Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 2151-2175 of 2605
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-06 製作守法公民—臺灣戰後中小學法治教育的法律圖像學反思 YU-LIN CHIANG article web page(385)
2015-10 メイジ コッカ ト シンミン ノ セイゾウ アル タイワン ノ ホウ テツガクシャ ニヨル ガイカン (ケンキュウ 21セイキ アジア ニオケル タイワンホウ ト ニホンホウ ノ キョウドウ ニ ムケタ タイワ) The Fabrication of Meiji State and Her Subjects: Observations from a Taiwanese Legal Philosopher (Dialogues towards the Collaboration between Japanese Law and Taiwanese Law in the context of Asia in the 21st Century) YU-LIN CHIANG article web page(356)
2013-08 Multipolar Disorder in the East China Seas: Learning from the Experiences in Building the Legal Systems of the Arctic and the Antarctic CHEN-JU CHEN、CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(458)
2016-06 The New Development of Scrutiny Procedure Regarding Admissible Lawsuits CHENG-HSIEN HSU article web page(351)
2016-06 法院案件受理制度的變革與再造 CHENG-HSIEN HSU article web page(272)
2011-06 The Analyze of the Contributory Negligence in the Cases of State Compensation System CHIN-WEN WU article web page(281)
2014-12 The Conditional Suspended Sentences in Punitive Penal Climate JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(231)
2017-04 Drawing a Blueprint for Tainan Art Museum: Learning from the Developmental Trajectory of Non-Departmental Public Bodies in Taiwan TZONG-DER LIOUTZONG-DER LIOU article pdf(308)
2010-10 刑事妥速審判法研討會 第二場 違反訴訟迅速原則的法律效果 LAI-JIER HER article web page(311)
2011-03 融券放空投資人得否請求操縱股價者損害賠償? LEN-YU LIU article web page(350)
2011-07 功能訊問與權利告知義務 LAI-JIER HER article web page(325)
2013-07 台灣再審制度的檢討與革新 LAI-JIER HER article web page(287)
2010-08 論刑事妥速審判法第七條減刑規定之適用 LAI-JIER HER article web page(339)
2014-04 從醫師過勞死之困境論受僱律師過勞死之救濟─以民事損害賠償責任為中心 徐婉寧 article pdf(273)
The Control of Classified Installations in the French Environmental Administration article web page(104)
2010-01 傳播科技發展與文化權之建構 CHIN-WEN WU article web page(256)
2010-09 法國公務員組織結社權概述 CHIN-WEN WU article web page(290)
2011-12 Workers` Compensation and Civil Liability for Damages on Work-related Stress-induced Diseases (1) A Comparative Study on Japan, the United States, and Taiwan 徐婉寧 article web page(407)
2012-04 Workers` Compensation and Civil Liability for Damages on Work-related Stress-induced Diseases (2) A Comparative Study on Japan, the United States, and Taiwan 徐婉寧 article web page(371)
2012-05 Workers` Compensation and Civil Liability for Damages on Work-related Stress-induced Diseases (3) A Comparative Study on Japan, the United States, and Taiwan 徐婉寧 article web page(321)
2012-06 Workers` Compensation and Civil Liability for Damages on Work-related Stress-induced Diseases (4) A Comparative Study on Japan, the United States, and Taiwan 徐婉寧 article web page(295)
2012-07 Workers` Compensation and Civil Liability for Damages on Work-related Stress-induced Diseases (5) A Comparative Study on Japan, the United States, and Taiwan 徐婉寧 article web page(305)
2010-08 試論日本行政不服審查法之修正 TZONG-DER LIOU、山本隆司、TZONG-DER LIOU article web page(315)
2010-12 2004年行政事件訴訟法修正對日本行政法理論及實務之影響(翻譯) TZONG-DER LIOU、藤田宙靖、TZONG-DER LIOU article web page(731)
2011-06 日本之行政統制(翻譯) TZONG-DER LIOU、紙野健二、TZONG-DER LIOU article web page(386)