013-12 台港兩地工作者之工作壓力歷程─工作動機及因應策略之調節作用 PEI-YU WU、林惠彥、陸洛、蕭愛鈴 book/chapter web page(158)
2023-07 An analysis of online fatigue, problematic internet use, and perceived learning effectiveness among high school students in the Philippines CHING GREGORY、Ching, Gregory、Gungon, Jenny Lynn book/chapter web page(171)
2024-03 數學教育遊戲化學生反應系統的應用:AhaSlides指南 MEI-SHIU CHIU、羽角俊之、陳思穎 book/chapter web page(168)
2023-12 Did Taiwan Academic Excellence Initiatives Build World-Class Universities? Governance, Funding Schemes, and Policy Shifts YUNG-CHI HOU、Hou, Angela Yung Chi book/chapter web page(135)
2024-03 教育 SHU-CHING LEE、SHU-CHING LEE book/chapter web page(229)
2023-10 美國主要教育智庫 JUNG-CHENG CHEN、李重毅、黃耀農 book/chapter web page(187)
2024-03 數學教學的四季架構:認知、情意與覺動的整合 MEI-SHIU CHIU、楊凱琳、羽角俊之 book/chapter web page(150)
2024-09 i-LEADER+智慧學校:理念、指標與案例 I-HUA CHANG book web page(117)
2023-08 素養導向之生生用平板與HiTeach 5智慧教學系統:方法、應用與案例 I-HUA CHANG、吳權威 book web page(133)
2018-09 智慧教育之教師專業發展理念與案例(二版) I-HUA CHANG、吳權威 book web page(95)
2024-09 思覺行盼的教育心理學觀點:數學奠基進教室的課程分析 MEI-SHIU CHIU book/chapter