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題名 臺灣地區四年級學童敘述文凝結詞之分析
Cohesive devices in narrative writing of fourth-grade children in Taiwan
作者 許明珠
貢獻者 李靜桂
日期 1991
上傳時間 2-May-2016 16:57:33 (UTC+8)
     Beaugrande, Robert de and Wolfgang Dressler. 1981. Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman.
     Bennett--Kastor, Tina. 1983. -Noun Phrases and Coherence in Child Narratives.” Jounal of Child Language, 10: 135-49.
     ____________,1986. -Cohesion and Predication in Child Narrative.”Journal of Child Language, 13: 353-70.
     Bloom, L., M. Lahey, L. Hood, K. Lifter and K. Fiess. 1980.“Complex Sentences: Acquisition of Syntactic Connectives and the Semantic relations they encode.” Journal of Child Language, 7: 235-61.
     Brown Gillian and George Yule. 1983. Discourse Analysis.Cambridge: Camhridge University Press.
     Carrell, Patricia L. 1982. “Cohesion Is Not Coherence.” Tesol Quarterly, 16.4:479-487.
     Chafe, WallaceL.. 1980. “The Deployment of Consciousness in the Production of a Narrative.” in The Pear Stories: Cognitive,Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production,ed. Wallace L. Chafe. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex
     Publishing Corporation.
     ____________,1987. “Cognitive Constraints on Information Flow.”in Typological Studies in Language: Coherence and Grounding in Discourse, ed. Russell S. Tomlin. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins.
     Chafe, Wallace and Jane Danielewicz. 1987. “Propecties of Spoken and Written Language.” in Comprehending Oral and Written Language, ed. Tosa1ind Horowitz and S. Jay Samuels.San Diego: Academic Press.
     Chao, Yuen Ren. 1968. A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley:University of California Press.
     Chen, May Mei-hua. 1990 Cohesive Devices in Spoken and Written Chinese Narrative Discourse. MA thesis. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University.
     Chu, Chauncey C. and W. Vincent Chang. 1987. “The Discourse Function of the Verbal Suffix-Le in Mandarin.” JCL, 15.2:309-34.
     Clancy, Patricia M. 1980. “Referential Choice in English and Japanese Narrative Discourse. “ in The Pear Stories:Cognitive, Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production, ed. Wallace L. Chafe. Norwood, New Jersey:Ab1ex Publishing Corporation.
     Craig Holly K. and Tanya M. Gallagher. 1988. “The Development of Pragmatic Connectives 4- and 6-Year-old Comparisons” Journal of Pragmatics 12: 175-183.
     Dale, Philip S. 1976. Language Development: -structure and Function.
     New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.
     Gallagher, Tanya M. and Holly K. Craig. 1987. “An Investigation of Pragmatic Connectives within Preschool Peer Interactions.” Journal of Pragmatics 11: 27-37.
     Givon, Ta1my. 1983. “Topic Continuity in Discourse: The Functional Domain of Switch-Reference.” in Typological Studies in Language Switch-Reference and Universal Grammar,eds. J. Haiman and P. Munro. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
     Gleason, Jean Berko. 1981. “Sex Differences in the language of Children and Parents.” In Language, Children and Society:The Effect of Social Factors on Children Learning to Communicate. Eds. Olga K. Garnica, and Martha L. King. rpt.Oxford: Pergamon Press.
     ____________,1987. “Sex Oifferences in Parent-Child Interaction.” in Language, Gender. and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips, Susan Steele, and
     Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
     Grimes, Joseph E. 1975. The Thread of Discourse. The Hague:Mouton.
     Halliday, M. A. K. and R. Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English.London: Longman.
     Haslett, Beth. 1986. “A Developmental Analysis of Children`s Narratives.” in contemporary Issues in Language and Discourse ,Processes, ed. Donald G. Ellis and William A.Donohue. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc ..
     Hinds, John. 1979. “Organizational Patterns in Discourse.” In Syntax and Semantics, 12 Discourse and Syntax, ed. Talmy Givon. New York: Academic Press.
