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題名 韓國獨立音樂的發展與臺灣聽眾的接收
The Development of Korean Independent Music and the Reception of Taiwanese Audience
作者 劉芳如
Liu, Fang-Ju
貢獻者 郭秋雯
Liu, Fang-Ju
關鍵詞 韓國獨立音樂
Korean independent music
Korean independent music label
Korean independent music festival
Audience reception
Government music support policy
日期 2023
上傳時間 1-Feb-2024 13:03:55 (UTC+8)
摘要 韓國獨立音樂自2000年代開始,已經逐漸出現在臺灣人的日常生活當中,不論是熱門播映的韓劇影視原聲帶,或是出現在金曲獎頒獎典禮舞台上,許多人都已曾有聆聽韓國獨立音樂的經驗。本研究旨在爬梳韓國獨立音樂的發展,自起源、全盛時期至後續蓬勃發展而產生的變化,依據年代的劃分進行論述,而後整理韓國獨立音樂在臺灣的發展過程,並透過與在臺灣長期聆聽韓國獨立音樂聽眾的訪談,探討作為聽眾及社群經營者的角色轉變,透過粉絲專頁達到韓國獨立音樂資訊推廣及分享,以及經營者們對於韓國獨立音樂在臺灣發展時的整體環境觀察。 本研究採用文獻資料分析法、田野調查法及深度訪談法,統整韓國獨立音樂的萌芽、發展過程,以及至今所歷經的變化,依據該年代的韓國獨立音樂針對整體變化、活動範圍、電視媒體三部分進行梳理,並且舉例該時期具代表性的獨立音樂廠牌。此外,在韓國獨立音樂進入到臺灣時,起初多以韓劇OST為主,而後隨著韓國偶像團體在台演唱會變多,韓國獨立音樂歌手及樂團也在臺灣增加了許多表演機會,除了舉辦演唱會以外,更有與臺灣音樂產業人員進行交流的可能,藉由與臺灣獨立樂團的共演合作,促進兩地的音樂交流。 透過深度訪談法,針對長期聆聽韓國獨立音樂並同時經營粉絲專頁的受訪者進行約一小時的訪談,自聽眾角度出發,闡述作為粉絲時的外在表現以及聆聽韓國獨立音樂歌曲所產生的變化,以及探討作為社群經營者推廣韓國獨立音樂的方式,最後回顧臺灣的韓國獨立音樂環境變化,且提出對於未來環境的期盼與見解。 研究結果可整理為以下三點:第一,依據年代可將發展分為胎動期、全盛期及分化期。第二,韓國政府的音樂支援政策對海外發展仍有限。第三,粉絲專頁藉由各式管道推廣韓國獨立音樂為其存在價值。
Since the 2000s, Korean independent music has gradually become a part of daily life in Taiwan. Whether through popularly broadcasted Korean drama soundtracks or performances on the stage of the Golden Melody Awards, many people in Taiwan have had experiences listening to Korean indie music. This research aims to trace the development of Korean independent music, examining its evolution from its origins and heyday to subsequent flourishing changes. The study organizes the development of Korean independent music in Taiwan based on chronological divisions and explores the transformation of the roles of listeners and community managers through interviews with long-time Korean indie music enthusiasts in Taiwan. It delves into their shift in roles, the use of fan pages for promoting and sharing information about Korean indie music, and the observations of managers regarding the overall environment for the development of Korean indie music in Taiwan. The research employs literature analysis, field investigations, and in-depth interviews to consolidate the emergence, development process, and changes that Korean indie music has undergone until now. It categorizes the overall changes, scope of activities, and television media aspects of Korean independent music from the 1990s until nowadays chronologically and also provides examples of representative indie music labels during those times. Furthermore, as Korean independent music entered Taiwan, it initially centered around Korean drama OSTs. However, with the increase in K-pop idol group concerts in Taiwan, independent Korean musicians and bands also gained more performance opportunities. Beyond concerts, there were possibilities for interaction with Taiwan's music industry personnel, facilitating music exchange between the two regions through collaborations with Taiwanese independent bands. Through in-depth interviews lasting about an hour with respondents who have been long-term listeners of Korean independent music and simultaneously manage fan pages, the study explores external expressions as fans, changes in listening experiences with Korean independent music, and discussions on ways community managers promote Korean independent music. Lastly, the research concludes by reviewing the changes of Korean independent music environment in Taiwan and presenting expectations and insights for the future. The research's findings can be summarized into three points: first, the development can be categorized into gestation, heyday, and differentiation periods based on decades. Second, the Korean government's music support policies still have limited impact on overseas development. Third, fan pages do contribute to the value of promoting Korean independent music through various methods which each community manager is familiar with.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 郭秋雯zh_TW (Authors) 劉芳如zh_TW (Authors) Liu, Fang-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 劉芳如zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Liu, Fang-Juen_US (日期) 2023en_US 1-Feb-2024 13:03:55 (UTC+8)- 1-Feb-2024 13:03:55 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Feb-2024 13:03:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0108557006en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 韓國語文學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108557006zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 韓國獨立音樂自2000年代開始,已經逐漸出現在臺灣人的日常生活當中,不論是熱門播映的韓劇影視原聲帶,或是出現在金曲獎頒獎典禮舞台上,許多人都已曾有聆聽韓國獨立音樂的經驗。本研究旨在爬梳韓國獨立音樂的發展,自起源、全盛時期至後續蓬勃發展而產生的變化,依據年代的劃分進行論述,而後整理韓國獨立音樂在臺灣的發展過程,並透過與在臺灣長期聆聽韓國獨立音樂聽眾的訪談,探討作為聽眾及社群經營者的角色轉變,透過粉絲專頁達到韓國獨立音樂資訊推廣及分享,以及經營者們對於韓國獨立音樂在臺灣發展時的整體環境觀察。 