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dc.contributor.authorTAI, FANG YIen_US
dc.creatorTAI, FANG YIen_US
dc.description.abstractWith the changes of society, family structure and social problems, the counseling issues for teenagers are becoming more and more complicated. It is difficult for tutoring teachers to work alone. The cooperation between tutoring teachers and homeroom teachers is an important key to improve the effectiveness of counseling. In the past, most of the studies discussed the explicit factors of the cooperative relationship between tutoring teachers and homeroom teachers. In addition, most of the research objects focused on the perspectives of tutoring teachers. However, the opinions and views of homeroom teachers are also important for breaking through the difficulties of collaboration. Therefore, this study takes homeroom teachers as the research object. By the means of one-to-one semi-structured qualitative interviews, it helps us to better understand the following points. First, the current situation and dilemma of collaboration between junior high school homeroom teachers and specialized counseling teachers. Second, the contents and differences of professional paradigms between homeroom teachers and tutoring teachers. Third, the impact of student roles perception on cooperative relationship between tutoring teachers and homeroom teachers from homeroom teachers’ point of view.\nThe results of this study are as follows:\nI. the current situation of collaboration between homeroom teachers and tutoring teachers\n(I) the difference of student counselling\nIn terms of individual tutoring, homeroom teachers find students’ problems in time and are in the front line to counsel them. Tutoring teachers provide further assistance depends on students’ condition. In terms of teacher-parent communication, tutoring teachers contact parents directly. Meanwhile, they assist parents to conquer their setbacks and dilemmas. Homeroom teachers consult with tutoring teachers to help parents in handling problems indirectly. In terms of system collaboration, homeroom teachers assist students to find resources and tutoring teachers provide professional resources.\n(II) the differences of professional paradigms\nHomeroom teachers take all the students as a unit and tutoring teachers take individual students as a unit. Homeroom teachers take class norms as priority and tutoring teachers take students’ mentality as priority. Homeroom teachers place importance on introduction of resources and tutoring teachers place importance on cross-system cooperation.\n(III) advantages of homeroom teachers counseling students\n1. Homeroom teachers can find students’ problems in time. They spend more time with students and know their situation best.\n2. Parents are more familiar with homeroom teachers, so they are able to trust homeroom teachers more.\n3. Homeroom teachers can fully tell students their thoughts. There are no worries about destroying relationship.\n(IV) disadvantages of homeroom teachers counseling students\n1. Homeroom teachers have a large number of students and limited time, so they are unable to do as much as they wish to.\n2. Homeroom teachers need to give equal treatment to every student and it is hard to relax regulations for individual student.\n3. It easily produces conflicts between disciplining students and counseling students.\n4. When students get in trouble, homeroomteachers bear the brunt of the blame from all parties.\n5. Homeroom teachers consider that their professional knowledge is insufficient. Consequently, it is difficult to go straight to core of the problems.\nII. homeroom teachers perceive that students behave differently when facing dual teachers\n(I) homeroom teachers perceive that students believe the professional fields between homeroom teachers and tutoring teachers are different.\nHomeroom teachers think tutored students have the thoughts that their campus life circle overlaps too much with homeroom teachers. As a result, they worry about telling homeroom teachers about themselves. Instead, tutoring teachers’ life circle are farther from tutored students. And for students, there is no stake in between. That’s why students don’t have to worry about telling the tutoring teachers their own secrets.\n(II) homeroom teachers perceive that students believe the work order between homeroom teachers and tutoring teachers are different\nFirst, homeroom teachers have a preliminary understanding of the incident. Then they will begin to contact school staffs and students’ parents for the follow-up actions and intervention of discipline. Therefore, students have scruples about homeroom teachers. The first thing that tutoring teachers do is to stabilize students’ emotions and confirm their mental condition. After asking students about the origin of the incident, they will proceed with follow up. Students don’t have to worry about being punished or punished immediately, so they can better open their mind to tutoring teachers.\n(III) homeroom teachers perceive that students believe the character functions between homeroom teachers and tutoring teachers are different\nHomeroom teachers consider that when students encounter chores in school life, homework and class issues, they tend to ask homeroom teachers for help. If they encounter psychological difficulties, they seek assistance from tutoring teachers to express their emotions and seek follow-up support.\n(IV) homeroom teachers perceive that students believe the character images between homeroom teachers and tutoring teachers are different\nHomeroom teachers think that students view them as parents because they give students both love and discipline. Tutoring teachers are like older sisters because they are gentle and give students unconditional care.\nIII. Differences in the relationship between homeroom teachers and tutoring teachers with students\n(I) the relationship between strict rules and loose rules\nHomeroom teachers cannot easily adjust the class rules and repeatedly tolerate students’ violations. As a result, it is easy for them to conflict with students. However, tutoring teachers can relax regulations according to students’ condition. Therefore, students feel accepted and tolerant.\n(II) the relationship between equal treatment and individual differences\nHomeroom teachers give priority to all students, so they are less able to meet the individual needs of students. And the relationship between students and homeroom teachers is more distanced. Tutoring teachers can pay more attention to individual situation of students. Consequently, students are more likely to become too dependent on tutoring teachers.\n(III) the relationship between discipline and emotional support\nHomeroom teachers establish an authoritative and rigorous image to restrict students’ behavior. Accordingly, students have more defense and worry about homeroom teachers. Tutoring teachers give unconditional support and care to stabilize tutor-student relationship. Hence, students feel relieved at tutoring teachers.\nFinally, based on the results of this study, suggestions are made for school counseling practice and future research for reference.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目次\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機 1\n第二節 研究目的 5\n第三節 研究問題 5\n第四節 名詞解釋 5\n第二章 文獻探討 7\n第一節 導師與輔導教師的職責與角色 7\n第二節 導師與輔導教師專業典範的差異 16\n第三節 學生角色知覺差異 21\n第四節 導師與輔導教師的跨專業合作困境 25\n第三章 研究方法 31\n第一節 研究取向 31\n第二節 研究參與者 32\n第三節 研究工具 33\n第四節 研究程序 35\n第五節 研究資料的分析 36\n第六節 研究的信實度與研究倫理 40\n\n第四章 研究結果與討論 43\n第一節 導師與輔導教師的專業差異 43\n第二節 導師知覺學生面對雙師所呈現的不同樣貌 52\n第三節 導師及輔導教師與學生關係差異 57\n第四節 討論 61\n \n第五章 結論與建議 68\n第一節 結論 68\n第二節 建議 70\n第三節 研究省思 72\n參考文獻 73\n附錄 86\n\n\n zh_TW
dc.format.extent1432570 bytes-
dc.subjecthomeroom teachersen_US
dc.subjectprofessional paradigmsen_US
dc.subjecttutoring teachersen_US
dc.subjectinterprofessional collaborationsen_US
dc.titleA study of interprofessional collaborative difference between homeroom teachers and specialized counseling teachers under professional paradigms in junior high school: a perspective from tutoring teachersen_US
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