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題名 論「直擊」: 當代媒介生態中的新聞攝影
On camera-witnessing : Photojournalism in contemporary media ecology
作者 區國強
Au, Kwok-Keung
貢獻者 陳百齡<br>黃厚銘
Au, Kwok-Keung
關鍵詞 新聞攝影
Media ecology
Online news
Social media
日期 2017
上傳時間 13-Sep-2017 14:05:35 (UTC+8)
摘要 新聞攝影為何要「拍得到、靠得近」?我該如理解自己從事多年的「新聞攝影」之過去、現在,與未來?在當代攝影越來越無所不能、無所不在、無時不在,和人人都可以/可能是攝影者的情境中,新聞、攝影,與媒介技術之間的關係又為何?這些是本研究想回答的問題。為了回答這些問題,本研究以影像「總被拿來用」為前提,結合機緣、媒介生態學、再中介,和新聞見證等概念建立分析架構,把攝錄媒介視為存活於媒介生態中,並總和其他媒介發生關係的「物種」,藉以探討當代「直擊」現象,試圖釐清「新聞攝影」現況。本研究資料包括研究者個人工作經驗、新聞實務工作者訪談,和網路新聞資料。藉由這些觀察與分析,本文指出當代「直擊」展現了傳統新聞攝影「有(影像)」的邏輯與新媒介技術的結合,亦反映出「媒介」與「媒體」之間的密切關係。從新聞攝影角度來看,「拍得到、靠得近」在當代不再困難,但也呈現出影像見證的「眼見為憑」並非攝錄技術所單獨完成,而總和其他媒介發生關係。以攝錄媒介「物種」的狀態來看,當代新聞影像變多、變快、變粗糙,但也變「短命」;民生百態成為「直擊」重要內容;「拍得到、靠得近」同時為了被「看透」和「看見」;攝錄媒介更被強調用來突襲新聞使用者感官,推動新聞變化。本文提出,當前新聞影像傳播環境展現了現代性與後現代混雜的狀況,衝擊著大眾媒體與新聞攝影「專業者」的地位和生存,包括他們無法再壟斷新聞影像的見證、建證,與論證,以及對一些受訪者來說,當代「直擊」和新聞攝影都出現了「貶值」。本文認為,大眾媒體該保留「大眾」的角色和功能,而攝影記者們則必須開發更多「拍得到、靠得近」與「決定性瞬間」能力,才能存活下來,免於被邊緣化、淘汰,或「絕種」。
What does it mean to say that “if your pictures aren`t good enough, you`re not close enough”? Why must photojournalist “get close to shoot ‘good’ pictures”? How should I explain and theorize the past, the present, and the future of the “photojournalism” that I have been practicing for many years? And what is the relationship among journalism, photography, and media technology in the contemporary world where technology of photography becomes more and more powerful, the practices of photography become ubiquitous, and everyone can/may be a photographer? These are the questions this research aims to answer. To answer these questions, this research considers photography as something “put to use”, and combines concepts such as affordance, media ecology, remediation, and journalistic witnessing to form a theoretical framework, analyzing camera-witnessing practices of the news media in contemporary Taiwan. This theoretical framework also regards photography as a “species” living inside the media ecology, and always having relations with or remediated by other mediums. The data of this research includes my own working experiences, interviews of media professionals, and online news of two major news organizations in Taiwan. The thesis states that the practices of camera-witnessing reflect the relationship between new media technology and traditional photojournalistic logic that emphasizes getting close to shoot, having to get the picture, and using of photography for evidential purpose as the goal of photojournalism. Also, in the present stage of journalism, “getting close to shoot” is not a difficult task to accomplish as in the past. But I further argue that, camera-witnessing and “to see is to believe” is not only done by photography, but also by the function of other mediums. Besides, in considering photography as a “species” in the media ecology, I have found the evolution of the photographic medium: speed and quantity are highly emphasized; the news images become “short-lived”; “raw” style emerges as a characteristic of the witnessing images; “ordinary life” becomes an important type of the news content. On the one hand, the purpose of “getting close to shoot” is to attain transparent immediacy. On the other hand, the image is presented to be the object immediately experienced by the audiences, in order to trigger the on-going changes of online news content. Furthermore, contemporary media ecology in Taiwan shows an ambivalent condition in which modernity and postmodernity co-exist. For the photojournalists and media professionals, they are at the risk of losing their social and professional status, as they no longer monopolize the channel and the technology to produce and to circulate camera-witnessing images. In the viewpoints of some interviewees, camera-witnessing and photojournalism have been “devalued”. I conclude that, to survive in the new environment, mass media organizations should defend their role as “mass media”, and the photojournalists need to develop their new understanding and abilities to “get close to shoot” and to capture “the decisive moment”.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1014515031
