題名 日本語母語話者と中国語を母語とする日本語学習者による単文の処理 -二項動詞と三項動詞の能動文の場合
Simple-sentence processing of Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese: Focus on active sentences with Two-place verbs and Three-place verbs作者 馬嘉翔
Ma, Chia-Hsiang貢獻者 王淑琴
Wang, Shu-Chin
Ma, Chia-Hsiang關鍵詞 語句處理
Sentence processing
Sentence-correctness decision task
Canonical order
Scrambled order
Scrambling effect日期 2018 上傳時間 29-八月-2018 15:45:29 (UTC+8) 摘要 本研究採用「日語為階層語言」之立場,以海外(台灣)的日語母語者與中文為母語的日語學習者為對象,進行雙論元動詞與三論元動詞之主動句的語句正確性判斷實驗。本研究之實驗以語序為變因,並對實驗所得之基本語序句與漂移語序(或譯:攪拌語序)的反應時間與正確性判斷之錯誤率進行重複量測變異數分析。 雙論元動詞之主動句處理的分析情形如下:日語母語者與日語學習者之「-ga -wo主動句」的處理可見漂移效果(或譯:攪拌效果)。然而,日語母語者與日語學習者之「-ga -ni主動句」的處理則未見漂移效果。透過雙論元動詞主動句的實驗,再度確認了日語母語者與日語學習者會以深層結構來處理「-ga -wo主動句」。但日語母語者與日語學習者是否以深層結構來處理「-ga -ni主動句」則無法藉由本研究的實驗確認之。 三論元動詞之主動句處理的分析情形如下:日語母語者與日語學習者之「賓語 -ni 主動句」與「結果 -ni 主動句」的處理,皆未見漂移效果。亦即,日語母語者與日語學習者是否以深層結構來處理「賓語 -ni 主動句」與「結果 -ni 主動句」,無法藉由本研究的實驗確認。 於「-ga -ni主動句」、「賓語 -ni 主動句」,與「結果 -ni 主動句」的處理中未見漂移效果的原因,推論如下:與「-ga -ni主動句」具有相同格標示的句型不只有主動句;三論元動詞的主動句與雙論元動詞的主動句相較,論元數量多一,導致處理負荷相對較大,故未見漂移效果。
This study is based on the claim that Japanese is a configurational language. Experiments of a sentence-correctness decision task were conducted of active sentences with two-place verbs and three-place verbs with Japanese native speakers and learners of Japanese whose native language is Chinese. The independent variable of this study is word order. The resulting reaction time and error rates for canonical and scrambled order are compared using repeated measure ANOVAs. In the case of active sentences with two-place verbs, it is found that there was a scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with -ga and -wo for both the Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese, for whom, on the other hand, it is found that there was no scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with -ga and -ni. Through the experiment with active sentences with two-place verbs, it is reconfirmed that Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese use D-structure to process active sentences with -ga and -wo. However, in the processing of active sentences with -ga and -ni, whether Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese use D-structure to process sentences or not could not be made sure. In the case of active sentences with three-place verbs, it is found that there was no scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with object-ni or outcome-ni. Therefore, in the processing of active sentences with object-ni or outcome-ni, whether Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese use D-structure to process sentences could not be made sure. The reason why there was no scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with -ga and -ni, and active sentences with object-ni or outcome-ni, could be attributed to the fact that sentences with case marking -ga and -ni are not necessarily active sentences, and that processing loads for sentences with three-place verbs are larger than sentences with two-place verbs, since the former have one more argument.參考文獻 崔正熙(2013)「第二言語習得が第一言語使用に与える影響について―日本語を習得した韓国語母語話者の場合―」『朝鮮語研究5』東京:ひつじ書房、313-345。Christensen, Larry B., R. Burke Johnson, and Lisa A. Turner(2011)Research Methods, Design, and Analysis (11th ed.) 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104556005資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104556005 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 王淑琴 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Wang, Shu-Chin en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 馬嘉翔 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Ma, Chia-Hsiang en_US dc.creator (作者) 馬嘉翔 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Ma, Chia-Hsiang en_US dc.date (日期) 2018 en_US dc.date.accessioned 29-八月-2018 15:45:29 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 29-八月-2018 15:45:29 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 29-八月-2018 15:45:29 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0104556005 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/119707 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 日本語文學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104556005 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究採用「日語為階層語言」之立場,以海外(台灣)的日語母語者與中文為母語的日語學習者為對象,進行雙論元動詞與三論元動詞之主動句的語句正確性判斷實驗。本研究之實驗以語序為變因,並對實驗所得之基本語序句與漂移語序(或譯:攪拌語序)的反應時間與正確性判斷之錯誤率進行重複量測變異數分析。 雙論元動詞之主動句處理的分析情形如下:日語母語者與日語學習者之「-ga -wo主動句」的處理可見漂移效果(或譯:攪拌效果)。然而,日語母語者與日語學習者之「-ga -ni主動句」的處理則未見漂移效果。透過雙論元動詞主動句的實驗,再度確認了日語母語者與日語學習者會以深層結構來處理「-ga -wo主動句」。但日語母語者與日語學習者是否以深層結構來處理「-ga -ni主動句」則無法藉由本研究的實驗確認之。 三論元動詞之主動句處理的分析情形如下:日語母語者與日語學習者之「賓語 -ni 主動句」與「結果 -ni 主動句」的處理,皆未見漂移效果。亦即,日語母語者與日語學習者是否以深層結構來處理「賓語 -ni 主動句」與「結果 -ni 主動句」,無法藉由本研究的實驗確認。 於「-ga -ni主動句」、「賓語 -ni 主動句」,與「結果 -ni 主動句」的處理中未見漂移效果的原因,推論如下:與「-ga -ni主動句」具有相同格標示的句型不只有主動句;三論元動詞的主動句與雙論元動詞的主動句相較,論元數量多一,導致處理負荷相對較大,故未見漂移效果。