     Jahr, Dai-Shan. 1973. A Linguistic Investigation of the Written Language of Primary School Children in Taiwan (lst-6st grade). MA Thesis. Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Jisa, Harriet. 1987. “Sentence Connectors in French Children`s Monologue Performance.” Journal of Pragmatics 11: 607-621.
     Johns, Ann M. 1984. “Textual Cohesion and The Chinese Speaker of English.” Language Learning and Communication, 3.1:69-73.
     Kail, M. and J. Weissenborn. 1984. “A Developmental Cross-Linguistic Study of Adversative Connectives: French `mais` and German `aberlsondern`.” Journal of Child
     Language, 11: 143-58.
     Keenan, Edward L. 1976. “Towards a Universal Definition of “Subject”.” in Subject and Topic, ed. Charles N. Li. New York: Academic Press.
     Kemper, Susan. 1984. “The Development of Narrative Skills:Explanations and Entertainments.”in Discourse Development:Progress in Cognitive Development Research, ed. Stan A.Kuczaj, II. New York: Springer-Verlag.
     King, Brian. 1980. The Acquisition of Tone in Taiwanese. MA Thesis.Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Lakoff, Robin. 1982. “Some of My Favorite Writers are Literate:The Mingling of Oral and Literate Strategies in Written Communictaion.” in Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy, ed. Deborah Tannen. Norwood, New
     Jersey: Ab1ex Publishing Co.
     Lee, Chingkwei. 1988. Information structure in Planned, Written and Unplanned, Spoken Discourse. Ph. D. dissertation.Columbia, University of South Carolina, U.S.A.
     Li Charles N. and Sandra A. Thompson. 1976. “subject and Topic: A New Typo1ogy.” in Subject and Topic, ed. Charles Li New York: Academic Press.
     ____________,1979. “Third-Person Pronouns and Zero-Anaphora in Chinese Discourse.” in Syntax and Semantics 12, Discourse and Syntax, ed. Ta1my Givon. Now York: Academic Press.
     ____________,1981. Mandarin Chinese: A Functional Reference Grammar. California: University of California Press.
     ____________,1982. “The Gulf Between Spoken and Written Language: A Case Study in Chinese.” in Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy, ed. Deborah Tannen. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
     Li, Cherry Ing. 1985. Participant Anaphora in Mandarin Chinese. Ph. D. dissertation. Florida: University of Florida.
     Lyons, John. 1977. Semantics. London: Cambridge.
     Minsky, M. 1980. A frame work for representing knowledge. Frame conceptions and text understanding, ed. by Dieter Metzing,1-25. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter.
     Nystrand, Martin. 1987. “The Role of Context in Written Communication.” in Comprehending Oral and Written Language,ed. Rosalind Horowitz and S. Jay Samuels. San Diego:Academic Press.
     Ochs, Elinor. 1979. “Planned and Unplanned Discourse.” In Syntax and Semantics 12. Discourse and Syntax, ed. Ta1my Givon. New York: Academic Press.
     Okurowski, Mary Ellen. 1986. Textual Cohesion in Modern Standard Chinese, ph.D. disertation. Georgetown University.
     Peterson, Carole. 1986. ”Semantic and Pragmetic Uses of `but`.” Jounal of Child Language 13: 583-90.
     Philips, Susan U. and Anne Reynolds. 1987. “The Interaction of Variable Syntax and Discourse Structure in Women`s and Men`s Speech.” in Language, Gender, and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips, Susan Steele and Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambrideg University Press.
     Rudolph, Elisabeth. 1987. “Connective Relations—Connective Expressions-- Connective Structures.” in Text and Discourse Constitution: Empirical Aspects, Theretical Appronches, ed.Janos S. Petyfi. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
     Sattel, Jack W. 1983. “Men, Inexpressiveness, And Power.” In Language, Gender and Society, eds. Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. Cambridge: Newbury House Publishers.
     Shucard, David W., Janet L. Shucard and David G. Thomas. 1987.”Sex Differences in the Patterns of Scalp-Recorded Electrophysio1ogical Activity in Infancy: Possible
     Implications for Language Deve1opment.” in Language, Gender,and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips,Susan Steele, and Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
     Slobin Dan Isaac. 1979. Psycho1inguistics. 2nd edition.Berkeley: University of California.
