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題名: 經歷未升學未就業狀態青少年生涯目標發展歷程探究:正向青少年發展觀點
The career development of youth experiencing not in education and employment during adolescence: From the perspective of positive youth development
作者: 余韋霆
Yu, Wei-Ting
貢獻者: 楊佩榮
Yang, Pei-Jung
Yu, Wei-Ting
關鍵詞: 未升學未就業青少年
Youth not in education and employment
Career goal
Positive youth development
Narrative research
日期: 2020
上傳時間: 2-九月-2020
摘要: 本研究透過五位曾於青少年時期經歷未升學未就業狀態之青年敘說個人生命故事,理解青少年時期處於未升學未就業狀態的經驗,對於他們的意義,以及了解他們形塑自身目的與生涯目標的歷程。同時在正向青少年發展的視角下,理解他們的生命經驗,對社會長期以問題化視角看待青少年未升學未就業議題提出不同的看法。研究方法採用敘事研究法,以半結構式深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,並以敘事研究之「整體-內容」、「類別-內容」進行資料分析。\n\n本研究共提出三點研究發現:(一)進入未升學未就業狀態未必是問題,青少年需要的是願意理解、信任、支持他們的人,陪伴與引導他們突破未升學未就業的茫然;(二)未升學未就業青少年形塑生涯目標的歷程,分別經歷「茫然與無所依循的狀態」、「探索的過程」、「找到人生方向與意義」,然而形塑生涯目標的歷程並非線性發展,可能會因為個別狀況而有不同發展;(三)未升學未就業青少年是在個人與環境互動中形成生涯目標,其中藉由重要他人支持與引導、環境提供的資源與實際參與的機會,幫助未升學未就業青少年增進自我認識、提升個人能力,進而促使他們的生涯目標更為清晰,也成為個人成長茁壯、面對未來不確定性的正向力量。\n\n最後,針對實務工作與政策制訂提出「以重視青少年發展為理念」及「建構與未升學未就業青少年的工作網絡」二點建議,並針對本研究之限制,對未來研究提出相關建議。
Life stories of five individuals who were not in education and employment during adolescence were examined in this study to understand their experiences, how they made sense of it, and how their purpose and career goals developed. This study, adhering to the perspective of positive youth development (PYD), also aimed to challenge the common belief that youth not in education and employment may become problems to the society, and offer an alternative understanding of the situation of or choices not being in education or employment. Using narrative research method, this study collected data through semi-structured interviews and analyzed the data using the holistic-content and categorical-content approaches.\n\nThis study had three main findings: (1) The status of not being in education and employment was not necessarily problematic. What adolescents needed were people who were willing to understand, trust, and support them as well as companionship and guidance for them to overcome the lack of direction they experienced during this time; (2) Each individual had their own person-specific goal developing process while not being in education and employment. They might circulate between phases such as “being at a loss and without any directions”, “exploration”, and “finding the direction and meaning of life” when developing their career goals; (3) Adolescents not in education and employment developed their career goals through mutual person  context interactions. Of these interactions, the support and guidance from significant others, resources from their environment, and opportunities for participation helped them better understand themselves and improve their abilities. As a result, their career goals became clearer and they further gained a positive force that helped them thrive and face the uncertainty of the future.\n\nLastly, this study had two implications for policy and practice: It is important to see developing youth as assets rather than problems, and supportive employment platforms are needed for adolescents who are not in education and employment. Limitations of current study and recommendations for future research were also mentioned.
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