本研究採用文獻資料分析法、田野調查法及深度訪談法,統整韓國獨立音樂的萌芽、發展過程,以及至今所歷經的變化,依據該年代的韓國獨立音樂針對整體變化、活動範圍、電視媒體三部分進行梳理,並且舉例該時期具代表性的獨立音樂廠牌。此外,在韓國獨立音樂進入到臺灣時,起初多以韓劇OST為主,而後隨著韓國偶像團體在台演唱會變多,韓國獨立音樂歌手及樂團也在臺灣增加了許多表演機會,除了舉辦演唱會以外,更有與臺灣音樂產業人員進行交流的可能,藉由與臺灣獨立樂團的共演合作,促進兩地的音樂交流。 透過深度訪談法,針對長期聆聽韓國獨立音樂並同時經營粉絲專頁的受訪者進行約一小時的訪談,自聽眾角度出發,闡述作為粉絲時的外在表現以及聆聽韓國獨立音樂歌曲所產生的變化,以及探討作為社群經營者推廣韓國獨立音樂的方式,最後回顧臺灣的韓國獨立音樂環境變化,且提出對於未來環境的期盼與見解。 研究結果可整理為以下三點:第一,依據年代可將發展分為胎動期、全盛期及分化期。第二,韓國政府的音樂支援政策對海外發展仍有限。第三,粉絲專頁藉由各式管道推廣韓國獨立音樂為其存在價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since the 2000s, Korean independent music has gradually become a part of daily life in Taiwan. Whether through popularly broadcasted Korean drama soundtracks or performances on the stage of the Golden Melody Awards, many people in Taiwan have had experiences listening to Korean indie music. This research aims to trace the development of Korean independent music, examining its evolution from its origins and heyday to subsequent flourishing changes. The study organizes the development of Korean independent music in Taiwan based on chronological divisions and explores the transformation of the roles of listeners and community managers through interviews with long-time Korean indie music enthusiasts in Taiwan. It delves into their shift in roles, the use of fan pages for promoting and sharing information about Korean indie music, and the observations of managers regarding the overall environment for the development of Korean indie music in Taiwan. The research employs literature analysis, field investigations, and in-depth interviews to consolidate the emergence, development process, and changes that Korean indie music has undergone until now. It categorizes the overall changes, scope of activities, and television media aspects of Korean independent music from the 1990s until nowadays chronologically and also provides examples of representative indie music labels during those times. Furthermore, as Korean independent music entered Taiwan, it initially centered around Korean drama OSTs. However, with the increase in K-pop idol group concerts in Taiwan, independent Korean musicians and bands also gained more performance opportunities. Beyond concerts, there were possibilities for interaction with Taiwan's music industry personnel, facilitating music exchange between the two regions through collaborations with Taiwanese independent bands. Through in-depth interviews lasting about an hour with respondents who have been long-term listeners of Korean independent music and simultaneously manage fan pages, the study explores external expressions as fans, changes in listening experiences with Korean independent music, and discussions on ways community managers promote Korean independent music. Lastly, the research concludes by reviewing the changes of Korean independent music environment in Taiwan and presenting expectations and insights for the future. The research's findings can be summarized into three points: first, the development can be categorized into gestation, heyday, and differentiation periods based on decades. Second, the Korean government's music support policies still have limited impact on overseas development. Third, fan pages do contribute to the value of promoting Korean independent music through various methods which each community manager is familiar with.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents I.緒論 1 1.研究動機與目的 1 2.研究範圍與方法 4 3.研究架構與流程 8 II.理論背景與文獻探討 11 1.獨立音樂 11 2.接收態度 15 3.政府支援政策 17 III.韓國獨立音樂的發展 21 1.1990年代:獨立音樂的胎動期 21 2.2000年代:獨立音樂的全盛期 30 3.2010年代後至今:獨立音樂的分化期 45 IV.韓國獨立音樂進入臺灣 61 1.發展契機 61 2.推廣階段 65 3.社群經營者的角色 68 V.結論與研究限制 101 參考文獻 103 附錄一、訪談問卷 113zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2764659 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓國獨立音樂zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓國獨立音樂廠牌zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韓國獨立音樂節zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聽眾接收zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政府音樂支援政策zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean independent musicen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean independent music labelen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Korean independent music festivalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Audience receptionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Government music support policyen_US
dc.title (題名) 韓國獨立音樂的發展與臺灣聽眾的接收zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Development of Korean Independent Music and the Reception of Taiwanese Audienceen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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