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題名 個人特性與LinkedIn使用動機及行為關聯性研究
A study of relationships among individual characteristics, motivation and behavior of using LinkedIn.
作者 陳寶如
貢獻者 黃家齊
關鍵詞 LinkedIn
Social Network Site
Personal characteristics
Usage behavior
Usage motivation
日期 2019
上傳時間 1-Jul-2019 11:12:20 (UTC+8)
摘要 社群網絡平台(Social Network Sites, SNS)提供給人們一個更廣泛的溝通方式。以LinkedIn為例,不僅滿足原有的社交目的,還能透過人脈連結的方式拓展商務。目前在國內關於LinkedIn使用的研究並不普遍,期許透過本研究,為日後學術研究開啟新的篇章。
There are variable social network cites which provide a wider range of communication methods for people. Take LinkedIn as an example, it not only meets the social needs, but also explores business opportunity through the connections.
Based on the previous research and literature, the conceptual framework consists of user characteristics, website usage behavior, LinkedIn usage motivation and behavior. And hypothesis H1~H8 are established by the relevant study as mention above. Then, we carry out hypothesis testing by questionnaire method.
A total of 150 valid questionnaires were collected and it shows that 1) “The years of using LinkedIn” has a positive relationship with the “Number of connection”. 2) There are some findings related with motivation and behavior such as "Focus on industry and company information" motivation and "Browsing" behavior;"Job-seeking" motivation and "Job-seeking and resume delivery" behavior;"Social" motivation and "Friend connecting" and "Message and Reply" behavior. 3) The "Personal data updating" behavior has negative relationship with Facebook usage behavior, and has positive relationship with 104 human bank usage behavior.
We found there exists differences between Taiwan and foreign countries. Taiwanese users tend to take LinkedIn as information acquisition and less usage of community functions. Besides, most of the human resources take it for the recruitment process. However, the users of other job categories seldom take it as a business development tool like foreign country.
Our findings make up for the deficiencies about personal characteristics, usage behavior and motivation of LinkedIn usage in the past.
參考文獻 (1)網站資料
Duggan, M (2013). Photo and video sharing grow online. Retrieved June 8, 2018, from
Jamie (2018).60+ Social Networking Sites You Need to Know About in 2018.Retrieved August 15, 2018, from
Kevin Gallagher(2018).社群網站的統計報告:熱門平台的使用者年齡、性別和收入差異。數位基地。民108年4月15日,取自
詹峻揚(2016)。6 度分隔落伍了,臉書上的朋友只有 3.57 度分隔而已!數位時代。民108年6月10日,取自
網路如何滲透你的生活,Web 4.0的時代即將來臨(民105年3月1日)。允騰網路行銷有限公司。民107年8月15日,取自

Hank Chin & Spencer Chang (2018)。我用LinkedIn 找到高薪國外工作(第一版)(秦浤傑、張哲勳譯)。台北市:上奇時代。(原著出版年:2016)
吳欣純、周倩(2012)。社群網站使用者使用動機、資訊驗證態度、資訊可信度感知與資訊分享行為之研究-以 Facebook 網站為例(未出版之碩士論文)。國立交通大學,新竹市。
陳佳雯、陸洛、許雅玉 (2012)。工作要求、工作資源與員工工作態度之關聯:以勤勉審慎性及主動性人格為調節變項。人力資源管理學報,12(1),23-49。
黃聖峯、鄒仁淳、林娟娟 (2014)。社群網站之使用行為研究-以 Facebook 為例。Electronic Commerce Studies,12(2),201-234。
黃蘭鍈、陳憶菁(2012))。 社交網絡服務網站的使用者動機與負面評論之研究-以 Facebook 為例。2012第15屆科技整合管理研討會。
鄧景宜、曾旭民、李怡禎、游朝舜(2011)。" International English Big-Five Mini-Markers" 之繁體中文版量表發展。管理學報, 28(6),579-615。

Alhabash, S., Park, H., Kononova, A., Chiang, Y.-h., & Wise, K. (2012). Exploring the motivations of Facebook use in Taiwan. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(6), 304-311.
Benevenuto, F., Rodrigues, T., Cha, M., & Almeida, V. (2012). Characterizing User
Navigation and Interactions in Online Social Networks. Information Sciences, 195, 1-24.
