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題名: 直接民主與憲政體制:我國與瑞士、法國之比較
作者: 張台麟
關鍵詞: 法國第五共和、瑞士、雙首長制、公民投票、直接民主
Direct Democracy, Referendum, French fifth Republic,\r\nSwiss Confederation, Taiwan.
日期: 2004
上傳時間: 18-Apr-2007
Publisher: 臺北市:國立政治大學外文中心
摘要: 本計畫以直接民主與憲政體制的比較政治及相互影響關係為研究重\r\n點。計畫中特別將就法國與瑞士兩國在直接民主(公民投票)的法律層面\r\n及實證層面予以研析,並進一步探討與研析我國未來在直接民主的立法建\r\n構與實際運作中可能遭遇的困難與解決之道。法國的公民投票經驗雖早有\r\n實施,但卻缺乏正面意義的發展,但自一九五八年成立第五共和以來,迄\r\n今已過了四十六個年頭,而在這之間共舉行了八次的全民公投,這個數字\r\n不但在先進民主國家中可算是相當頻繁,同時也讓法國的直接民主日益成\r\n熟。而瑞士在全民公投的經驗更是久遠及豐富,自十六世紀以來,民主國\r\n家施行了約八百多次的公民投票,而其中一半以上是在瑞士實施。在本計\r\n畫中將探討法國及瑞士兩國在公投歷史上的沿革以及其在法律上的規定,\r\n輔以討論法、瑞兩國的政治制度以及公民投票之間的相互影響及關聯。首\r\n先,在歷史沿革之上,主要將對法、瑞兩國在公民投票的歷史演進上作一\r\n個概括的介紹,來探討直接民主的發展背景;其次,在本計畫中將針對兩\r\n國憲法中對於實施全民公投的條件、範圍、對象及程序等作研究,來探討\r\n憲法在公民投票中所扮演的角色即兩者之間的交互作用;最後,將經由公\r\n民投票在實施時對於政治上所造成的衝擊,探討公民投票對於政治制度的\r\n變遷,特別是新興民主國家的影響。我國雖已行憲五十年餘,但因受限於\r\n特殊的時空背景與民主憲政的轉型,公民投票始終被視為一個禁忌或被貼\r\n上負面的意義,真正兼顧學術的理論與實際運作的研究則不多見。隨著民\r\n主政治的深化,我國在對於公民投票的法律地位與實施內容上的爭辯也越\r\n演越烈,因此,希望借由對於法國與瑞士兩國的研究,為我國在公民投票\r\n的制度上找出一條適合我國的道路。
Direct Democracy and Constitutional Regime: A Comparative Study on Taiwan,\r\n2\r\nFrance and Switzerland\r\nThis project will study the relations between direct democracy and\r\nconstitutional regime, in particular of semi-presidential system, and its impacts\r\namong Taiwan, France and Switzerland. The direct democracy, such as the\r\nreferendum has played a very important role, not only in many west European\r\ndemocracies, but also in so-called new democracies after the cold war era. The\r\nSwiss Confederation has practiced the referendum since the 17th century, its\r\nexperiences have been considered as the most successful case in the democratic\r\ncountries. For the French people, the referendum possessed a negative image for\r\na long time due to the practice during the reign of Napoleon I and III periods. It\r\nhas been changed under the Fifth Republic. In Taiwan, with the deepening of\r\ndemocratization, the government and the political leaders should face the issues\r\nrelated to the direct democracy. The outline of this research is:\r\n(1)To study the theory and the practice of the referendum, in particular its role\r\nin the constitutional regime or political system,\r\n(2)Conduct a comparative study of the referendum on the France, the Swiss\r\nConfederation and Taiwan,\r\n(3)Try to propose some institutional and voting system in regard to the practice\r\nof referendum in Taiwan in the coming constitutional reform.
描述: 核定金額:380700元
資料類型: report
Appears in Collections:國科會研究計畫

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