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類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 20 of 133
31-一月-2023文在寅時代的南韓與東協政經關係劉德海; Liou, To-hai
31-一月-2023Prospects for South Korea’s Economic Relations with Hungary and Poland under President Yoon Suk-yeol劉德海; Liou, To-hai
20-十月-2022文在寅時代的南韓與印度政經關係劉德海; Liou, To-hai
18-十一月-2021South Korea`s Foreign Policy Towards Poland張珊珊; Chang, Samantha
18-十一月-2021氣候變遷、破壞性創新與日本-中東政經關係劉德海; Liou, To-hai
18-十一月-2021亞歐時代東北亞與中東歐國家關係:以韓國-波蘭經貿關係為例劉德海; Liou, To-hai
18-十一月-2021南韓與伊朗關係的美國因素劉德海; Liou, To-hai
18-十一月-2021東南亞地緣政治秩序塑造中的中印因素-影響與前景趙春珍; Zhao, Chunzhen; 龔偉; Gong, Wei
26-五月-2021EU-China Economic Relations in an Era of Uncertainty: Germany as an Example劉德海; Liou, To-hai
13-十一月-2020不確定時代韓國對外經貿的挑戰與文在寅政府的因應對策劉德海; Liou, To-hai
13-十一月-2020The Start-up Environment in Kenya馮睿恩; Eising, Florian
13-十一月-2020The nexus between khat/miraa-trafficking and al-shabab`s Terrorist activities in Kenya and its implications肯林; Ondieki, Kennedy G.
13-十一月-2020Political Economy of Asia: A case of China in 2019 Hong Kong Incident金泰完; Kim, Taewan
25-七月-2019Mutual Investment between South Korea and Mainland China: Saemangeum Industrial Complex as an Example郭玫君; Kuo, Meichun
25-七月-2019Trumpism, Sino-US Trade War and its Implications for Global Economy劉德海; Liou, To-hai
25-七月-2019China`s Science Diplomacy in the South China Sea:Exploring, calming and owning the waters杜允士; Bozzato, Fabrizio
25-七月-2019A Study on Foxconn`s Investment in India過子庸; Kuo, Tzu-Yung; 李文怡; Lee, Wen-Yi
25-七月-2019South Korea-Vietnam Economic Relations under President Park Geun-hye劉德海; Liou, To-hai
25-七月-2019New Trends of Global Value Chains and China`s Innovation Capacity曾智華; Zeng, Douglas Zhihua
25-七月-2019Australian Perspective on Energy Use and Supply: implications for the international political economy潘妮; Penney, Kate
類別的 Items (排序方式 遞交日期 遞減 ): 1 to 20 of 133