     Stalter. William. 1978. “A Sense of Structure.”College
     Composition and Communication, 29.4: 341-5.
     Su, An-te. 1985. The Acquistion of Mandarin Phonology By Taiwanese Children. MA Thesis. Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Tanz, Christine. 1987. “Introduction.” in Language, Gender, and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips, Susan Steele, and Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
     Thorne, Barrie, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. 1983.“Language, Gender and Society: Opening a Second Decade of Research.” in Language, Gender and Society, eds. Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. Cambridge:Newbury House Publishers.
     Trabasso, Tom, Tom Secco, and Paul Van Den Broek. 1984. “Causal Cohesion and Story Coherence.” in Learning and Comprehension of Text, ed. Heinz Mandl, Nancy L. Stein and Tom Trabasso.Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Er1baum Associates, Inc ..
     Trudgill , Pater. 1974. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction. New York: Penguin.
     Tsao, Feng-fu. 1980. “Sentences in Chinese and Eng1ish—An Expl Society: Opening a Second Decade of Research.- in Language, Gender and Society, eds. Barrie
     Thorne, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. Cambridge:Newbury House Publishers.
     Trabasso, Tom, Tom Secco, and Paul Van Den Broek. 1984. “Causal Cohesion and story Coherence.” in Learning and Comprehension of Text, ed. Heinz Mandl, Nancy L. Stein and Tom Trabasso.Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Er1baum Associates, Inc ..
     Trudgill , Pater. 1974. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction. New York: Penguin.
     Tsao, Feng-fu. 1980. “Sentences in Chinese and English—An Exploration of Some Basic Syntactic Differences”, in Li,Chen, Tien and Tsao, eds., Paper in Honor of Professor Lin Yu-keng on Her Seventieth Birthday. Taipei: Wen Shin Publishing Co.
     Van de. Velde, Toger G. 1984. Prolegomena to Inferential Discourse Processing. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
     Wang, Yu-fang. 1988. Chinese Children`s Metalanguage awareness of the BA Consturction. MA Thesis. Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Witte, Stephen P. and Lester Faigley. 1981. “Coherence,Cohesion and Writing Qua1ity.” College Composition and Communication, 32.2: 189-204.
     Yu, Hsueh-ying. 1990. Connestives in Chinese Narrative Discourse. MA Thesis. Taipei: National Chengchi University.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李靜桂zh_TW (Authors) 許明珠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 許明珠zh_TW (日期) 1991en_US (日期) 1990en_US 2-May-2016 16:57:33 (UTC+8)- 2-May-2016 16:57:33 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-May-2016 16:57:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002004895en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 英國語文學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) ABSTRACTen_US
dc.description.tableofcontents TABLE OF CONTENTS
     ABSTRACT …………..iii
     LIST OF TABLES …………..vii
     I INTRODUCTION …………..1
     1.1 Motivation …………..1
     1.2 Definition of Cohesion…………..3
     1:3 Basic Assumptions…………..6
     1.4 Research Questions …….. 7
     1.5 Organization of the study…………..8
     2.1 Cohesion vs. Coherence…………..13
     2.1.1 Grimes’ Model (1975) …………..14
     2.1.2 Halliday and Hasan’s Model (1976) …………..15
     2.1.3 Beaugrande and Dressler’s Model (1981) …………..21
     2.1.4 Critique of Cohesion Models…………..23
     2.2 Cohesion in Chinese…………..26
     2.2.1 Some Characteristics in Chinese…………..26
     2.2.2 Previous Studies Concerning Chinese Cohesion…………..29
     2.3 Children’s Concept of Cohesion…………..33
     2.3.1 Previous studies Concerning Children’s Use of Cohesive Devices …………..34
     2.3.2 Difficulties in Identifying Children’s Use of Cohesive Devices…………..38
     2.4 Spoken vs. Written Language…………..40
     3.1 The Proposed Category …………..48
     3.1.1 Considerations in Designing the Proposed Category………….. 49
