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題名 臺灣十二年國民基本教育課程綱要下國民中學英語課本與習作聽力活動之研究
An Evaluation of Listening Activities in Junior High School English Textbooks and Workbooks Based on Taiwan’s Twelve-Year Curriculum for Basic Education作者 陳婷婷
Chen, Ting-Ting貢獻者 黃怡萍
Huang, Yi-Ping
Chen, Ting-Ting關鍵詞 學習表現
learning performance descriptors日期 2019 上傳時間 5-Feb-2020 18:24:53 (UTC+8) 摘要 英語教科書與習作的聽力活動是了解學習者的英語聽力理解能力的主要管道之一。因此,本研究的目的是要探討市面上主要的三家英語教科書出版商的教科書與習作的編撰是否有根據十二年國民教育英語文課程綱要。於是,研究者使用英文科課程綱要所提出的國中階段十一項聽力學習表現來檢核各個版本的教科書和習作的聽力活動,並提出兩個研究問題:一、第一冊教科書和習作聽力活動學習表現分布情形;二、比較三家出版社聽力活動學習表現分布情形。研究結果顯示十一項聽力學習表現的分布如下:三家出版社皆最著重聽懂課堂中所學的字詞(52.5%)和基本句型的句子(34.8%);較少強調的是聽懂教室用語及日常生活用語(4.7%)和聽懂日常生活對話的主旨(6.8%);最少強調的是聽懂短文敘述的情境及主旨(0.8%)和大眾廣播(0.1%)及辨識句子語調所表達的情緒和態度(0.1%);然而,有四項學習表現沒有出現在三家出版社:聽懂歌曲、韻文、簡易故事、短劇和簡易影片的主要內容及了解歌謠、韻文的節奏和音韻。雖然本研究只分析第一冊,希望研究結果能使出版社在編輯其餘五冊聽力活動時,能考量每一項學習表現;此外,教育從業者能額外補充聽力活動是重要的,用以培養學習者全方位的聽力能力。
Listening activities in textbooks and workbooks are one of the major ways to understand learners’ listening comprehension. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore if listening activities in textbooks and workbooks from the three commercial publishers were designed based on the reformed English curricula. In this light, coursebook evaluation was explored via the checklist of the eleven types of the learning performance descriptors proposed by the English curricula. And the two research questions were proposed: (1) the incorporation of the learning performance descriptors in listening activities in the first volume, and (2) a comparison of the occurrence of the learning performance descriptors among the three sets. Results indicated that the occurrence of the learning performance descriptor were as follows: all of the three versions put the largest emphasis on understanding vocabulary (52.5%) and sentence patterns (34.8%), following the less focus on understanding classroom English and daily language (4.7%) and understanding the gist of conversation (6.8%), with the least focus on understanding the contexts and gist of narration (0.8%) and public announcements (0.1%), and recognizing emotion and attitude through sentence intonation (0.1%); however, four types were not found across the three versions: understanding the gist of songs, verses, simple stories, short dramas, simple videos, and understanding rhyme and rhythm of songs and verses. Although this study only analyzed the first volume, it might inform textbook editors to take each learning performance descriptor into account when editing the other five volumes. And teachers could acknowledge that providing extra listening activities is essential for developing the holistic listening competencies of learners.參考文獻 Afshin, S., and Elham, H. (2015). Textbook evaluation: An analysis of listening comprehension parts in top notch 2A & 2 B. Advances in Language and Literary Studies. Vol. 6, No. 5, 183-189.Amir, M., and Siavash, Z. (2017). Local evaluation of an EFL textbook: ‘Mosaic 1: listening and speaking. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. Vol. 7, No. 10, 874-882.Anderson, L.W., and Krathwohl, D.R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. New York, NY: Longman.Azam, A., and Ali, D. (2016). EFL Teachers` Perceptions towards Textbook Evaluation. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, 260-267.Brown, H. Douglas. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. White Plains, NY: Longman.Brown, H. Douglas. (2010). Language Assessment, Principles and Classroom Practices, Second Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.Brown, H. Douglas. (2014). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Sixth Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.Buck, G. (2001). Assessing Listening. Cambridge University Press.Burns, A. (2009). Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners. New York and London: Routledge.Cohen, J. (1960). A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Vol. 20, Issue 1, 37-46.Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook. Oxford: Heinemann.Field, J. (2004). An insight into listeners’ problems: too much bottom-up or too much top-down? System. 32 (2004) 363–377.Gilman, R.A. (1984). What Practitioners Say About Listening: Research Implications for the Classroom. Foreign Language Annals. Vol. 17, No. 4, 331-334.Goh, C.C.M, & Burns, A. (2012). Teaching speaking: A holistic approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.Graham, D.B., Michelle, E.P., Michael, R., M.D.C., Jamie, L., & Lisa, A. (2015). Listening Competence in Initial Interactions II: Applying Trait Centrality to Discover the Relative Placement of Listening Competence Among Implicit Competency Theories. Communication Studies. Vol. 66, No. 5, 528-548.Gülden, T. (2016). A study on appropriateness of listening activities in TFL coursebooks related to the common European framework for references. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, Year 4, Issue 2, 125-142.Holger, L. (2016). Teaching how to apologize: EFL textbooks and pragmatic input.Language Teaching Research. Vol. 20 (6), 700-718.Hsu, C.C. (2018). Analyzing Cultural Content in Junior-High-School English Textbooks in Taiwan. Unpublished master thesis, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.Hughes, A. (2003). Testing listening. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press.Hua, Ma. (2006). On Developing Listening Competence of Non-English Majors. Sino-US English Teaching. Vol. 3, No. 5, 1-5.Huang, S.C. (2009). An Evaluation of Speaking Activities In Junior High School English Textbooks for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum. Unpublished master thesis, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.Hwang, W.Y., Shadiev, R., Hsu, J.L., Huang, Y.M., Hsu, G.L., & Lin, Y.C. (2016). Effects of storytelling to facilitate EFL speaking using Web-based multimedia system. Computer Assisted Language Learning. Vol. 29, No. 2, 215-241.Jayakaran, M., Reza, H., and Vahid, N. (2011). Developing An English Language Textbook Evaluation Checklist. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, Vol. 4,No. 6, 21-27.Jayakaran, M., and Vahid, N. (2012). Evaluative criteria of an English language textbook evaluation checklist. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 3, No. 6, 1128-1134.Ji, L.Z. (2003). Listening Activities for Effective Top-down Processing. The Internet TESL Journal. Vol. IX, No. 11. Retrieved from, B. (2016). Developing a CLIL textbook evaluation checklist. LACLIL,9(1), 159-173.Maryam, M., and Azizeh, C. (2017). Analyzing listening and speaking activities of Iranian EFL textbook Prospect 3 through Bloom`s revised taxonomy. Advances in Language and Literary Studies. Vol. 8, No. 3, 38-43.McGrath, I. (2002). Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.Mohammad, M., and Heidar, A. (2014). Textbook Evaluation: A Case Study. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98 (2014), 1148 – 1155.MOE. (2014). General Guidelines: Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. Retrieved from,c639-1.php?Lang=zh-twMorley, J. (1972). Improving aural comprehension. Ann Arbor, MI: University ofMichigan Press.Mumtaz, A., Humaira, Y., and Maimoona, Y. (2015). Evaluation of listening skill ofELT textbook at secondary school level. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, Vol. 6, No. 3, 225-229.Nation, I.S.P., and Webb, S. (2011). Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary. Heinle, Cengage Learning.Nunan, D., and Neil, J. A. (ed.) (2008). Practical English language teaching: reading. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.OECD. (2014). Competency Framework. Retrieved from, C.B., and Christine, H. (1978). Listening Competence: A Prerequisite to Communication. The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 62, No. 3, 85-89.Peng, C.H. (2008). Exploring Genres of the Reading Texts: A Study on EFL Textbooks of Junior High School. Unpublished master thesis, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.Reima, A. (2017). Improving ELL’s Listening Competence Through Written Scaffolds. TESOL Journal, Vol. 8, No. 4, 831-849.Richards, J.C. (1983). Listening comprehension: approach, design, procedure. TESOL Quarterly, 17(2), 219-240.Richards, J.C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.Richards, J.C., and Burns, A. (2012). Tips for teaching listening: A practicalapproach. White Plains: Pearson Education.Rost, M. (2016). Teaching and researching listening. New York: Routledge.Tsai, Y.H. (2018). A Study on the Listening Activities in the Taiwanese Senior High School English Textbooks. Unpublished master thesis, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.UNESCO. (2015). UNESCO Competency Framework. Retrieved from, Y.T. (2011). A study on reading and writing competence indicators of thegrades 1-9English curriculum in junior high school English workbooks.Unpublished master thesis, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.Webb, S., and Nation, I.S.P. (2017). How Vocabulary is Learned. Oxford University Press.YouTube. (2013, April 19). How to Make Fruit Salad [Video file]. Retrieved from張厚婷 (Chang H.T.) 