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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24
5-Mar-2018Taiwan High School <<論語>> Education翁靖雯; Weng, Ching-wen
5-Mar-2018Taiwan High School Classic Chinese Language Education賴怡璇; Lai, I-Xuan
5-Mar-2018Discussion the History Through the Official and Private Records -- Focus on <<朝鮮王朝實錄>>、<<東國輿地勝覽>>及<<慵齋叢話>>姜彰圭; Kang, Chang Kyu
5-Mar-2018A Study for Appearance Rate of Chinese Characters of Education in Elementary School in Taiwan and Korea陳柏均; Chen, Bo Jun
5-Mar-2018A Study on the Changes of Conceptions and Changes in Thooughts of Wealthy in the Late Joseon Dynasty全頌喜; Jeon, Song Hui
5-Mar-2018Chinese Classical Literature Translation Phenomena and Adaptation of the Picture Books in Taiwan - &quot;Journe To The West` as and Example張以儒; Chang, I-Ju
5-Mar-2018Understanding of Korean Culture Using the Research Methodology of Chinese Character Culture楊沅錫; Yang, Won Seok
5-Mar-2018The Compilation and its Impact of <<內訓>> in the Early 14th of Joseon Dynasty李珉景; Lee, Min Kyung
5-Mar-2018The Manchurian Characteristics Under The China Mission Records of The 17th and 18th Century吳政緯; Wu, Cheng-Wei
5-Mar-2018Collection and Appreciation of Grotesque Rocks in Joseon Dynasty申正秀; Shin, Jeongsoo
5-Mar-2018An Acquisition Pattern on the Past Tense `-eott-` of L2 Korean Learners -- Based on co-occurrence with Time Adverbials-金寶英; Kim, Boyeong
5-Mar-2018Experimental Phonetic Study on Monopthong of university students in Taiwan鄭性勳; Jung, Sung Hoon
5-Mar-2018The Linguistic Concepts in [Daehanmunjeon]吳忠信; Wu, Zhong Xin
5-Mar-2018Korean Language Education Using Medias趙英美; Cho, Youngmi
5-Mar-2018Exploratory Research of KFL/KSL Teacher`s Vocational Ethics -- From professional Ethics Perspectives尹璟源; Yoon, Kyeongwon
5-Mar-2018The Education of Concessive Conective Endings of Chinese Korean Leaners王清棟; Wang, Ching-Tung
5-Mar-2018A Study on the Usage of Polysemous Modal Expressions申瑞仁; Shin, Seoin
5-Mar-2018The Study on the Learning Errors of the Chinese Learners While Learning Sino-Korean Words李京保; Lee, Kyong-Bo
5-Mar-2018Analysis of Word Formation Errors Based on Korean Learners` CorpusHansaem, Kim
5-Mar-2018On The `Realization` Meaning of Modal Expressions in Korea朴鎮浩; Park, Jin-ho
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24