     3.1.2 A Working Model of Children’s Planned, Written Discourse …………..50
     3.2 The Control and Gathering of Data…………..54
     3.2.1 The Data Gathering…………..54
     3.2.2 Control Over the Data…………..55 The Subjects…………..55 Topic and Discourse Genre…………..56
     3.3 The Methods Used in the Present Analysis…………..58
     3.3.1 Identifying the Chunks…………..59
     3.3.2 The Limited Referential Distance ……… 63
     3.4 Analysis of the Material s…………..65
     3.4.1 Reference…………..66
     3.4.2 Conjunction…………..74
     3.4.3 Lexical Cohesion…………..82
     3.4.4 Substitution…………..87
     3.4.5 Ellipsis…………..90
     3.4.6 Other…………..94
     3.4.7 Dummy…………..98
     3.5 Summary…………..101
     4.1 Results…………..109
     4.1.1 The General Pattern of Children’s Cohesive Devices…………..109
     4.1.2 Comparisons Between High-Scored Writing and Low-Scored Writing…………..114
     4.1.3 Other Determining Factors…………..118
     4.2 Discussion…………..120
     4.2.1 The General Pattern of Children’s Cohesive Devices…………..120
     4.2.2 Cohesive Devices in Different Scores…………..125
     4.2.3 Other Determining Factors in Children’s Good writing…………..132
     4.2.4 Other Findings…………..135 Some Mistakes of Language Usage…………..135 The Problem of Dummy…………..141
     4.3 Concluding Remarks…………..144
     5.1 Cohesion Reconsidered …………..149
     5.2 Some Differences Between Children’s and Adults’ Cohesive Pattern…………..151
     5.3 Limitations and Difficulties of the Present Study…………..153
     5.4 Implications…………..154
     5.5 Suggestions…………..157
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 臺灣地區四年級學童敘述文凝結詞之分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Cohesive devices in narrative writing of fourth-grade children in Taiwanen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) BIBLIOGRAPHY
     Beaugrande, Robert de and Wolfgang Dressler. 1981. Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman.
     Bennett--Kastor, Tina. 1983. -Noun Phrases and Coherence in Child Narratives.” Jounal of Child Language, 10: 135-49.
     ____________,1986. -Cohesion and Predication in Child Narrative.”Journal of Child Language, 13: 353-70.
     Bloom, L., M. Lahey, L. Hood, K. Lifter and K. Fiess. 1980.“Complex Sentences: Acquisition of Syntactic Connectives and the Semantic relations they encode.” Journal of Child Language, 7: 235-61.
     Brown Gillian and George Yule. 1983. Discourse Analysis.Cambridge: Camhridge University Press.
     Carrell, Patricia L. 1982. “Cohesion Is Not Coherence.” Tesol Quarterly, 16.4:479-487.
     Chafe, WallaceL.. 1980. “The Deployment of Consciousness in the Production of a Narrative.” in The Pear Stories: Cognitive,Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production,ed. Wallace L. Chafe. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex
     Publishing Corporation.
     ____________,1987. “Cognitive Constraints on Information Flow.”in Typological Studies in Language: Coherence and Grounding in Discourse, ed. Russell S. Tomlin. Amsterdam: J.Benjamins.
     Chafe, Wallace and Jane Danielewicz. 1987. “Propecties of Spoken and Written Language.” in Comprehending Oral and Written Language, ed. Tosa1ind Horowitz and S. Jay Samuels.San Diego: Academic Press.
     Chao, Yuen Ren. 1968. A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley:University of California Press.
     Chen, May Mei-hua. 1990 Cohesive Devices in Spoken and Written Chinese Narrative Discourse. MA thesis. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University.
     Chu, Chauncey C. and W. Vincent Chang. 1987. “The Discourse Function of the Verbal Suffix-Le in Mandarin.” JCL, 15.2:309-34.
     Clancy, Patricia M. 1980. “Referential Choice in English and Japanese Narrative Discourse. “ in The Pear Stories:Cognitive, Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production, ed. Wallace L. Chafe. Norwood, New Jersey:Ab1ex Publishing Corporation.
     Craig Holly K. and Tanya M. Gallagher. 1988. “The Development of Pragmatic Connectives 4- and 6-Year-old Comparisons” Journal of Pragmatics 12: 175-183.
