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dc.contributor.advisorChen, Chang-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorSu, Pei Ien_US
dc.creatorSu, Pei Ien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究欲瞭解在模擬招募情境中,兩個薪資特徵-「變動薪資比例」\n與「加薪型態」,分別對組織吸引力之影響,並探討此兩組關係中「風險\n知覺」的中介效果與「性格變項(核心自我評價)」的調節效果。本研究\n採2x2 受試者間之實驗設計,所操弄的二個獨變項為:1.變動薪資比例\n(高、低);2.加薪型態(高機率低加薪、低機率高加薪),依變項為整\n體「組織吸引力」及其三個向度(組織正向情感、雇主評價、求職行動\n意圖)。\n 本研究之受試者為139 位大學應屆畢業生,研究結果顯示:「變動薪\n資比例」越高,受試者感受的「風險知覺」越高;但「加薪型態」與受\n試者的「風險知覺」無顯著關係。當受試者的「風險知覺」較高時,其\n組織正向情感、雇主評價則較低;然而,變動薪資比例、加薪型態與組\n織吸引力無顯著關係。雖然核心自我評價並沒有調節「變動薪資比例」\n或「加薪型態」與組織吸引力的關係;可是核心自我評價卻調節「風險\n知覺」與整體組織吸引力與其二個子向度(組織正向情感、求職行動意\n圖)的關係。\n 研究者分別就結果加以討論,提出可能的解釋,並說明本研究之限\n制與貢獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents an experimental investigation of the influences of type of variable pay ratio and type of pay increases on overall organizational attraction and its three dimensions: affection, intentions toward the company and company prestige. A 2x2 between subjects design was used. Two independent variables were types of variable pay ratio (high/ low) and types of pay increases (high probability, small pay increases/ low probability, large pay increases). The dependent variable was organizational attraction. Risk perception and core self-evaluation were mediating and moderating variable,\nrespectively.\n The sample comprised 139 college students approaching graduation. The results demonstrated that higher variable pay ratio caused higher risk perception but type of pay increases did not. Higher risk perception caused lower affection, company prestige; however, type of variable pay ratio and type of pay increases did not. Core self-evaluation did not mediate the relationship between type of variable pay ratio and risk perception, but it mediated the relationship between risk perception and overall organizational attraction and its two of three dimensions (affection, intentions toward the company). Based on the results, alternative explanation, limits, and\nimplications were discussed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論..................................................1\n第一節 研究動機與目的........................................1\n第二節 文獻探討..............................................5\n第三節 研究架構與研究假設...................................26 第二章 研究方法.............................................28\n第一節 研究樣本.............................................28\n第二節 研究程序.............................................31\n第三節 變項操弄與測量.......................................36\n第三章 研究結果.............................................44\n第一節 操弄檢核.............................................44\n第二節 隨機分派之檢驗.......................................46\n第三節 信度及相關分析.......................................48\n第四節 研究問題之驗證.......................................51\n第五節 其他結果分析.........................................59\n第四章 綜合討論.............................................64\n第一節 研究摘述.............................................64\n第二節 研究結果討論.........................................67\n第三節 研究限制.............................................71\n第四節 研究貢獻.............................................74\n參考文獻....................................................76\n附錄一 實驗問卷.............................................87\n\n圖目錄\n\n圖1 1□膍s架構圖...........................................26\n圖3 1□痐艀菃痤□欞P整體風險知覺對組織正向情感交互作用圖...62\n圖3-2□痐艀菃痤□欞P整體風險知覺對求職行動意圖交互作用圖...62\n圖3-3□痐艀菃痤□欞P整體風險知覺對整體組織吸引力交互作用圖.63\n\n表目錄\n表2-1 樣本之特性...........................................30\n表2-2 變動薪資比例操弄金額.................................36\n表2-3 加薪型態操弄數額.....................................37\n表2-4 第一部份操弄檢核題...................................38\n表2-5 第二部分操弄檢核題...................................38\n表2-6 組織吸引力量表.......................................40\n表2-7 變動薪資比例之風險知覺測量題目.......................41\n表2-8 加薪型態之風險知覺測量題目...........................41\n表2-9 核心自我評價量表.....................................42\n表2-10 企業屬性偏好測量題目.................................43\n表3-1 加薪型態之操弄檢核t檢定..............................45\n表3-2 變動薪資比例之操弄檢核t檢定..........................45\n表3-3 各變項信度及相關分析.................................49\n表3-4 變動薪資比例與風險知覺迴歸分析表.....................52\n表3-5 變動薪資比例、加薪型態與整體組織吸引力及其各向度之迴歸分析表........................................................54\n表3-6 風險知覺與整體組織吸引力及其各向度之迴歸分析表.......55\n表3-7 變動薪資比例、核心自我評價在VP風險知覺上的二因子變異數分析表........................................................57\n表3-8 核心自我評價、加薪型態在IP風險知覺上的二因子變異數分析表..........................................................58\n表3-9 整體風險知覺、核心自我評價在組織正向情感上的二因子變異數分析表......................................................60\n表3-10 核心自我評價、整體風險知覺在雇主評價上的二因子變異數分析表..........................................................60\n表3-11 核心自我評價、整體風險知覺在求職行動意圖上的二因子變異數分析表......................................................61\n表3-12 核心自我評價、整體風險知覺在整體組織吸引力的二因子變異數分析表......................................................61\n表4-1 研究結果摘述.........................................65zh_TW
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dc.subjectvariable payen_US
dc.subjectpay increases tyepeen_US
dc.subjectorganizational attractionen_US
dc.subjectrisk perceptionen_US
dc.subjectcore self-evaluationen_US
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