
Showing 201-225 of 530
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-06 When a Natural Disaster May Become a Political Turmoil: Revisiting the Effects of Strategic Frame 陳憶寧 article pdf(715)
1992-04 從「照像」、「造像」中看西方六0年代以後的美術攝影 游本寬 article
2001-04 史帝格力茲[Alfred Stieglitz]的現代視野 游本寬 article pdf(852)
2000-04 沃克.艾文斯[Walk Evans]在美國「現代攝影」中的角色新義 游本寬 article pdf(762)
2001-10 廣告就是一種高明的女性主義 陳文玲 article pdf(728)
2004-10 品牌發展:品牌行銷系統觀點 祝鳳岡 article pdf(2152)
2005-10 校園創意革命 陳文玲 article pdf(722)
1996-05 整合行銷傳播之應用 祝鳳岡 article pdf(1320)
1995-06 從社會學習論觀點看臺北青少年的消費動機 郭貞 article pdf(924)
2007-01 How Context-Evoked Affect Influences Responses to Ads for High and Low Involving Products 張卿卿 article pdf(1647)pdf(884)
2012-04 The effectiveness of advertising that leverages sponsorship and cause-related marketing: A contingency model 張卿卿Chang, Chingching article 說明頁(1632)
2013.02 Seeing Is Believing: The Direct and Contingent Influence of Pictures in Health Promotion Advertising 張卿卿 article pdf(1058)
2007-03 A study of Journalists` Perception of Candidates` Websites and Their Relationships with the Campaign Organization in Taiwan`s 2004 Presidential Election 陳憶寧 article pdf(1304)
2002-06 候選人負面新聞框架對政治憤世嫉俗感與政治責任歸因的影響 陳憶寧 article pdf(791)
1995-10 有線電視系統業者廣告管理制度之規劃研究 鄭自隆 article
1994-07 新聞自由的迷思--談新聞自主與新聞控制 孫秀蕙 article
1997-10 大眾傳播與社區意識:社區公眾特質初探 孫秀蕙 article pdf(926)
1993 選民媒介使用及其政治知識、政黨偏好與投票行為之關聯 孫秀蕙 article
2002-01 競選新聞框架與競選廣告訴求之使用及其對選民政治效能感與信賴感的影響─以一九九八年台北市市長選舉為例 張卿卿 article
2006-01 網路的功與過:網路使用與政治參與及社會資產關係的探討 張卿卿 article pdf(928)
2006 See the small picture: The importance of culture versus self in determining advertising effectiveness 張卿卿 article
2006-03 Beating the news blues: Mood repair through exposure to advertising Chang, Chingching張卿卿 article pdf(1376)
2008 Increasing mental health literacy via narrative advertising Chang, Chingching張卿卿 article pdf(1308)
2005-01 Personal Values, Advertising, and Smoking Motivation in Taiwanese Adolescents Chang, Chingching張卿卿 article pdf(1411)
2006-01 Changing smoking attitudes by strengthening weak anti-smoking beliefs-Taiwan as an example Chang, Chingching張卿卿 article pdf(1676)