     Dale, Philip S. 1976. Language Development: -structure and Function.
     New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston.
     Gallagher, Tanya M. and Holly K. Craig. 1987. “An Investigation of Pragmatic Connectives within Preschool Peer Interactions.” Journal of Pragmatics 11: 27-37.
     Givon, Ta1my. 1983. “Topic Continuity in Discourse: The Functional Domain of Switch-Reference.” in Typological Studies in Language Switch-Reference and Universal Grammar,eds. J. Haiman and P. Munro. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
     Gleason, Jean Berko. 1981. “Sex Differences in the language of Children and Parents.” In Language, Children and Society:The Effect of Social Factors on Children Learning to Communicate. Eds. Olga K. Garnica, and Martha L. King. rpt.Oxford: Pergamon Press.
     ____________,1987. “Sex Oifferences in Parent-Child Interaction.” in Language, Gender. and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips, Susan Steele, and
     Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
     Grimes, Joseph E. 1975. The Thread of Discourse. The Hague:Mouton.
     Halliday, M. A. K. and R. Hasan. 1976. Cohesion in English.London: Longman.
     Haslett, Beth. 1986. “A Developmental Analysis of Children`s Narratives.” in contemporary Issues in Language and Discourse ,Processes, ed. Donald G. Ellis and William A.Donohue. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc ..
     Hinds, John. 1979. “Organizational Patterns in Discourse.” In Syntax and Semantics, 12 Discourse and Syntax, ed. Talmy Givon. New York: Academic Press.
     Jahr, Dai-Shan. 1973. A Linguistic Investigation of the Written Language of Primary School Children in Taiwan (lst-6st grade). MA Thesis. Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Jisa, Harriet. 1987. “Sentence Connectors in French Children`s Monologue Performance.” Journal of Pragmatics 11: 607-621.
     Johns, Ann M. 1984. “Textual Cohesion and The Chinese Speaker of English.” Language Learning and Communication, 3.1:69-73.
     Kail, M. and J. Weissenborn. 1984. “A Developmental Cross-Linguistic Study of Adversative Connectives: French `mais` and German `aberlsondern`.” Journal of Child
     Language, 11: 143-58.
     Keenan, Edward L. 1976. “Towards a Universal Definition of “Subject”.” in Subject and Topic, ed. Charles N. Li. New York: Academic Press.
     Kemper, Susan. 1984. “The Development of Narrative Skills:Explanations and Entertainments.”in Discourse Development:Progress in Cognitive Development Research, ed. Stan A.Kuczaj, II. New York: Springer-Verlag.
     King, Brian. 1980. The Acquisition of Tone in Taiwanese. MA Thesis.Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Lakoff, Robin. 1982. “Some of My Favorite Writers are Literate:The Mingling of Oral and Literate Strategies in Written Communictaion.” in Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy, ed. Deborah Tannen. Norwood, New
     Jersey: Ab1ex Publishing Co.
     Lee, Chingkwei. 1988. Information structure in Planned, Written and Unplanned, Spoken Discourse. Ph. D. dissertation.Columbia, University of South Carolina, U.S.A.
     Li Charles N. and Sandra A. Thompson. 1976. “subject and Topic: A New Typo1ogy.” in Subject and Topic, ed. Charles Li New York: Academic Press.
     ____________,1979. “Third-Person Pronouns and Zero-Anaphora in Chinese Discourse.” in Syntax and Semantics 12, Discourse and Syntax, ed. Ta1my Givon. Now York: Academic Press.
     ____________,1981. Mandarin Chinese: A Functional Reference Grammar. California: University of California Press.
     ____________,1982. “The Gulf Between Spoken and Written Language: A Case Study in Chinese.” in Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy, ed. Deborah Tannen. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
     Li, Cherry Ing. 1985. Participant Anaphora in Mandarin Chinese. Ph. D. dissertation. Florida: University of Florida.
     Lyons, John. 1977. Semantics. London: Cambridge.
     Minsky, M. 1980. A frame work for representing knowledge. Frame conceptions and text understanding, ed. by Dieter Metzing,1-25. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter.
