Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 351-375 of 784
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-03 How is suicide different in Japan? JOE CHEN、JOE CHEN、 Sawada,Yasuyuki article pdf(1406)
2010-06 Pollution, Factor Ownerships, and Emission Taxes Liu,Chorng-Jian、Mai,Chao-Cheng 、FU-CHUAN LAI、FU-CHUAN LAI article pdf(1161)
2010-06 The Impact of Different Antitrust Laws on the Actions of Cartels JUE-SHYAN WANG、 Chen,Yi-Shao article pdf(1193)
2012-11 Asymmetric tax competition in the presence of lobbying YU-BONG LAI、YU-BONG LAI article pdf(1680)
2012-10 A Note on the Decomposition Technique of Economic Indices JOE CHEN、JOE CHEN、Mori,Kohta 、Sawada,Yasuyuki 、Sugano,Saki article pdf(1044)
2012-04 Recession, Unemployment, and Suicide in Japan JOE CHEN、JOE CHEN、Mori,Kohta 、Sawada,Yasuyuki 、Sugano,Saki article pdf(1449)
2013.03 The Superiority of Environmental Federalism in the Presence of Lobbying and Prior Tax Distortions YU-BONG LAI、YU-BONG LAI article pdf(1176)
2010.12 財產稅之租稅歸宿 SHENG-WEN CHANG article pdf(759)
2013.01 法定公司所得稅稅率政策之決定因素 -國際租稅競爭或國內政治運作? SHINEMAY CHEN、 翁逸珊、SHINEMAY CHEN、 Weng, Yi-Shan article pdf(912)
2014-01 Is There a Physician Peer Effect? Evidence from New Drug Prescriptions HSIEN-MING LIENHSIEN-MING LIENHSIEN-MING LIEN、 CHOU, SHIN-YI article pdf(1354)
2013-10 Tax Auditing as a Public Good Game: An Experimental Study on Punishment and Compliance LI-CHEN HSULI-CHEN HSU article pdf(1012)
2013.04 Dosing variability in prescriptions of acetaminophen to children: comparisons between pediatricians, family physicians and otolaryngologists LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU、 Lin, Shin-Yi 、 Chen, Tzeng-Ji 、 Chiang, Shu-Chiung 、 Jeng, Mei-Jy 、LI-FANG CHOU article pdf(1076)
2013.03 Epidemiology of adrenal insufficiency: a nationwide study of hospitalizations in Taiwan from 1996 to 2008 LI-FANG CHOU、Chen, Yi-Chun 、 Lin, Yi-Hsuan 、 Chen, Shih-Han 、 Chen, Yu-Chun 、LI-FANG CHOU、 Chen, Tzeng-Ji 、 Hwang, Shinn-Jang article pdf(1402)
2013.03 The rural-urban divide in ambulatory care of gastrointestinal diseases in Taiwan LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU article pdf(1309)
2013-04 Trend of urban-rural disparities in hospice utilization in Taiwan LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU article pdf(1096)
2012.07 Scientific publications by anesthesia departments in East Asia LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU、Chen,Tzeng-Ji、Kao,Senyeong、Yeh,Te-Chun、LI-FANG CHOU、Ho,Shung-Tai article pdf(1157)
2013.03 中央政府的委託決策及地方政府競爭 JUE-SHYAN WANG article pdf(1020)
2013.09 The Bargaining Power in Taiwan Interbank Overnight Market JUE-SHYAN WANGJUE-SHYAN WANG、Hsu, Hanyu、JUE-SHYAN WANG article pdf(1586)
2013.07 廠商聯合行為與政府反托拉斯之策略互動 JUE-SHYAN WANG、 林葦杭、JUE-SHYAN WANG、Lin, Wei-Hang article pdf(900)
2013.07 中小企業薪資不均程度對其經營績效之影響─以台北縣製造業為例 JR-TSUNG HUANGKUANG-TA LO、陳寶慧、JR-TSUNG HUANGKUANG-TA LO、 Chen, Bao-Huei article pdf(707)
2013.09 一個盜版的社會風俗模型 TE-YU CHOU、CHUNG-CHENG LIN、TE-YU CHOU、 Lin, Chung-Cheng article pdf(1174)
2014.01 Drugs cheaper than threepenny: the market of extremely low-priced drugs within the National Health Insurance in Taiwan LI-FANG CHOU、 Chou, Chia-Lin 、LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU、 Chen, Tzeng-Ji 、LI-FANG CHOULI-FANG CHOU article pdf(1310)
2013.01 養雞生蛋或殺雞取卵:論期交稅之降稅效果 SHIH-CHANG HUANG、HSIN-YI LINHSIEN-MING LIEN、Huang, Shih-Chang 、HSIN-YI LINHSIEN-MING LIEN article pdf(1011)
2013.12 日本提高加值型營業稅率之探討 MING-SHENG HWANG article pdf(1347)
2013.12 清潔發展機制 (CDM) 對溫室氣體之減量效果分析 SHINEMAY CHEN、陳文典、游懷萱、SHINEMAY CHEN、 Chen, Wen-Den、 Yu, Huai-Hsuan article pdf(1536)