Bhardwaj, S., Atrey, P. K., Saini, M. K., & El Saddik, A. (2016). Personality assessment using multiple online social networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(21), 13237-13269.
Brocke, J. V., Richter, D., & Riemer, K. (2009). Motives of using social network sites (SNSs) - An analysis of SNS adoption among students. Proceedings of the 22nd Bled eConference eEnablement: Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety, Bled, Slovenia
Boyd, D., & Ellison, N. (2010). Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 3(38), 16-31.
Chen, H. (2012). Relationship between Motivation and Behavior of SNS User. JSW, 7(6), 1265-1272.
Costa Jr, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Four ways five factors are basic. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(6), 653-665.
Dietel, J.-E. (2017). They do! How the explicit motive-structure predicts user behavior in (business-) social network sites like Xing or LinkedIn. Computing, 99(5), 537-550.
Dwyer, C., Hiltz, S., & Passerini, K. (2007). Trust and privacy concern within social networking sites: A comparison of Facebook and MySpace. AMCIS 2007 proceedings, 339.
Ebeling-Witte, S., Frank, M. L., & Lester, D. (2007). Shyness, Internet use, and personality. Cyberpsychology & behavior, 10(5), 713-716.
Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook “friends:” Social capital and college students’ use of online social network sites. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 12(4), 1143-1168.
Faff, R. W., Lay, J., & Smith, M. (2017). PoW! Using social media to leverage research visibility–‘Pitch of the Week’posts in LinkedIn.
Granovetter, M. S. (1977). The strength of weak ties. In Social networks (pp. 347-367): Elsevier.
Haferkamp, N., Eimler, S. C., Papadakis, A.-M., & Kruck, J. V. (2012). Men are from Mars, women are from Venus? Examining gender differences in self-presentation on social networking sites. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(2), 91-98.
Hsu, C. W. (Julia) (2007). Staging on the Internet: Research on online photo album users in Taiwan with the spectacle/performance paradigm. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(4), 596-600.
Joinson, A. N. (2008). Looking at, looking up or keeping up with people?: motives and use of facebook. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
Ko, H., Cho, C. H., & Roberts, M. S. (2005). Internet uses and gratifications: A structural equation model of interactising. Journal of Advertising, 34(2), 57-70.
Liu, D., & Campbell, W. K. (2017). The Big Five personality traits, Big Two metatraits and social media: A meta-analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 70, 229-240.
Loiacono, E., Carey, D., Misch, A., Spencer, A., & Speranza, R. (2012). Personality impacts on self-disclosure behavior on social networking sites.
Maria Balmaceda, J., Schiaffino, S., & Godoy, D. (2014). How do personality traits affect communication among users in online social networks? Online Information Review, 38(1), 136-153.
M. M. Plummer and S. R. Hiltz, “Recruitment in Social Networking Sites: A Theoretical Model of Jobseekers’ Intentions,” in AMCIS ’09 Proc., 2009, paper 176
Mitchell, T. R. and Daniels, D., 2003. Motivation, in Borman, W. C., Ilgen, D. R. and Klimoski, R.J.(Eds.), Handbook of psychology, New York, NY: Wiley & Sons Inc, 225-254.
Nadkarni, A. and Hofmann, S.G. (2012), ‘Why do people use Facebook?’, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 243-249.
Nikolaou, I. (2014). Social networking web sites in job search and employee recruitment. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 22(2), 179-189.
Offenberger, Brian, CeM, CSMA.SDM., Troy (2018). 5 Steps for Finding & Hiring Great Sales Reps.48(2), 38.
Orr, E. S., Sisic, M., Ross, C., Simmering, M. G., Arseneault, J. M., Orr, R. R. J. C., & Behavior. (2009). The influence of shyness on the use of Facebook in an undergraduate sample. 12(3), 337-340.
Ryan, T., & Xenos, S. (2011). Who uses Facebook? An investigation into the relationship between the Big Five, shyness, narcissism, loneliness, and Facebook usage. Computers in human behavior, 27(5), 1658-1664.