     Nystrand, Martin. 1987. “The Role of Context in Written Communication.” in Comprehending Oral and Written Language,ed. Rosalind Horowitz and S. Jay Samuels. San Diego:Academic Press.
     Ochs, Elinor. 1979. “Planned and Unplanned Discourse.” In Syntax and Semantics 12. Discourse and Syntax, ed. Ta1my Givon. New York: Academic Press.
     Okurowski, Mary Ellen. 1986. Textual Cohesion in Modern Standard Chinese, ph.D. disertation. Georgetown University.
     Peterson, Carole. 1986. ”Semantic and Pragmetic Uses of `but`.” Jounal of Child Language 13: 583-90.
     Philips, Susan U. and Anne Reynolds. 1987. “The Interaction of Variable Syntax and Discourse Structure in Women`s and Men`s Speech.” in Language, Gender, and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips, Susan Steele and Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambrideg University Press.
     Rudolph, Elisabeth. 1987. “Connective Relations—Connective Expressions-- Connective Structures.” in Text and Discourse Constitution: Empirical Aspects, Theretical Appronches, ed.Janos S. Petyfi. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
     Sattel, Jack W. 1983. “Men, Inexpressiveness, And Power.” In Language, Gender and Society, eds. Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. Cambridge: Newbury House Publishers.
     Shucard, David W., Janet L. Shucard and David G. Thomas. 1987.”Sex Differences in the Patterns of Scalp-Recorded Electrophysio1ogical Activity in Infancy: Possible
     Implications for Language Deve1opment.” in Language, Gender,and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips,Susan Steele, and Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
     Slobin Dan Isaac. 1979. Psycho1inguistics. 2nd edition.Berkeley: University of California.
     Stalter. William. 1978. “A Sense of Structure.”College
     Composition and Communication, 29.4: 341-5.
     Su, An-te. 1985. The Acquistion of Mandarin Phonology By Taiwanese Children. MA Thesis. Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Tanz, Christine. 1987. “Introduction.” in Language, Gender, and Sex in Comparative Perspective, eds. Susan U. Philips, Susan Steele, and Christine Tanz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
     Thorne, Barrie, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. 1983.“Language, Gender and Society: Opening a Second Decade of Research.” in Language, Gender and Society, eds. Barrie Thorne, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. Cambridge:Newbury House Publishers.
     Trabasso, Tom, Tom Secco, and Paul Van Den Broek. 1984. “Causal Cohesion and Story Coherence.” in Learning and Comprehension of Text, ed. Heinz Mandl, Nancy L. Stein and Tom Trabasso.Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Er1baum Associates, Inc ..
     Trudgill , Pater. 1974. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction. New York: Penguin.
     Tsao, Feng-fu. 1980. “Sentences in Chinese and Eng1ish—An Expl Society: Opening a Second Decade of Research.- in Language, Gender and Society, eds. Barrie
     Thorne, Cheris Kramarae and Nancy Henley. Cambridge:Newbury House Publishers.
     Trabasso, Tom, Tom Secco, and Paul Van Den Broek. 1984. “Causal Cohesion and story Coherence.” in Learning and Comprehension of Text, ed. Heinz Mandl, Nancy L. Stein and Tom Trabasso.Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Er1baum Associates, Inc ..
     Trudgill , Pater. 1974. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction. New York: Penguin.
     Tsao, Feng-fu. 1980. “Sentences in Chinese and English—An Exploration of Some Basic Syntactic Differences”, in Li,Chen, Tien and Tsao, eds., Paper in Honor of Professor Lin Yu-keng on Her Seventieth Birthday. Taipei: Wen Shin Publishing Co.
     Van de. Velde, Toger G. 1984. Prolegomena to Inferential Discourse Processing. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
     Wang, Yu-fang. 1988. Chinese Children`s Metalanguage awareness of the BA Consturction. MA Thesis. Hsin Chuang, Taipei: Fu Jen Catholic University.
     Witte, Stephen P. and Lester Faigley. 1981. “Coherence,Cohesion and Writing Qua1ity.” College Composition and Communication, 32.2: 189-204.
     Yu, Hsueh-ying. 1990. Connestives in Chinese Narrative Discourse. MA Thesis. Taipei: National Chengchi University.