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dc.contributor.advisorYan, Annaen_US
dc.contributor.authorLi, Shu Jiunen_US
dc.creatorLi, Shu Jiunen_US
dc.description.abstractIn accordance with Article 85.3 of the Government Procurement Act of Taiwan, an unsuccessful tenderer of public procurement is entitled to recover the “necessary” costs he has incurred in his bid/proposal preparation and protest/complaint process if he has challenged the procuring agency’s relevant decision in time and the decision has been declared to be in breach of statutes and regulations by the review authority, the Public Construction Commission. This article is legislated according to the principle laid down by the Government Procurement Agreement that stipulates challenge procedures reviewing procuring agency’s decision shall provide compensation for the loss or damage suffered by the complaining tenderer. However, there have been a lot of disputes concerning the legal status of the basis of action stipulated in this article and the exact extent of the compensable costs since they have never been defined clearly by any statute or explained by the authority. Along with the difficulties in proving the relevancy and “necessity” of the expenses and costs, these disputes have driven the Administrative Court to take a very restrictive view in deciding the recoverable costs which in many cases may not be appropriate remedies for the complaining tenderers. \nWith very limited literature focusing on the disputes arising from this article and a very small number of judgments of such cases in Taiwan, I attempt to explore the opinions expressed not only by Taiwan’s court and scholars but also by the courts of the other countries that are also parties to the GPA and have similar articles in their statutory law in order to offer a comparative perspective that will help resolving the differences concerning the interpretation of this article.\nBesides Taiwan, I have chosen to examine the judicial review of such cases in the USA, the UK and the EU since their public procurement budgets are on the top list of the world and they are all members of the GPA. The first chapter states the purpose, the extent and the method of this study. The second, third, fourth and fifth chapters respectively discuss the main public procurement regulations and analyze the judicial review standards concerning the basis of actions, the possible remedies and the extent of damages allowed in Taiwan, the USA, the EU and the UK (including the judicial system of England, Wales and the North Ireland and the judicial system of Scotland). In the final chapter, I try to offer a comparative view and to suggest possible changes to the relevant statues and review standards in Taiwan. \nAfter completing the research, I suggest that a prospected bidder should also be recognized as an interested party that has standing in making claims against procuring authority for damages in order to ensure judicial review of important procuring decisions. Besides, Article 85.1 of the Government Procurement Act of Taiwan should be revised as “where a review decision or an unappealable