Saef, R., Woo, S. E., Carpenter, J., & Tay, L. (2018). Fostering socio-informational behaviors online: The interactive effect of openness to experience and extraversion. Personality and Individual Differences, 122, 93-98.
Sheldon, P. (2008). Student favorite: Facebook and motives for its use. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 23(2), 39-53.
Shi, Y., Yue, X., & He, J. (2013). Understanding social network sites (SNSs) preferences: personality, motivation, and happiness matters. Paper presented at the International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing.
Stafford, T. F., & Stafford, M. R. (2001). Identifying motivations for the use of commercial web sites. Information Resources Management Journal, 14(1), 22-30.
Strehlke, C. (2010). Social network sites: A starting point for career development practitioners. Journal of Employment Counseling, 47(1), 38-48.
Taylor, A., Sluckin, W., Davies, D.R., Reason, J.T., Thomson, R. and Colman, A,M. (1982). Introducing Psychology. Harmondsworth:Penguin.
Tupes, E. C., & Christal, R. E. (1961). Recurrent personality factors based on trait ratings (ASD-TR-61-97). Lackland Air Force Base, TX: Aeronautical Systems Division, Personnel Laboratory.
Urista, M. A., Qingwen, D., & Day, K. D. (2009). Explaining why young adults use MySpace and Facebook through uses and gratifications theory. Human Communication, 12(2), 215-229.
Wang, J.-L., Jackson, L. A., Wang, H.-Z., & Gaskin, J. (2015). Predicting social networking site (SNS) use: Personality, attitudes, motivation and internet self-efficacy. Personality and Individual Differences, 80, 119-124.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃家齊zh_TW (Authors) 陳寶如zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳寶如zh_TW (日期) 2019en_US 1-Jul-2019 11:12:20 (UTC+8)- 1-Jul-2019 11:12:20 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Jul-2019 11:12:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0106363027en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106363027zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 社群網絡平台(Social Network Sites, SNS)提供給人們一個更廣泛的溝通方式。以LinkedIn為例,不僅滿足原有的社交目的,還能透過人脈連結的方式拓展商務。目前在國內關於LinkedIn使用的研究並不普遍,期許透過本研究,為日後學術研究開啟新的篇章。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) There are variable social network cites which provide a wider range of communication methods for people. Take LinkedIn as an example, it not only meets the social needs, but also explores business opportunity through the connections.
Based on the previous research and literature, the conceptual framework consists of user characteristics, website usage behavior, LinkedIn usage motivation and behavior. And hypothesis H1~H8 are established by the relevant study as mention above. Then, we carry out hypothesis testing by questionnaire method.
A total of 150 valid questionnaires were collected and it shows that 1) “The years of using LinkedIn” has a positive relationship with the “Number of connection”. 2) There are some findings related with motivation and behavior such as "Focus on industry and company information" motivation and "Browsing" behavior;"Job-seeking" motivation and "Job-seeking and resume delivery" behavior;"Social" motivation and "Friend connecting" and "Message and Reply" behavior. 3) The "Personal data updating" behavior has negative relationship with Facebook usage behavior, and has positive relationship with 104 human bank usage behavior.
We found there exists differences between Taiwan and foreign countries. Taiwanese users tend to take LinkedIn as information acquisition and less usage of community functions. Besides, most of the human resources take it for the recruitment process. However, the users of other job categories seldom take it as a business development tool like foreign country.