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106951012資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 黃怡萍 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Huang, Yi-Ping en_US (Authors) 陳婷婷 zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Ting-Ting en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳婷婷 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Ting-Ting en_US (日期) 2019 en_US 5-Feb-2020 18:24:53 (UTC+8) - 5-Feb-2020 18:24:53 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-Feb-2020 18:24:53 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0106951012 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 英語教學碩士在職專班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 106951012 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 英語教科書與習作的聽力活動是了解學習者的英語聽力理解能力的主要管道之一。因此,本研究的目的是要探討市面上主要的三家英語教科書出版商的教科書與習作的編撰是否有根據十二年國民教育英語文課程綱要。於是,研究者使用英文科課程綱要所提出的國中階段十一項聽力學習表現來檢核各個版本的教科書和習作的聽力活動,並提出兩個研究問題:一、第一冊教科書和習作聽力活動學習表現分布情形;二、比較三家出版社聽力活動學習表現分布情形。研究結果顯示十一項聽力學習表現的分布如下:三家出版社皆最著重聽懂課堂中所學的字詞(52.5%)和基本句型的句子(34.8%);較少強調的是聽懂教室用語及日常生活用語(4.7%)和聽懂日常生活對話的主旨(6.8%);最少強調的是聽懂短文敘述的情境及主旨(0.8%)和大眾廣播(0.1%)及辨識句子語調所表達的情緒和態度(0.1%);然而,有四項學習表現沒有出現在三家出版社:聽懂歌曲、韻文、簡易故事、短劇和簡易影片的主要內容及了解歌謠、韻文的節奏和音韻。雖然本研究只分析第一冊,希望研究結果能使出版社在編輯其餘五冊聽力活動時,能考量每一項學習表現;此外,教育從業者能額外補充聽力活動是重要的,用以培養學習者全方位的聽力能力。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Listening activities in textbooks and workbooks are one of the major ways to understand learners’ listening comprehension. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore if listening activities in textbooks and workbooks from the three commercial publishers were designed based on the reformed English curricula. In this light, coursebook evaluation was explored via the checklist of the eleven types of the learning performance descriptors proposed by the English curricula. And the two research questions were proposed: (1) the incorporation of the learning performance descriptors in listening activities in the first volume, and (2) a comparison of the occurrence of the learning performance descriptors among the three sets. Results indicated that the occurrence of the learning performance descriptor were as follows: all of the three versions put the largest emphasis on understanding vocabulary (52.5%) and sentence patterns (34.8%), following the less focus on understanding classroom English and daily language (4.7%) and understanding the gist of conversation (6.8%), with the least focus on understanding the contexts and gist of narration (0.8%) and public announcements (0.1%), and recognizing emotion and attitude through sentence intonation (0.1%); however, four types were not found across the three versions: understanding the gist of songs, verses, simple stories, short dramas, simple videos, and understanding rhyme and rhythm of songs and verses. Although this study only analyzed the first volume, it might inform textbook editors to take each learning performance descriptor into account when editing the other five volumes. And teachers could acknowledge that providing extra listening activities is essential for developing the holistic listening competencies of learners. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Dedication Page iiiAcknowledgement ivTable of Contents vChinese Abstract ixEnglish Abstract xChapter One: Introduction 1Background and Motivation 1Purpose of the Study 4Research Questions 5Significance of the Study 5Chapter Two: Literature Review 7The Role of Listening Competence in Communication and Interaction 7The Importance of Listening Skills in Listening Activities 9The Significance of Core Competences in the English Subject 12The Essentials of Textbooks and Workbooks in School Settings 15The Importance of Textbook Evaluation 17Chapter Three: Methodology 21Teaching Materials 22Data Analysis 24Chapter Four: Results 29Chapter Five: Discussion 45Core Findings 45The Similarities and Differences of the Incorporation of the Learning Performance Descriptors among the Three Versions of Textbooks and Workbooks 50Chapter Six: Conclusion 53Implications of the Research 53Limitations of the Study 55Suggestions for Future Studies 55References 56Appendixes 63 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1821346 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學習表現 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) learning performance descriptors en_US dc.title (題名) 臺灣十二年國民基本教育課程綱要下國民中學英語課本與習作聽力活動之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) An Evaluation of Listening Activities in Junior High School English Textbooks and Workbooks Based on Taiwan’s Twelve-Year Curriculum for Basic Education en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Afshin, S., and Elham, H. (2015). Textbook evaluation: An analysis of listening comprehension parts in top notch 2A & 2 B. Advances in Language and Literary Studies. Vol. 6, No. 5, 183-189.Amir, M., and Siavash, Z. (2017). Local evaluation of an EFL textbook: ‘Mosaic 1: listening and speaking. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. Vol. 7, No. 10, 874-882.Anderson, L.W., and Krathwohl, D.R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: a revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. New York, NY: Longman.Azam, A., and Ali, D. (2016). EFL Teachers` Perceptions towards Textbook Evaluation. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, 260-267.Brown, H. Douglas. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. White Plains, NY: Longman.Brown, H. Douglas. (2010). Language Assessment, Principles and Classroom Practices, Second Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.Brown, H. Douglas. (2014). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Sixth Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.Buck, G. (2001). Assessing Listening. Cambridge University Press.Burns, A. (2009). Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners. New York and London: Routledge.Cohen, J. (1960). A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Vol. 20, Issue 1, 37-46.Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook. Oxford: Heinemann.Field, J. (2004). An insight into listeners’ problems: too much bottom-up or too much top-down? System. 32 (2004) 363–377.Gilman, R.A. (1984). What Practitioners Say About Listening: Research Implications for the Classroom. Foreign Language Annals. Vol. 17, No. 4, 331-334.Goh, C.C.M, & Burns, A. (2012). Teaching speaking: A holistic approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.Graham, D.B., Michelle, E.P., Michael, R., M.D.C., Jamie, L., & Lisa, A. (2015). Listening Competence in Initial Interactions II: Applying Trait Centrality to Discover the Relative Placement of Listening Competence Among Implicit Competency Theories. Communication Studies. Vol. 66, No. 5, 528-548.Gülden, T. (2016). A study on appropriateness of listening activities in TFL coursebooks related to the common European framework for references. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, Year 4, Issue 2, 125-142.Holger, L. (2016). Teaching how to apologize: EFL textbooks and pragmatic input.Language Teaching Research. Vol. 20 (6), 700-718.Hsu, C.C. (2018). Analyzing Cultural Content in Junior-High-School English Textbooks in Taiwan. Unpublished master thesis, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.Hughes, A. (2003). Testing listening. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press.Hua, Ma. (2006). On Developing Listening Competence of Non-English Majors. Sino-US English Teaching. Vol. 3, No. 5, 1-5.Huang, S.C. (2009). An Evaluation of Speaking Activities In Junior High School English Textbooks for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum. Unpublished master thesis, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.Hwang, W.Y., Shadiev, R., Hsu, J.L., Huang, Y.M., Hsu, G.L., & Lin, Y.C. (2016). Effects of storytelling to facilitate EFL speaking using Web-based multimedia system. Computer Assisted Language Learning. Vol. 29, No. 2, 215-241.Jayakaran, M., Reza, H., and Vahid, N. (2011). Developing An English Language Textbook Evaluation Checklist. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, Vol. 4,No. 6, 21-27.Jayakaran, M., and Vahid, N. (2012). Evaluative criteria of an English language textbook evaluation checklist. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. Vol. 3, No. 6, 1128-1134.Ji, L.Z. (2003). Listening Activities for Effective Top-down Processing. The Internet TESL Journal. Vol. IX, No. 11. Retrieved from, B. (2016). Developing a CLIL textbook evaluation checklist. LACLIL,9(1), 159-173.Maryam, M., and Azizeh, C. (2017). Analyzing listening and speaking activities of Iranian EFL textbook Prospect 3 through Bloom`s revised taxonomy. Advances in Language and Literary Studies. Vol. 8, No. 3, 38-43.McGrath, I. (2002). Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.Mohammad, M., and Heidar, A. (2014). Textbook Evaluation: A Case Study. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98 (2014), 1148 – 1155.MOE. (2014). General Guidelines: Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. Retrieved from,c639-1.php?Lang=zh-twMorley, J. (1972). Improving aural comprehension. Ann Arbor, MI: University ofMichigan Press.Mumtaz, A., Humaira, Y., and Maimoona, Y. (2015). Evaluation of listening skill ofELT textbook at secondary school level. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, Vol. 6, No. 3, 225-229.Nation, I.S.P., and Webb, S. (2011). Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary. 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