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study is based on the claim that Japanese is a configurational language. Experiments of a sentence-correctness decision task were conducted of active sentences with two-place verbs and three-place verbs with Japanese native speakers and learners of Japanese whose native language is Chinese. The independent variable of this study is word order. The resulting reaction time and error rates for canonical and scrambled order are compared using repeated measure ANOVAs. In the case of active sentences with two-place verbs, it is found that there was a scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with -ga and -wo for both the Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese, for whom, on the other hand, it is found that there was no scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with -ga and -ni. Through the experiment with active sentences with two-place verbs, it is reconfirmed that Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese use D-structure to process active sentences with -ga and -wo. However, in the processing of active sentences with -ga and -ni, whether Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese use D-structure to process sentences or not could not be made sure. In the case of active sentences with three-place verbs, it is found that there was no scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with object-ni or outcome-ni. Therefore, in the processing of active sentences with object-ni or outcome-ni, whether Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese use D-structure to process sentences could not be made sure. The reason why there was no scrambling effect on the processing of active sentences with -ga and -ni, and active sentences with object-ni or outcome-ni, could be attributed to the fact that sentences with case marking -ga and -ni are not necessarily active sentences, and that processing loads for sentences with three-place verbs are larger than sentences with two-place verbs, since the former have one more argument. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 序論1.1 研究動機 11.2 研究方法 31.3 本論文の構成 4第二章 先行研究と理論的な基礎2.1 心理言語学的な研究に用いられる統計概念 52.2 先行研究 62.2.1 日本語母語話者を対象とした研究 Tamaoka et al.(2005) 村岡ら(2004) 112.2.2 中国語母語話者を対象とした研究 玉岡(2005) 金・小泉(2007) 142.3 言語の階層性と日本語の語順 162.4 文処理負荷と空所補充解析(gap-filling parsing) 202.5 まとめ 22第三章 二項動詞の能動文におけるかき混ぜ3.1 本実験の予測 233.2 予備調査 243.2.1 参加者 243.2.2 実験材料 243.2.3 手続き 253.2.4 結果 263.3 日本語母語話者によるかき混ぜ 273.3.1 参加者 273.3.2 実験材料 283.3.3 手続き 293.3.4 結果と考察 303.4 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者によるかき混ぜ 373.4.1 参加者 373.4.2 実験材料 373.4.3 手続き 383.4.4 結果と考察 383.5 総合考察 443.5.1 日本語母語話者による二項動詞の能動文の処理 443.5.2 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者による二項動詞の能動文の処理 463.6 まとめ 48第四章 三項動詞の能動文におけるかき混ぜ4.1 本実験の予測 514.2 予備調査 524.2.1 参加者 524.2.2 実験材料 524.2.3 手続き 534.2.4 結果 534.3 日本語母語話者によるかき混ぜ 554.3.1 参加者 554.3.2 実験材料 554.3.3 手続き 564.3.4 結果と考察 564.4 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者によるかき混ぜ 614.4.1 参加者 614.4.2 実験材料 624.4.3 手続き 624.4.4 結果と考察 634.5 総合考察 674.5.1 日本語母語話者による三項動詞の能動文の処理 674.5.2 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者による三項動詞の能動文の処理 704.6 まとめ 71第五章 結論5.1 本研究の結論 735.2 今後の課題 74参考文献 79付録付録一、予備調査に用いられる刺激文 83付録二、予備調査の参加者個人情報 87付録三、予備調査の実験データ 88付録四、二項動詞の能動文の実験に用いられる刺激文 102付録五、三項動詞の能動文の実験に用いられる刺激文 106付録六、日本語母語話者の実験参加者の個人情報 109付録七、中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の実験参加者の個人情報 111付録八、日本語母語話者による二項動詞の能動文の実験データ 114付録九、中国語を母語とする日本語学習者による二項動詞の能動文の実験データ 142付録十、日本語母語話者による三項動詞の能動文の実験データ 170付録十一、中国語を母語とする日本語学習者による三項動詞の能動文の実験データ 190付録十二、実験参加者のフィードバック 210付録十三、文正誤判断課題の実験に用いられるアンケートの形式 212付録十四、「文の自然さ」調査の参加者個人情報 213付録十五、「文の自然さ」調査のデータ 214付録十六、実験に用いられるプログラムの画面 224 zh_TW dc.format.extent 14764665 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104556005 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語句處理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 深層結構 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語句正確性判斷 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 基本語序 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漂移語序 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漂移效果 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sentence processing en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) D-structure en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sentence-correctness decision task en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Canonical order en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Scrambled order en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Scrambling effect en_US dc.title (題名) 日本語母語話者と中国語を母語とする日本語学習者による単文の処理 -二項動詞と三項動詞の能動文の場合 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Simple-sentence processing of Japanese native speakers and Chinese learners of Japanese: Focus on active sentences with Two-place verbs and Three-place verbs en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 崔正熙(2013)「第二言語習得が第一言語使用に与える影響について―日本語を習得した韓国語母語話者の場合―」『朝鮮語研究5』東京:ひつじ書房、313-345。Christensen, Larry B., R. Burke Johnson, and Lisa A. Turner(2011)Research Methods, Design, and Analysis (11th ed.) 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