court judgment specifies that the procuring entity is in breach of Acts and Regulations, the procuring entity shall proceed with a lawful alternative,” so that the protesting bidder will have the right for damages endowed by Article 85.3 of the same act if the procuring decision in question has been declared in breach of law only by the court but not by the Public Construction Commission. The right for compensation of tender preparation and protest costs stipulated by article 85.3 of the Government Procurement Act should be defined as a right arising from the procuring authority’s liability based on culpa in contrahendo in administrative law. Therefore, this article should be revised as “where the circumstance set forth in paragraph 1 occurs, the supplier may request the procuring entity to reimburse the reasonable expenses incurred by the supplier for the preparation of tender and the filing of protest and complaint.” Besides, just as the liability based on culpa in contrahendo is different from the liability arising from tort and the former does not substitute for the later, an unsuccessful tenderer’s claim for compensation based on Article 85.3 of the Government Procurement Act should not exclude his right in making other claims for other loss or damage according to the State Compensation Law.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents誌謝 I\n摘要 II\nABSTRACT I\n第一章 研究目的、範圍,以及方法 1\n一、研究目的與動機 1\n二、 研究範圍 2\n(一)比較研究之法領域 2\n(二)限於主張機關違法而最終未得標者之金錢賠償請求 3\n三、研究方法 3\n第二章 我國政府採購未得標廠商因機關違法而請求賠償之相關法規與實務 5\n一、未得標廠商主張機關違法而請求賠償之相關法規 5\n(一)法規概述 5\n(二)救濟途徑 5\n二、未得標廠商主張機關違法而請求賠償之相關實務 7\n(一)訴權(當事人適格認定) 7\n(二)因機關違法而請求賠償之請求權基礎 9\n(三)投備標及異議費用請求權之法律定性 10\n三、依據採購法第85條第3項應得請求之「必要費用」 20\n(一)實務見解 20\n(二)對實務見解之評析 24\n(三)本文見解 26\n四、案例評析 28\n(一)事實概要 29\n(二)對採購法85條第3項請求權之定性 29\n(三)對異議及申訴費用之見解 30\n(四)對內部人員薪資之見解 30\n(五)對律師費之見解 34\n五、小結 34\n(一)採購法85條第3項請求權為基於行政法上債務關係之締約過失責任 34\n(二)採購法85條第3項之必要費用應指「為備標、投標,以及異議所必要」 35\n第三章 美國聯邦政府採購之相關法規與實務 36\n一、聯邦政府採購相關法規概述 36\n(一)成文法與案例法 36\n(二)救濟途徑 37\n二、未得標廠商因機關違法請求賠償實務 38\n(一)管轄 38\n(二)訴權(當事人適格) 40\n(三)請求權基礎 40\n(四)得請求賠償之前提 43\n(五)應得賠償之範圍 46\n(六)可供參考的州法院判決 50\n三、案例評析 50\n(一)事實概要 50\n(二)得請求賠償之前提 52\n(三)應得賠償之範圍 53\n四、小結 54\n(一)聯邦法院僅承認得以成文法為請求權基礎 54\n(二)以「合理性」及「關聯性」認定得請求賠償之費用範圍 55\n第四章 歐盟及其成員國之政府採購相關法規與實務 57\n一、歐盟政府採購相關法規概述 57\n(一)法規架構 57\n(二)採購相關規則 58\n(三)採購相關指令 59\n(四)政府採購協定之適用 60\n二、歐盟法院得審理之政府採購案類型 61\n三、歐盟成員國政府採購案之未得標廠商因機關違法請求賠償實務 61\n(一)救濟途徑 61\n(二)訴權 64\n(三)得請求賠償之前提 66\n(四)應得賠償之範圍 67\n四、歐盟機關採購案件之未得標廠商因機關違法請求賠償實務 67\n(一)管轄 67\n(二)請求權基礎 68\n(三)得請求賠償之前提 69\n(四)應得賠償之範圍 69\n五、 案例評析 70\n(一)事實概要 70\n(二)管轄 71\n(三)訴權 72\n(四)得請求賠償之前提 73\n(五)應得賠償之範圍 74\n六、小結 75\n(一)歐盟機關的採購所生爭議 75\n(二)歐盟成員國政府採購所生爭議 76\n第五章 英國政府採購之相關法規與實務 78\n一、公共採購法規概述 78\n(一)英格蘭法域之政府採購相關法規 78\n(二)蘇格蘭法域之政府採購相關法規 79\n(三)歐盟法規之適用 79\n二、未得標廠商因機關違法請求賠償之司法實務 80\n(一)管轄 80\n(二)訴權 81\n(三)請求權基礎 82\n(四)得請求賠償之前提 86\n(五)應得賠償之範圍 87\n三、案例評析 91\n(一)英格蘭法域案例 91\n(二)蘇格蘭法域案例 97\n四、小結 100\n(一)請求權基礎與求償範圍之關連 100\n(二)「受合理告知並具一般勤勉程度之投標者」標準之應用 101\n(三)締約過失概念 v.