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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Tsen-Yungen_US
dc.contributor.authorLI, Jia-Jhenen_US
dc.creatorLI, Jia-Jhenen_US
dc.description.abstractThe following is an action research method describing the experience of a student (me) with Mainstream Social Work education experience practicing the reflection process in clubhouse. During the course of my practice in the clubhouse, there are three stages of shift in my action positions: trainee, volunteer, and staff.\n\nThe starting point of my research was that during my intern, the knowledge I had acquired was not enough. Therefore, I found out how a clubhouse partnership and framework for action is possible by having a dialogue with the experience stories in practice. Through organizing thinking in practice, I have different dimensions of thinking about "helping relationships" and "how to get to know people" and found a possible "working method" in the clubhouse.\n\nFirst of all, I saw the possibility of “crossing professional boundaries”, “truly expressing one’s emotions and feelings”, and “being present and empathizing in interactions” in helping relationships. I went back to contemplate on the significance of the set of professional relationships taught by school education in practical action, and rediscover and redefine the meaning of the knowledge of professional relationship to me, so that these learnings for me are no longer just conforming to the mainstream, which is a label that matches the professional image that aligns with the system.\n\nFurthermore, I have come to realize that a person is viewed and developed with a "community view" in the clubhouse, and this kind of community view has also brought about a transformation in helping relationship. This method is mainly divided into three dimensions, which are "spatial design", "value concept" and "collective action" of the community to bring different possibilities for human development and the progress of relationships.\n\nFinally, with a new understanding of "helping relationships" and "personhood", I was in search for "possible partnership working methods" in the clubhouse. Working methods can be further broken down into three levels: "working together", "discussing together" and "deciding together", and these three levels are not only influenced by the club`s work philosophy and the International Standards for Clubhouse Programs, but also embedded in the social welfare system and the psychiatric system. In the process, I also actually experienced the difficulty of realizing the clubhouse partnership, but at the same time, I did not give up trying to find a solution to all these problems.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究緣起 1\n第二節 問題意識 7\n第三節 研究目的與問題 13\n\n第二章 手中的那張地圖 15\n第一節 握在手中地圖的樣貌 15\n第二節 旅程中知識的探究取徑 21\n第三節 我的旅程指南 24\n第四節 我的行動與書寫軸線 26\n\n第三章 我與文獻的對話 31\n第一節 主流社會工作凝視下的專業關係典範 31\n第二節 關係典範的轉移:「會所模式下的夥伴關係」 47\n第三節 專業關係與夥伴關係的相互照映 65\n小結:在與文獻對話後,我的所思所想與行動 69\n\n寫在行動歷程討論分析前的閱讀指引 71\n\n第四章 覺察並拆解被專業框架所束縛的助人關係 73\n第一節 拿捏關係界線的尺—價值才是判斷的基準 74\n第二節 如實回饋關係才有意義—正視助人關係中的感受 82\n第三節 搬走卡住行動的石頭—卸下專業包袱一起生活 91\n小結:帶著專業界線緊箍咒走進夥伴關係中 104\n\n第五章 體認鑲嵌在社群中的夥伴關係 107\n第一節 歡迎大家的環境—空間設計與夥伴關係 108\n第二節 行動藍圖:自願、選擇、負責—體系與夥伴關係 121\n第三節 盡力維持生活還是逝去—集體行動是工作的觸媒 128\n小結:看見流動於社群中的夥伴關係 141\n\n第六章 尋一條「我們一起」的路 145\n第一節 進場行動—讓認識變得深刻 146\n第二節 碰撞與斷裂—以前可以現在不行? 148\n第三節 夥伴關係再深化—營造「共同生活」的氛圍 157\n小結:夥伴關係是「我們一起」向前看 175\n\n第七章 在路上—尋找答案的路徑 177\n第一節 認識取徑—關於行動與對話 178\n第二節 重新定義—關於助人關係 181\n\n後記—寫在Final口試之後 183\n關於收不好的結尾 183\n關於我是誰 185\n關於我的生命狀態與會所夥伴關係故事的對話 187\n關於我的生命狀態與經驗書寫的矛盾 189\n\n參考文獻 191zh_TW
dc.format.extent3091323 bytes-
dc.subjectClubhouse modelen_US
dc.subjectAction researchen_US
dc.titlePartner relationships in clubhouse might become the course of action of the staffs in clubhouseen_US
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