Our findings make up for the deficiencies about personal characteristics, usage behavior and motivation of LinkedIn usage in the past.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第四節 預期研究貢獻 6
第二章 文獻探討與推論假設 7
第一節 社群網路平台 7
第二節 LinkedIn使用動機 11
第三節 個人特性與LinkedIn使用動機之關係 15
第四節 使用行為 20
第五節 個人特性與LinkedIn使用行為之關係 24
第六節 LinkedIn使用動機與LinkedIn使用行為之關係 26
第七節 網站使用行為與LinkedIn使用行為之關係 27
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究架構 29
第二節 抽樣方法分析 31
第三節 變項定義與衡量方法 33
第四節 資料分析方法 38
第四章 研究結果 40
第一節 相關性分析 40
第二節 研究假設驗證 43
第三節 研究假設驗證結果 56
第五章 討論與建議 57
第一節 研究結果討論與建議 57
第二節 研究限制與未來研究方向 63
參考文獻 65
附錄 研究問卷 73
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) LinkedInzh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社群網絡平台zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 個人特性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 使用行為zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 使用動機zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) LinkedInen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social Network Siteen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Personal characteristicsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Usage behavioren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Usage motivationen_US
dc.title (題名) 個人特性與LinkedIn使用動機及行為關聯性研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study of relationships among individual characteristics, motivation and behavior of using LinkedIn.en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (1)網站資料
Duggan, M (2013). Photo and video sharing grow online. Retrieved June 8, 2018, from
Jamie (2018).60+ Social Networking Sites You Need to Know About in 2018.Retrieved August 15, 2018, from
Kevin Gallagher(2018).社群網站的統計報告:熱門平台的使用者年齡、性別和收入差異。數位基地。民108年4月15日,取自
詹峻揚(2016)。6 度分隔落伍了,臉書上的朋友只有 3.57 度分隔而已!數位時代。民108年6月10日,取自
網路如何滲透你的生活,Web 4.0的時代即將來臨(民105年3月1日)。允騰網路行銷有限公司。民107年8月15日,取自

Hank Chin & Spencer Chang (2018)。我用LinkedIn 找到高薪國外工作(第一版)(秦浤傑、張哲勳譯)。台北市:上奇時代。(原著出版年:2016)
吳欣純、周倩(2012)。社群網站使用者使用動機、資訊驗證態度、資訊可信度感知與資訊分享行為之研究-以 Facebook 網站為例(未出版之碩士論文)。國立交通大學,新竹市。
陳佳雯、陸洛、許雅玉 (2012)。工作要求、工作資源與員工工作態度之關聯:以勤勉審慎性及主動性人格為調節變項。人力資源管理學報,12(1),23-49。
黃聖峯、鄒仁淳、林娟娟 (2014)。社群網站之使用行為研究-以 Facebook 為例。Electronic Commerce Studies,12(2),201-234。
黃蘭鍈、陳憶菁(2012))。 社交網絡服務網站的使用者動機與負面評論之研究-以 Facebook 為例。2012第15屆科技整合管理研討會。
鄧景宜、曾旭民、李怡禎、游朝舜(2011)。" International English Big-Five Mini-Markers" 之繁體中文版量表發展。管理學報, 28(6),579-615。

Alhabash, S., Park, H., Kononova, A., Chiang, Y.-h., & Wise, K. (2012). Exploring the motivations of Facebook use in Taiwan. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(6), 304-311.
Benevenuto, F., Rodrigues, T., Cha, M., & Almeida, V. (2012). Characterizing User
Navigation and Interactions in Online Social Networks. Information Sciences, 195, 1-24.
Bhardwaj, S., Atrey, P. K., Saini, M. K., & El Saddik, A. (2016). Personality assessment using multiple online social networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(21), 13237-13269.
Brocke, J. V., Richter, D., & Riemer, K. (2009). Motives of using social network sites (SNSs) - An analysis of SNS adoption among students. Proceedings of the 22nd Bled eConference eEnablement: Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety, Bled, Slovenia
Boyd, D., & Ellison, N. (2010). Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 3(38), 16-31.
Chen, H. (2012). Relationship between Motivation and Behavior of SNS User. JSW, 7(6), 1265-1272.
Costa Jr, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Four ways five factors are basic. Personality and Individual Differences, 13(6), 653-665.
Dietel, J.-E. (2017). They do! How the explicit motive-structure predicts user behavior in (business-) social network sites like Xing or LinkedIn. Computing, 99(5), 537-550.
Dwyer, C., Hiltz, S., & Passerini, K. (2007). Trust and privacy concern within social networking sites: A comparison of Facebook and MySpace. AMCIS 2007 proceedings, 339.
Ebeling-Witte, S., Frank, M. L., & Lester, D. (2007). Shyness, Internet use, and personality. Cyberpsychology & behavior, 10(5), 713-716.
Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook “friends:” Social capital and college students’ use of online social network sites. Journal of computer-mediated communication, 12(4), 1143-1168.
Faff, R. W., Lay, J., & Smith, M. (2017). PoW! Using social media to leverage research visibility–‘Pitch of the Week’posts in LinkedIn.
