Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 826-850 of 978
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-06 論荀子「為學」的目的、功用與意指 SHU-CHING HOSHU-CHING HO article pdf(667)
2015-11 A Topology of the Self: Text and Author in Paul Ricoeur KUAN-MIN HUANG、KUAN-MIN HUANG article pdf(448)
2016-10 重新審視牟宗三的道德判斷與歷史判斷 – 從現象學的觀點來看 WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(400)
2017-02 從技藝與機運的對立關係來看公共領域中的政治自由—鄂蘭與海德格的比較 WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(583)
2017-02 姿態、符號與角色互動-論米德社會心理學的溝通行動理論重構 YUAN-TSE LIN article pdf(1019)
2016-09 The experiences of families living with the anticipatory loss of a school-age child with spinal muscular atrophy – the parents’ perspectives WEN-SHENG WANG、Yang, Bao Huan、Mu, Pei Fan、Wang, Wen-Sheng article pdf(495)
2013-08 Moral Emotions, Awareness, and Spiritual Freedom in Zhu Xi (1130-1200)" KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(830)
2016-01 Paradoxes and Possibilities of ‘Confucian Freedom’: From Yan Fu (1853-1921) to Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(1215)
2013-08 The Virtues, Moral Inwardness, and the Challenge of Modernity KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article pdf(455)
2017-05 技藝、生活世界與藝術 WEN-SHENG WANG article pdf(822)
2017-05 Narrative Communication in Digital Era: Impact from New Technologies upon Communication Industry and Academics YEAN TSAIKUO-JEN TSANGYEAN TSAI、Tsang, Kuo-Jen article pdf(709)
2017-06 敘事在鄂蘭與呂格爾間的關聯:從實踐的意義出發來看 WEN-SHENG WANG、Wang, Wen-Sheng article web page(853)
2017-06 Die Wiederkehr der Moral? KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(639)
2016-01 中世紀漢語佛教徒如何瞭解來自印度的知識論 CHEN-KUO LIN article pdf(359)
2016-07 為何知識論始終未能獲得中國哲學的青睞 CHEN-KUO LIN article pdf(444)
2017-08 道德轉化中的自我與他人:初探《荀子》中的自我打造與自我喪失 HUA WANG、HUA WANG article pdf(470)
2017-01 永恆回歸與大地 ─一門地理歷史學(géo-histoire)如何可能? KUO-HSIEN CHANG article pdf(467)
2017-09 突破式服務創新的發展與管理-以PChome 24小時購物為例(The Development and Management of Radical Service Innovation: A Case of PChome 24-Hour On Line Shopping) FENG-SHANG WUFENG-SHANG WU、吳健鑫、顏永森 article web page(743)
2017-10 A Small Detail in the Specification May Save “Molecular Weight” from Being Held Indefinite: A Lesson from Reckitt Benckiser Pharm. Inc. v. Watson Labs., Inc. PING-HSUN CHEN、Chen, Ping-Hsun article web page(532)
2017 The Alchemy of Photography: Hybridity, Nature, and \"Grotesque Realism\" in Jerry Uelsmann`s Photomontages SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article web page(665)pdf(292)
2006-10 论吕祖谦、朱熹的谏君思想与其政治哲学内涵 KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(444)
2004-04 在形而上学与政治哲学之间--从西方汉学的角度再度探讨王弼的易学 KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(424)
2011-10 “Moralgesetz, Lebenszusammenhänge und die Verborgenheit eines liberalen Gemeinwesens. Überlegungen zum Projekt des zeitgenössischen Neokonfuzianismus” KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(494)
2016-10 Europäischer Universalismus und kein Ende? KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(631)
2017-10 Denken, Sprache und Weltbild in der chinesischen Welt KAI MARCHAL、KAI MARCHAL article web page(749)