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題名: 中、韓網路咖啡業發展之比較研究
作者: 金希修
Kim Hee Soo
貢獻者: 姜國輝
Kim Hee Soo
關鍵詞: 網路咖啡業
日期: 2002
上傳時間: 18-Sep-2009
摘要: 在台灣與韓國政府及業者對資訊產業積極努力與投資之下,短短的時間內,台、韓的資訊產業急速發展。台灣專長電腦硬體業,而韓國這兩年在線上遊戲的表現比台灣好。韓國與台灣幾乎同時開始形成網路咖啡市場,但因為兩國政府對網路咖啡業之相關政令政策及業者本身之經營策略差異愈大,故至今兩國網咖產業的發展結果亦大不相同。\n本研究之目的係透過比較研究發現影響兩地網咖發展之因素及未來之改善方向,為達此目的,本研究過程如下:\n一、 運用鑽石模型及五力分析,找出兩國網咖業發展SWOT分析的內外部因素。\n二、 採用台、韓兩家網咖連鎖公司個案研究比較,驗證研究分析。\n三、 討論兩國網咖業未來發展與相關的影響。由網咖產業之外部性在整個ICT產業發展上的影響,從而整理出目前兩國對ICT產業(例如數位內容產業)的作為與後續發展論點。\n兩國網咖主要影響因素都屬於外部性因素。在台灣因為學校網路建設優良,以及家庭寬頻網路成長迅速,使得大部份消費者選擇在學校或家庭上網,去網咖的動機薄弱,因此台灣網咖產業不利成長。相對於台灣,韓國對網咖成長的主要因素是政府支持輔導網咖及其相關產業(遊戲軟體)。\n另外針對兩國整體ICT產業比較,台灣在數位內容產業方面的發展比較均衡;韓國過於集中在遊戲軟體的支持與發展,所以整體數位內容產業發展以台灣較為有利。韓國必須準備下一代可取代遊戲軟體之產品,以利整體ICT產業之均衡發展。\n最後,我們討論出兩國網咖產業未來發展工作,如下:\n一、提供適時適所的政府支援。\n二、強化多樣性的經營模式與附加價值。\n三、開發豐富的網咖服務內容。\n四、發展健全的資訊休閒文化。
Both the Governments on Taiwan and of Korea invest heavily in IT industry. Many companies in both countries also enter IT industry aggressively. The Internet Café industry, or so-called Cyber Café, which provides a new kind of IT services, develops quickly in a short time in both countries.\nIn the past, Taiwan companies, based on the strong capacity of Taiwan’s industrial sector of hardware manufacturing had more profits than their Korean counterparts. However, since recently, there is a stark trend that emerging Korean Cyber Café houses providing on-line-game services are making more profits than their Taiwanese counterpart.\nThough the Cyber-Café houses of the both fractions started about the same time of the 1990s, the status quo of both sides result very differently because of different government attitudes and policies. As a result, Cyber-Café house of both fractions have to adapt different strategies. The objective of this research is to discover the factors that affect the development of Cyber Café in Taiwan and Korea via comparative study. In order to achieve the goal, the procedures of this research are as follows:\n1. To collect indexes and background data of the Internet Café Industry in both countries, then to apply Porter’s diamond model to analyze their competitive advantages as well s employ Porter’s analytical model of five forces to analyze their competitive advantages.\n2. To conduct case studies on 2 corresponding firms with SWOT analysis to validate the aforementioned analysis.\n3. To summarize research the competitive advantages of sides as findings of this research, and further discussions to provide the possible improvement of them.\nOne of the major findings is that external factors play a major role in the Internet Café Industry in both countries. From this point, this paper presents a discussion about ICT industry development in both fractions, eg. the digital content industry. As the result, I argue for that the ICT industry in Taiwan engages even in diversified sectors, but Korean, on the contrary, are starkly narrowed in few sole sectors such as on-line game software. From this viewpoint, related Korea government agencies should foresee adequate substations for on-line-game related IT sectors.\nLast but not least, suggestions for the future development regarding Cyber-Café can be stated as follows:\n1.Governments should carry out appropriate policy in-time for their own industry.\n2.Cyber-Café houses have to find the value-adds and provide diversified innovative services on the Internet.\n3.These enterprises should also create richer contents they can serve.\n4.Governments and the Cyber-Café should enhance the healthy of entertainment and culture on the Cyberspace.
參考文獻: 中文
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