Granovetter, M. S. (1977). The strength of weak ties. In Social networks (pp. 347-367): Elsevier.
Haferkamp, N., Eimler, S. C., Papadakis, A.-M., & Kruck, J. V. (2012). Men are from Mars, women are from Venus? Examining gender differences in self-presentation on social networking sites. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(2), 91-98.
Hsu, C. W. (Julia) (2007). Staging on the Internet: Research on online photo album users in Taiwan with the spectacle/performance paradigm. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(4), 596-600.
Joinson, A. N. (2008). Looking at, looking up or keeping up with people?: motives and use of facebook. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
Ko, H., Cho, C. H., & Roberts, M. S. (2005). Internet uses and gratifications: A structural equation model of interactising. Journal of Advertising, 34(2), 57-70.
Liu, D., & Campbell, W. K. (2017). The Big Five personality traits, Big Two metatraits and social media: A meta-analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 70, 229-240.
Loiacono, E., Carey, D., Misch, A., Spencer, A., & Speranza, R. (2012). Personality impacts on self-disclosure behavior on social networking sites.
Maria Balmaceda, J., Schiaffino, S., & Godoy, D. (2014). How do personality traits affect communication among users in online social networks? Online Information Review, 38(1), 136-153.
M. M. Plummer and S. R. Hiltz, “Recruitment in Social Networking Sites: A Theoretical Model of Jobseekers’ Intentions,” in AMCIS ’09 Proc., 2009, paper 176
Mitchell, T. R. and Daniels, D., 2003. Motivation, in Borman, W. C., Ilgen, D. R. and Klimoski, R.J.(Eds.), Handbook of psychology, New York, NY: Wiley & Sons Inc, 225-254.
Nadkarni, A. and Hofmann, S.G. (2012), ‘Why do people use Facebook?’, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 243-249.
Nikolaou, I. (2014). Social networking web sites in job search and employee recruitment. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 22(2), 179-189.
Offenberger, Brian, CeM, CSMA.SDM., Troy (2018). 5 Steps for Finding & Hiring Great Sales Reps.48(2), 38.
Orr, E. S., Sisic, M., Ross, C., Simmering, M. G., Arseneault, J. M., Orr, R. R. J. C., & Behavior. (2009). The influence of shyness on the use of Facebook in an undergraduate sample. 12(3), 337-340.
Ryan, T., & Xenos, S. (2011). Who uses Facebook? An investigation into the relationship between the Big Five, shyness, narcissism, loneliness, and Facebook usage. Computers in human behavior, 27(5), 1658-1664.
Saef, R., Woo, S. E., Carpenter, J., & Tay, L. (2018). Fostering socio-informational behaviors online: The interactive effect of openness to experience and extraversion. Personality and Individual Differences, 122, 93-98.
Sheldon, P. (2008). Student favorite: Facebook and motives for its use. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 23(2), 39-53.
Shi, Y., Yue, X., & He, J. (2013). Understanding social network sites (SNSs) preferences: personality, motivation, and happiness matters. Paper presented at the International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing.
Stafford, T. F., & Stafford, M. R. (2001). Identifying motivations for the use of commercial web sites. Information Resources Management Journal, 14(1), 22-30.
Strehlke, C. (2010). Social network sites: A starting point for career development practitioners. Journal of Employment Counseling, 47(1), 38-48.
Taylor, A., Sluckin, W., Davies, D.R., Reason, J.T., Thomson, R. and Colman, A,M. (1982). Introducing Psychology. Harmondsworth:Penguin.
Tupes, E. C., & Christal, R. E. (1961). Recurrent personality factors based on trait ratings (ASD-TR-61-97). Lackland Air Force Base, TX: Aeronautical Systems Division, Personnel Laboratory.
Urista, M. A., Qingwen, D., & Day, K. D. (2009). Explaining why young adults use MySpace and Facebook through uses and gratifications theory. Human Communication, 12(2), 215-229.
Wang, J.-L., Jackson, L. A., Wang, H.-Z., & Gaskin, J. (2015). Predicting social networking site (SNS) use: Personality, attitudes, motivation and internet self-efficacy. Personality and Individual Differences, 80, 119-124.
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU201900020en_US