
Showing 101-125 of 636
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-06 On Robust Linear Regression with Incomplete Data Atkinson, Anthony C.鄭宗記Atkinson, Anthony C.Cheng, Tsung-Chi article pdf(1134)
2003-05 Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Proportions Hou,C-T、江振東、Tai,J-J article
2006-12 臺灣與各國生育率模型之實證與模擬比較 賴思帆、余清祥、LAI, Sz-Fan 、 YUE, Jack C. article pdf(912)
2007-03 The Rise of Cooperation in Correlated Matching Prisoners Dilemma: An Experiment 楊春雷、余清祥、俞一唐、Yang, Chun-Lei 、 Yue, Ching-Syang Jack 、 Yu, I-Tang article pdf(1049)
1999-04 Testing the Nonrandomness of Choromosomal Breakpoints Using Highest Observed Breakages 侯家鼎江振東、戴政、Hou, Chia-DingChiang, Jengtung、John Jen Tai article pdf(1494)
2005-03 Boundary ambiguity, coping patterns and depression in mothers caring for children with epilepsy in Taiwan 穆佩芬、郭訓志、張開屏、Mu, Pei-Fan 、 \r\nKuo, Hsun-Chih 、 \r\nChang, Kai-Ping article pdf(2933)
1998 Economic statistical design of S control charts using Taguchi loss function 楊素芬 article pdf(1164)
1997 The Economic Design of Control Charts When There Are Dependent Process Steps 楊素芬 article pdf(1186)
1997 An Optimal Design of Joint x and S Control Charts Using Quadratic Loss Function 楊素芬、Yang, Su-Fen article pdf(900)
2004 Economic Statistical Process Control for Overadjusted Process Mean 楊素芬、楊宗明、Yang, Su-Fen、Yang,Chung-Ming article pdf(1169)
2003 Comparison of methods for estimating the number of true null hypotheses in mulitplicity testing Hsueh, Huey-Miin 、Chen J. J.、Kodel R. L.、薛慧敏 article 說明頁(1226)
2002-08 Bayesian Approach to Evaluation of Bridging Studies 薛慧敏、Liu, Jen-pei 、\r\nHsiao, Chin-Fu 、\r\nHsueh, Hueymiin article pdf(1156)
2001 Economic statistical process control for over‐adjusted process mean Yang, Su‐Fen 、 Yang, Chung‐Ming article pdf(1044)
2004-01 Kernel-based discriminant techniques for educational placement 林妙香、張源俊、Lin,Miao-hsiang 、Huang ,Su-yun 、Chang,Yuan-chin article pdf(1182)
2007-01 Adaptive control schemes for two dependent process steps 楊素芬、SU, Hui-Chun article pdf(1214)
2006-12 Multivariate extension to the economical design of control chart under Weibull shock model 楊素芬 article 說明頁(1497)
2004-04 Sequential estimation in variable length computerized adaptive testing 張源俊、Chang,Yuan-chin Ivan article pdf(919)
2004-05 Approximate confidence sets for a stationary AR process 翁久幸、Michael Woodroofe article pdf(1115)
1996-08 Bayes A-Optimal Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with a Control 丁兆平、楊玉韻、Ting, Chao-Ping 、 Yang, Yu-Yun article pdf(1013)
2004-09 Building an Organ-Specific Carcinogenetic Database for SAR Analysis 張源俊、Chang,Yuan-chin Ivan article 說明頁(1248)
2001-03 Classification of Tea Quality With Fuzzy Cluster Analysis 鄭宇庭Cheng, Yu-Ting article pdf(1076)
2000 Statistical process control for short run manufacturing systems 楊素芬Yang, Su-Fen article pdf(994)
2005-12 Application of Sequential Interval Estimation to adaptive mastery testing 張源俊、Chang,Yuan-chin Ivan article pdf(1308)
1998-12 Optimal process control for multiple dependent subprocesses 楊素芬 article pdf(1188)
1996-05 Bayesian Sequential Tests for Comparing the Number of Species in Two Populations Yue, Jack C. 、Clayton、余清祥 article 說明頁(1347)