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳百齡<br>黃厚銘zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 區國強zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Au, Kwok-Keungen_US
dc.creator (作者) 區國強zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Au, Kwok-Keungen_US
dc.date (日期) 2017en_US
dc.date.accessioned 13-Sep-2017 14:05:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 13-Sep-2017 14:05:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 13-Sep-2017 14:05:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1014515031en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/112604-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 新聞學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101451503zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 新聞攝影為何要「拍得到、靠得近」?我該如理解自己從事多年的「新聞攝影」之過去、現在,與未來?在當代攝影越來越無所不能、無所不在、無時不在,和人人都可以/可能是攝影者的情境中,新聞、攝影,與媒介技術之間的關係又為何?這些是本研究想回答的問題。為了回答這些問題,本研究以影像「總被拿來用」為前提,結合機緣、媒介生態學、再中介,和新聞見證等概念建立分析架構,把攝錄媒介視為存活於媒介生態中,並總和其他媒介發生關係的「物種」,藉以探討當代「直擊」現象,試圖釐清「新聞攝影」現況。本研究資料包括研究者個人工作經驗、新聞實務工作者訪談,和網路新聞資料。藉由這些觀察與分析,本文指出當代「直擊」展現了傳統新聞攝影「有(影像)」的邏輯與新媒介技術的結合,亦反映出「媒介」與「媒體」之間的密切關係。從新聞攝影角度來看,「拍得到、靠得近」在當代不再困難,但也呈現出影像見證的「眼見為憑」並非攝錄技術所單獨完成,而總和其他媒介發生關係。以攝錄媒介「物種」的狀態來看,當代新聞影像變多、變快、變粗糙,但也變「短命」;民生百態成為「直擊」重要內容;「拍得到、靠得近」同時為了被「看透」和「看見」;攝錄媒介更被強調用來突襲新聞使用者感官,推動新聞變化。本文提出,當前新聞影像傳播環境展現了現代性與後現代混雜的狀況,衝擊著大眾媒體與新聞攝影「專業者」的地位和生存,包括他們無法再壟斷新聞影像的見證、建證,與論證,以及對一些受訪者來說,當代「直擊」和新聞攝影都出現了「貶值」。本文認為,大眾媒體該保留「大眾」的角色和功能,而攝影記者們則必須開發更多「拍得到、靠得近」與「決定性瞬間」能力,才能存活下來,免於被邊緣化、淘汰,或「絕種」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) What does it mean to say that “if your pictures aren`t good enough, you`re not close enough”? Why must photojournalist “get close to shoot ‘good’ pictures”? How should I explain and theorize the past, the present, and the future of the “photojournalism” that I have been practicing for many years? And what is the relationship among journalism, photography, and media technology in the contemporary world where technology of photography becomes more and more powerful, the practices of photography become ubiquitous, and everyone can/may be a photographer? These are the questions this research aims to answer. To answer these questions, this research considers photography as something “put to use”, and combines concepts such as affordance, media ecology, remediation, and journalistic witnessing to form a theoretical framework, analyzing camera-witnessing practices of the news media in contemporary Taiwan. This theoretical framework also regards photography as a “species” living inside the media ecology, and always having relations with or remediated by other mediums. The data of this research includes my own working experiences, interviews of media professionals, and online news of two major news organizations in Taiwan. The thesis states that the practices of camera-witnessing reflect the relationship between new media technology and traditional photojournalistic logic that emphasizes getting close to shoot, having to get the picture, and using of photography for evidential purpose as the goal of photojournalism. Also, in the present stage of journalism, “getting close to shoot” is not a difficult task to accomplish as in the past. But I further argue that, camera-witnessing and “to see is to believe” is not only done by photography, but also by the function of other mediums. Besides, in considering photography as a “species” in the media ecology, I have found the evolution of the photographic medium: speed and quantity are highly emphasized; the news images become “short-lived”; “raw” style emerges as a characteristic of the witnessing images; “ordinary life” becomes an important type of the news content. On the one hand, the purpose of “getting close to shoot” is to attain transparent immediacy. On the other hand, the image is presented to be the object immediately experienced by the audiences, in order to trigger the on-going changes of online news content. Furthermore, contemporary media ecology in Taiwan shows an ambivalent condition in which modernity and postmodernity co-exist. For the photojournalists and media professionals, they are at the risk of losing their social and professional status, as they no longer monopolize the channel and the technology to produce and to circulate camera-witnessing images. In the viewpoints of some interviewees, camera-witnessing and photojournalism have been “devalued”. I conclude that, to survive in the new environment, mass media organizations should defend their role as “mass media”, and the photojournalists need to develop their new understanding and abilities to “get close to shoot” and to capture “the decisive moment”.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 前言 1
第一節 問題意識:「拍不到」的夢魘 1
第二節 現象:翻拍、手機拍,與偷拍於攝影無所不在的情境中 6
第三節 觀察對象:「直擊」 9
第四節 觀察角度:新聞攝影不只是攝影 12
第五節 方法論的立場與研究方法 14
一、網路新聞資料 16
二、新聞工作者訪談 17
第六節 章節安排 17
第二章 理論觀點:技術、機緣、媒介與媒體 20
第一節 回顧:新技術造成新聞攝影的危機?契機? 21
第二節 如何談技術?機緣的觀點 24
第三節 如何談新聞攝影技術?再現與傳播、媒介與媒體、拍攝與使用 30
第四節 反思:新聞攝影與現代性 35
第三章 分析架構:再中介觀點談眼見為憑 38
第一節 媒材再中介:影像何以見證? 38
一、 當攝影成為圖文的內容 39
二、對現實的引用 vs. 對現實的翻譯:攝影與繪畫 41
三、看透與看見:獨一無二的攝影機緣? 44
第二節 傳播再中介:當攝影成為傳播的內容 48
一、攝影混種? 49
二、網路新聞版面:量變、加速 49
三、變速:隨時出現的新聞「爆炸」 51
第三節 大眾媒體再中介網路與社群媒體:當業餘者影像成為專業者的內容 52
一、新聞見證外包:另一種「新聞影像」?「業餘」攝影風格? 53
二、新聞作為商品:媒介生態與媒體生態 56
第四節 小結 57
第四章 「直擊」的變化:從「壹傳媒」到網路直擊 60
第一節 新舊媒介交替/混雜的媒介生態中直擊數量的突變 60
第二節 一種「直擊」,多種樣態:網路、平面,與電視直擊 65
一、網路「直擊」:當網路新聞碰上社群媒體 66
二、平面「直擊」:專業策動的偷拍與跟拍 68
三、電視「直擊」:模仿報紙踢爆,翻拍網路直擊 71
第三節 小結 75
第五章 量產「直擊」:當媒體遇上了新媒介 76
第一節 「直擊」產製新模式 76
一、攝影「三槍俠」:速度第一、量多就是好、「有」最重要 78
二、手機拍:光明正大地偷拍 83
三、翻拍:新聞影像見證免費外包 85
第二節 「直擊」的貶值與另類價值 92
一、當「直擊」變成噱頭 93
二、衝收視、充稿量 96
三、「直擊」廣告:攝錄媒介的另類價值 101
第三節 小結 102
第六章 「拍得到」的美夢成真?網路與社群媒體時代中的眼見為憑 104
第一節 「有圖有真相」:先有眼見,才能為憑 104
第二節 「直擊」的建證:標記符號加上象徵符號 109
第三節 「直擊」的變化:即時新聞情境中的圖文問答 113
第四節 「還原現場」:論證於人人都是「柯南」的情境中 116
第五節 眼見不為憑!焦慮的攝影記者 122
第六節 小結 127
第七章 「靠得近」的震撼?意料之外(中)驚嚇/勾引你 132
第一節 無所不在的「直擊」真人秀:不夠專業,所以更真實 132
第二節 捕獲「意外」:攝影之神啊,請給我一點運氣! 137
第三節 「直擊」的突襲:嚇人的意外與強迫性看見 141
第四節 「直擊」推播:「新」聞、突發,與變化 146
第五節 代結語:「直擊」蝦仁炒飯!?大眾媒體與新聞攝影的自我翻新 148
第八章 結論:「直擊」啟示錄 155
第一節 短命的新聞攝影?當代新聞攝錄物種現況 155
第二節 攝影記者的危機?「直擊」作為轉型的提示/警示 156
第三節 再論「拍得到」與「靠得近」:「有」的演化與強化 161
第四節 「好」的邏輯救新聞攝影?有待再開發的「決定性瞬間」 163
第五節 後現代情境中的新聞攝影現代性?或,另一種「新聞攝影」? 168
第六節 代結語:研究限制與未來研究方向 172
參考書目 175
dc.format.extent 3590219 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1014515031en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新聞攝影zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 直擊zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 再中介zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 媒介生態學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 機緣zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網路即時新聞zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社群媒體zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Photojournalismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Camera-witnessingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Remediationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Media ecologyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Affordanceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Online newsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social mediaen_US
dc.title (題名) 論「直擊」: 當代媒介生態中的新聞攝影zh_TW
dc.title (題名) On camera-witnessing : Photojournalism in contemporary media ecologyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
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