
Showing 901-925 of 997
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019 Natural Resources and Infectious Diseases: The Case of Malaria, 2000-2014 張文揚、Chang, Wen-Yang、Wei, Dan article pdf(321)
2017-12 Do Natural Resources also Curse Environmental Performance? An Empirical Cross-Country Analysis 張文揚、Chang, Wen-yang、平思寧、Ping, Szu-ning article pdf(319)
2014-01 Seeking Common Ground While Keeping Differences: Using the Case of the Cross-Strait Relations as A Case 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han book pdf(314)
2014-09 Interest Similarity and Cross-Strait Peace 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han article pdf(332)
2016-04 Alliance Commitment and the Maintenance of the Status Quo 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han、謝復生、Hsieh, John Fuh-Sheng article pdf(236)
2016-05 Taiwan’s Hedging Strategy-The Strategic Implications of Ma Ying-Jeou’s Mainland Policy 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han article pdf(178)
2017-02 Understanding the Structures and Contents of National Interests-An Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han article pdf(228)
2019-06 Why Do States Hedge in East Asia? An Empirical Study on Hedging 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han article pdf(227)
2016-07 Common Interests and Two-Level Game Theory in the South China Sea Dispute 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han article pdf(881)
2018-12 Taiwan’s Hedging Strategy Under the Influence of US-China Competition and Cooperation 吳崇涵、Wu, Charles Chong-Han article pdf(270)
2018-09 美中貿易爭端下的國際經濟走向與對我國之影響 張文揚 article pdf(208)
2019-10 Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governanc 李明、Lee, Ming article 說明頁(435)
2019-04 川金二會後的東北亞局勢 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(295)
2018-01 文在寅平壤之行推進朝鮮半島和平進程 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(162)
2017-06 文在寅的內政與外交初探 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(338)
2018-01 文在寅訪華後的中韓關係 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(197)
2019-06 北韓再射飛彈無助解決困境 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(220)
2018-02 平昌冬奧會和平紅利果能持久? 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(183)
2018-04 兩韓對話大幅牽動周邊形勢 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(208)
2019-04 河內川金二會破局的觀察 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(181)
2019-02 金正恩四訪中國:半島情勢詭譎依舊 李明、Lee, Ming article pdf(183)
2019-03 Testing the Association between State Capacity and Primary Education in the Middle East and North African (MENA) Region, 1971–2014 張文揚、Chang, Wen-Yang、平思寧、Ping, Szu-Ning article pdf(254)
2019-04 民主、自然資源與經濟發展:一個混合研究法途徑 張文揚、Chang, Wen-Yang、詹捷翔、平思寧、Ping, Szu-Ning article 說明頁(323)
2019-05 美陸貿易戰影響下的全球與亞太區域政經發展 劉德海Liou, To-hai article 說明頁(350)
2019-09 Testing the Association between State Capacity and Primary Schooling in the 26 Middle East and North African (MENA) Region, 1971–2014 張文揚*、Chang, Wen-Yang、Ping, Szu-Ning article pdf(221)