契約責任或侵權責任 101\n第六章 比較、建議,與結論 102\n一、當事人適格認定之比較 102\n(一)各國之當事人適格認定標準不同 102\n(二)採購法第75條之當事人適格認定宜放寬 103\n二、以行政救濟為司法救濟前提之比較 104\n(一)各國招標爭議救濟途徑 104\n(二)以行政救濟為司法救濟前提之不當 105\n(三)第85條第3項請求權於特定情形得不適用「訴願前置主義」 105\n三、機關違法之判斷標準比較 106\n(一)各國對機關違法之認定標準 106\n(二)可供我國借鏡之機關違法判斷標準 107\n四、未得標廠商請求賠償之請求權基礎比較 108\n(一)以成文法為請求權基礎 108\n(二)以契約為請求權基礎 109\n(三)以侵權行為為請求權基礎 110\n(四)政府採購法第85條第3項請求權修法建議 112\n五、廠商是否須證明其得標機會之比較 113\n六、廠商得請求之費用範圍比較 114\n(一)各國對於投標備標費用範圍之判斷標準 114\n(二)採購法第85條第3項所得請求「費用」之判斷標準探討 115\n七、一般得受償之費用項目比較 116\n(一)各國認定一般得受償之項目 116\n(二)應允許合理之異議申訴程序之律師費 117\n八、可否請求所失利益之比較 118\n(一)依締約過失請求所失利益之可能 118\n(二)政府採購法第85條第3項所列之賠償範圍應可考慮修法擴大 119\n九、修法建議及結論 120\n(一)程序部份 120\n(二)實體部份 120\n(三)我國法院就採購法第85條第3項請求權應審酌之要件 121\n參考文獻 123zh_TW
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dc.subjectGovernment Procurementen_US
dc.subjectunsuccessful bidderen_US
dc.subjectprotest costen_US
dc.subjecttender preparation costen_US
dc.subjectgovernment liabilityen_US
dc.subjectculpa in contrahendoen_US
dc.titleUnsuccessful Tenderers’ Claims for Damages Based on the Procuring Government Agency’s Breach of Law: A Comparative Study on the Judicial Review in Taiwan, the USA, the EU and the UKen_US
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United States, 91 U.S. 389 (1875)\nCorliss Steam-Engine Co. v. United States, 10 Ct. Cl. 494 (1874), aff`d, 91 U.S. 321 (1875)\nUnited States v. Bostwick, 94 U.S. 53 (1876)\nPerkins v Lukens Steel Co., 310 U.S. 113 (1940)\nHeyer Products Co. v United States, 140 F. Supp. 409 (135 Ct Cl 63, 1956)\nScanwell Laboratories, Inc. v The Federal Aviation Administration, 424 F. 2d 859 (137 U.S. App. D.C. 371 1970)\nArmstrong & Armstrong, Inc. v United States, 356 F. Supp. 514 (DC Wash 1973), aff’d 514 F2d 402 (CA9 Wash)\nDescomp, Inc. v Sampson 377 F. Supp. 254 ( DC Del, 1974)\nKeco Industries, Inc. v United States, 492 F. 2d 1200 (C. C. 1974)\nMcCarty Corp. v United States, 499 F. 2d 633 (204 Ct Cl 768, 1974)\nScanwell Laboratories, Inc. v Thomas, 521 F. 2d 941 (172 U.S.App.D.C. 281 1975)\nGray v. Bell, 712 F. 2d 490 (D.C. Cir. 1983)\nMCI Telecomms. Corp. v. United States, 878 F. 2d 362 (Fed.Cir.1989)\nGuardian Moving & Storage Co. v United States, 31 Fed. Cl. 645(Fed. Cl. 1994)\nCredle v. East Bay Holding Co., Inc., 263 Ga. 907, 440 S. E. 2d 20 (Fed. Cl. 1994)\nFinley v United States, 31 Fed. Cl. 704 (Fed. Cl. 1994)\nAlfa Laval Separation, Inc. v. United States, 175 F. 3d 1365 (Fed.Cir.1999)\nAdvanced Data Concepts, Inc. v. United States, 216 F. 3d 1054 (Fed.Cir.2000)\nStratos Mobile Networks USA, LLC v. United States, 213 F. 3d 1375 (Fed.Cir.2000)\nLion Raisins, Inc. v. United States, 52 Fed. Cl. 629 (Fed. Cl. 2002)\nInformation Tech. & Applications Corp. v. United States, 316 F. 3d 1312, (Fed.Cir.2003)\nGentex Corp. v. United States, 61 Fed. Cl. 49(Fed. Cl. 2004)\nRex Service Corporation v. United States, and Associated Aircraft Manufacturing & Sales Inc., 448 F. 3d 1305 (Fed. Cir. 2006)\nGeo–Seis Helicopters, Inc. v. United States, 79 Fed. Cl. 74 (Fed. Cl. 2007); 77 Fed. Cl. 633 (Fed. Cl. 2007)\nDigitalis Educ. Solutions, Inc. v. U.S., 664 F. 3d 1380 (Fed. Cir. 2012)\nGuzar Mirbachakot Transp. v. U.S., 65, 104 Fed. Cl. 53 (Fed. Cl. 2012).