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題名: 五大人格特質、工作價值觀和工作滿意三者相互關係之研究
作者: 朱慶龍
Chu, Ching-Long
貢獻者: 黃國彥
Chu, Ching-Long
關鍵詞: 五大人格特質
Five Factor Model of Personality
work values
job satisfaction
Big Five
日期: 2002
上傳時間: 17-Sep-2009
摘要: 人之性格與行為到底是由與生俱來的先天因素(nature)抑或環境行為等後天因素(nurture)決定呢?這方面的爭議是心理學家數十年來的興趣。然而,近十年中工業與組織心理學家才開始注意到,工作滿意與工作價值觀之氣質(disposition)源起與影響程度。本研究之目的,即在探討「五大人格特質」、「工作價值觀」、「工作滿意」三者間的關係。\n\n 本研究所使用的樣本乃為台灣之某一國營企業員工,有效樣本共568位。研究結果發現:五大人格特質與工作滿意是有所關係的,其中嚴謹自律性、外傾支配性、和善性分別對工作滿意具有預測力。五大人格特質對於內在滿意的影響則高於外在滿意;此外,研究者亦提出實徵數據佐證五大人格特質是可以有效地預測工作價值觀,解釋量約為45%;而且工作價值觀也會影響工作滿意且關係密切,與西方或是東方之台灣與韓國的研究相當一致。最重要的是本研究也發現工作價值觀(之工作目的性價值觀與工作手段價值觀均)為五大人格中之嚴謹自律性與內在滿意以及外向性與一般滿意之中介變項。此外,工作手段價值觀僅為五大人格中之和善性與一般滿意之中介變項。\n\n 綜合本研究結果與發現,研究者指出本研究之限制與未來研究方向,嘗試整合工作滿意之人格氣質緣起的架構並建立模式。以供工業與組織心理學家以及組織行為學者作為參考。\n\n\n關鍵字:五大人格特質、工作價值觀、工作滿意、中介變項、氣質
For decades, the debate over the issue of whether personalities and behaviors of human beings are determined by Nature or Nurture has been one of the major research interests of psychologists. However, it was not until the past ten years that industrial/organizational psychologists started to notice the dispositional sources of and their effects on job satisfaction and work values. In line with this trend, the present study aimed to investigate the relationships between the Five Factor Model of Personality (FFM, also known as the Big Five), work values, and job satisfaction.\n\n The study sampled 568 employees from one of the state-operated enterprises in Taiwan, and the Big Five was found to be related to job satisfaction, which could be predicted by Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Agreeableness, respectively. The influence of the Big Five over intrinsic satisfaction was higher than that over extrinsic satisfaction. In addition, the researcher provided empirical data to substantiate the notion that the Big Five could predict work values effectively, accounting for 45% of the variance. The finding of a strong association between work values and job satisfaction was consistent not only with other research results obtained from eastern countries such as Taiwan and Korea, but also with those obtained in the West. Most important of all, terminal and instrumental work values were found to be the mediator between Conscientiousness and intrinsic satisfaction, as well as that between Extraversion and general satisfaction. However, only terminal work values served as the mediator between Agreeableness and general satisfaction.\n\n Summing up the results and discoveries of the present study, the limitations of it were pointed out, and directions for further investigation were suggested. Trying to construct a model by integrating the dispositional sources of job satisfaction and work values into a framework, the researcher wished to provide a footstone of future research for other industrial/organizational psychologists as well as organizational behaviorists.\n\n\nKeywords:Five Factor Model of Personality;FFM;Big Five;disposition;work values;job satisfaction;mediator
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
Appears in Collections:學位論文

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