Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1126-1150 of 1608
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998.09 數位航測法山區林地測圖與森林資源資訊系統位相圖層建立 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article web page(984)
1999.03 以Chain – Node Topology為基礎之演算法自動分析河川支數之研究 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article web page(1166)
1999.12 數位測繪技術輔助建立保安林地理資料庫 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article web page(923)
2000.03 數位圖資格式轉換之探討 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article web page(982)
1996.09 應用SPOT衛星資料監測人工林之研究 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article pdf(931)
1998.06 Genetic Programming for Classification of Remote Sensing Data JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article pdf(1022)
1999.12 應用碎形維度監測森林地景結構與變遷之研究 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article pdf(1062)
2000.03 林地分級多尺度生態單元之研究 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article pdf(735)
2006.11 不同流向演算法與集流閥值對數值地型模型河川網路萃取之影響 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article pdf(957)
2000.03 應用數位航測技術於三義火炎山地形變遷之研究 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article web page(923)
2001.06 應用地理資訊系統與數位測繪技術於保安林檢定之研究 JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN article pdf(987)
2000 中山高速公路對台灣西部走廊製造業發展之空間影響 JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI article pdf(983)
2012.12 論五都升格對於住宅市場之影響-從住宅供需理想與實際差異之觀點探討 JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI article pdf(945)
2013.12 公辦都市更新案推動策略與未來:以內政部營建署的運作為例 JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI article pdf(1003)
2007.12 A fuzzy-mcdm evaluation framework based on humanity -oriented transport for transforming scheme of major arterial space in taipei metropolitan. JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI article web page(1549)
1998.06 消費者電子購物與傳統購物選擇行為分析 JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI article web page(886)
2014.08 Housing Demand Forces and Land Use towards Urban Compactness: YU-HSIN TSAIYU-HSIN TSAI article pdf(1173)
2004.12 City CarShare in San Francisco California: Second-Year Travel Demand and Car Ownership Impacts YU-HSIN TSAIYU-HSIN TSAI article web page(1255)
2005.12 Quantifying Urban Form: Compactness versus ‘Sprawl’ YU-HSIN TSAIYU-HSIN TSAI article pdf(1446)
2003.12 Job Access and Reverse Commute Initiatives in California: A Review and Assessment YU-HSIN TSAIYU-HSIN TSAI article web page(1518)
2012.05 A study to assess shade in Tainan City for thermal comfort. CHEN-YI SUN、CHEN-YI SUN article web page(1176)
2008.08 Surface Heat Balance Analysis of Tainan City on March 6, 2001 Using ASTER and Formosat-2 Data CHEN-YI SUN、CHEN-YI SUN article pdf(1155)
2008.09 A study in the relationship between greenery of urban parks and bird diversity in Tainan City Taiwan CHEN-YI SUN、CHEN-YI SUN article web page(1054)
2010.07 The relationship between roof greening and thermal environment in Taipei city. CHEN-YI SUN、CHEN-YI SUN article web page(1199)
2006.06 人工濕地淨化校園污水效能評估研究 CHEN-YI SUN、CHEN-YI SUN article pdf(695)