\nReema Consulting Services Inc. v. U.S., 107 Fed. Cl. 519 (Fed. Cl. 2012)\n\n 歐盟判決(按時間順序)\nCase C-21-24/72, International Fruit Co NV v. Produktschap voor Groenten en Fruit, [1972] ECR 1236\nJoined Cases 87/77, 130/77, 22/83, 9/84 and 10/84 Salerno and Others v Commission and Council, [1985] ECR 2523\nCase 85/86, Commission v EIB, [1988] ECR 1281\nCase C 314/89, Siegfried Rauh v Hauptzollamt Nürnberg-Fürth, [1991] ECR I 1647\nCase C 370/89, SGEEM and Etroy v EIB, [1992] ECR I 6211\nCase T 108/94, Candiotte v Council, [1994] ECR II 249\nCase T 175/94, International Procurement Services v Commission, [1996] ECR II 729\nCase T 267/94, Oleifici Italiani v Commission, [1997] ECR II 1239\nCase C-81/98, Alcatel Austria and Others, [1999] ECR I-7671\nCase C-81/98, Alcatel Austria AG and others v Bundeministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr, [1999] ECR I-7693\nCase C-352/98 P, Bergaderm and Goupil v Commission, [2000] ECR I-5291\nCase T 169/00, R Esedra v Commission, [2000] ECR II 2951\nCase C 19/00 SIAC Construction, [2001] ECR I 7725\nJoined Cases T 198/95, T 171/96, T 230/97, T 174/98 and T 225/99, Comafrica and Dole Fresh Fruit Europe v Commission, [2001] ECR II 1975\nCase C-470/99, Universale-Bau AG v. Antsorgungsbetriebe Simmering GmbH, [2002] ECR I 11617\nCase C 25/02 Katharina Rinke v Ärztekammer Hamburg, [2003] ECR I 8349\nCase C-410/01, Fritsch, Chiari & Chiari & Partner and Others, [2003] ECR I-11547\nCase T-303/04, European Dynamics v Commission, [2004] ECR II-3891\nCase T 303/04 R, European Dynamics v Commission, [2004] ECR II 3889\nCase T-69/00, FIAMM and FIAMM Technologies v Council and Commission, [2005] ECR II-5393\nCase C-331/04, ATI EAC Srl e Viaggi di Maio Snc and others v ACTV Venezia SpA and others, [2005] ECR I-10109\nCase T 228/00, Gruppo ormeggiatori del porto di Venezia v Commission, [2005] ECR II 787\nCase T 195/08 Antwerpse Bouwwerken v Commission, [2009] ECR II 4439\nCase T-437/05, Brink’s Security Luxembourg SA v. Commission of the European Communities, JUDGMENT OF THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE, (Sixth Chamber) 9 September 2009\nCase T-461/08, Evropaïki Dynamiki v.European Investment Bank, [2011] ECR II-6378\n\n 英國判決(按時間順序)\nBlackpool and Fylde Aero Club Ltd v Blackpool Borough Council, [1990] 1 WCA Civ 13\nFairclough Building v Port Talbot Borough Council, (1993) 62 BLR 82\nRegalian Properties v. London Dockland Development Corporation, [1995] 1 All ER 1005\nHarmon CFEM Facades (UK) Ltd v The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons, [1999] EWHC Technology 199, [2000] EWHC Technology 84\nLetting International v Newham, [2007] EWCA Civ 1522,\nMonro v HM Revenue & Customs, [2007]EWHC 114 (Ch)\nAquatron Marine v. Strathclyde Fire Board, [2007] CSOH 185\nScott v Belfast Education and Library Board, [2007] NICh 4\nMultiplex Constructions (UK) Limited v Cleveland Bridge UK Limited, [2008] EWHC 2280 (TCC)\nSidey Ltd v Clackmannanshire Council, [2011] CSOH 194 (OH)\nMears v. Leeds City Council, [2011] EWHC 1031, [2011] EWHC 2694 (TCC)\n\n 其他國家判決\nHer Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario and the Water Resources Commission v Ron Engineering and Construction (Eastern) Ltd, [1981] 1 SCR 111.zh_TW
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