
Showing 901-925 of 1017
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2023-06 A Comparative Study of University Exchange Programs: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Cross-Continental and Non-Cross-Continental Programs JUNG-CHENG CHEN、 李重毅、 楊雨樵、JUNG-CHENG CHEN、Lee, Chung-Yi、Yang, Yu-Chiao conference pdf(23)
2023-03 The Swing of the Pendulum Between Colonialism and Post Colonialism in Taiwan Higher Education JUNG-CHENG CHEN、JUNG-CHENG CHEN conference web page(127)
2022-09 Effective ICT uses on mathematics achievement for immigrants in Western and Chinese countries MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU、Laschke, Christin conference pdf(218)
2022-08 Effective pedagogies by affective mathematics teaching MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU conference pdf(130)
2021-11 Higher education intellectual performance, social network, and strategies over the pandemic time: A bio-eco-tech approach to online mathematics education MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU、Hasumi, Toshiyuki conference pdf(191)
2022-07 Parents’ experiences and opinions about using virtual reality for educational purposes MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU conference web page(119)
2023-04 Teachers’ opinions toward the use of an affective teaching model in real and virtual mathematics and transdisciplinary classrooms MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU conference web page(113)
2023-06 Managing Knowledge for Sustainable City System: Cultural Ecosystem Service Innovation and Social Impacts in Taiwan MIN-REN YAN、Yan, Min-Ren、Wu, Fang-Chi conference pdf(0)
2023-06 Towards K-12 Education Innovation with Systems Thinking and Sustainable System Development in Taiwan MIN-REN YAN、Yan, Min-Ren、Tsai, Ping-Chen conference pdf(0)
2023-06 Designing a course to help master students develop thesis proposals via knowledge building discourse HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Chen, Meiju conference web page(210)
2023-12 Assessing college students’ sense of community for advancing community knowledge HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Ning, Tsai Yi、Seet, Chih Hui、HUANG-YAO HONG conference pdf(195)
2023-06 Teachers using perspective-taking to develop deeper understanding of their emotions and informed views of teaching and learning in a knowledge building environment HUANG-YAO HONG、CHAO-YU GUO、HUANG-YAO HONG、Chen, Mei-Ju、CHAO-YU GUO conference web page(159)
2023-12 Teachers developing more creative learning views via online perspective taking activities HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Chen, Mei-Ju、CHAO-YU GUO conference pdf(127)
2023-06 Fostering collaboration and cultural interests through idea-centered, design-oriented knowledge building pedagogy HUANG-YAO HONG、薛智暉、HUANG-YAO HONG、Hung, Guo-Tsai, Seet, Chih-Hui conference web page(242)
2023-07 Enhancing college students’ growth mindset in Python Programming YU-CHU YEH conference
2023-07 The influence of mindful-learning on SDGs problem solving YU-CHU YEH conference
2023-08 ‘I Do Not Need Professional Development in Multicultural Education’: Mapping Taiwanese Teachers’Imaginations SHU-CHING LEE、SHU-CHING LEE conference web page(142)
2018-07 A Case Study on School Curriculum Development Evaluation: Indicator Construction and Evaluation of a High School’s Featured Curriculum Development Strategies in Taiwan CHAO-YU GUO、CHAO-YU GUO、Chen, Mei-Ju conference
2023-05 幼兒園課程的性平指標的建構與修正 YIN-KUN CHANG conference pdf(186)
2022-10 其實我不「壞」:毒品勒戒女受刑人與家人關係的生命故事探究 YIN-KUN CHANG、廖郁欣 conference pdf(2)
2022-08 Self-Cultivation and Spiritual Leadership of I-Kuan Tao Daozhang - Han Yu Lin YU-HUI CHEN、Chen, Yu-hui conference pdf(89)
2022-11 白水老人韓雨霖生命史與「儒家收圓」思想初探 YU-HUI CHEN conference pdf(213)
2021-07 教育哲學視角之素養導向教學與評量 YU-HUI CHEN conference web page(130)
2023-06 Quality and qualification of micro-credentials- measuring the emerging new mode of delivery in higher education 林芳伃、 蘇泓誠、Lin, Arianna Fang Yu、 Su, Edward、 Hou, Angela Yung Chi、 Chen, Ying conference pdf(183)
2023-02 Research of quality assurance regulatory modes on transnational higher education: Take Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia as case studies 林芳伃、Lin, Arianna Fang Yu conference web page(95)