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題名 地緣政治在世界大學中的角色:日本對香港的啟示
The Role of Geopolitics in World-Class Universities: Japan’s Implications for Hong Kong
作者 嚴朗灝
Yim, Long-Ho
貢獻者 侯永琪
Hou, Yung-Chi, Angela
Yim, Long-Ho
關鍵詞 世界大學
World-Class Universities
Higher Education
Tokyo Bay Area
Hong Kong
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 12:50:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 大國競爭的回歸已經波及到世界政治中包括高等教育在內的多個領域。有鑑於此,採用跨學科方法研究地緣政治與高等教育的相互作用,對於深化我們對世界大學的理解至關重要。本研究聚焦於探討地緣政治如何影響世界大學的構建,特別是從國際關係的角度去分析其在高等教育中的作用和影響。本研究的核心目標是要揭示地緣政治在日本構建世界大學過程中的角色,並且探討此過程對香港的啟示。為達到上述目標,本研究設計為對日本的案例分析,旨在深入理解世界大學政策的戰略高度、前瞻性願景以及其背後的邏輯。本研究將分析地緣政治、政府政策以及大學治理之間的互動關係,探索這些因素如何共同塑造大學的全球競爭力。透過日本的案例研究,本文不僅展現了日本在地緣政治環境下推動高等教育發展的歷程,還將討論這一發展對香港的啟示與影響。 為了更深入了解地緣政治在世界大學中的作用及其對香港的影響,本研究提出了四個研究問題:(一)地緣政治如何影響世界大學?(二)日本在推行有關於世界大學的國家政策時面臨着哪些挑戰和影響?(三)香港在發展其世界大學時面臨着哪些挑戰?(四)香港可以如何借鑒日本的經驗? 為回答四個研究問題,本研究於2022年至2023年間分三個階段進行了數據收集。前兩個階段的田野調查分別於2022年11月和12月在日本進行,第三個階段於2023年1月在香港透過深度訪談完成。研究包括在日本國立和私立大學的校園觀察,參與日本一所世界大學的課堂,以及與日本和香港的大學教職人員及高級行政人員進行深入的半結構式訪談。此外,本研究還包括了與日本大學教職人員及日本已故首相安倍晉三的前特別顧問的深入對話。所有的對話和訪談均被記錄並轉錄,並已將訪談記錄返還給參與者進行成員查核,以確保資料的準確性和完整性。 本研究首先透過提供有關於印太地緣政治對高等教育影響的研究,彌補了現有研究的不足之處。研究結果揭示了香港對東京灣區的誤解,因為在東京灣區在日本本土並非廣為人知的概念,也未具備類似於美國矽谷的規模。此外,透過揭示地緣政治與高等教育之間的相互作用,本研究希望透過了解地緣政治在世界大學中的角色,重新思考在地緣政治不確定性時期高等教育的根本目的。
Since the return of great power competition has reached almost every aspect of world politics, including higher education, it is significant to have an interdisciplinary study to expand the understanding of the interplay between geopolitics and higher education by exploring the role of geopolitics in world-class universities. By doing so, this study is to examine the higher education issue of world-class university with a world view from the discipline of international relations. The main purpose of this research is to understand the role of geopolitics in the building of world-class universities in Japan, as well as its implications to Hong Kong. With the determination to gain a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between geopolitics and higher education, this research is designed to be a case study of Japan that aimed to explore the altitude, vision, and rationales behind world-class university policies, as well as the dynamics of geopolitics, government, and universities. It is also aimed to tell the story of the development of world-class universities in Japan against the backdrop of geopolitics, and to present its implications to Hong Kong. To better understand the role of geopolitics in world-class universities, as well as Japan’s implications for Hong Kong, this study has proposed four guided research questions: 1) How does geopolitics impact world-class universities? 2) What are the challenges and impacts of national policies regarding world-class universities in Japan? 3) What are the challenges for Hong Kong when developing its world-class universities? 4) How can Hong Kong learn from Japan’s experience? Three phases of data collection had been carried out between 2022 and 2023 to answer the four guiding research questions, which included the first two phases of fieldwork in Japan during the November and December of 2022, and the final phase that consisted of in-depth interviews in Hong Kong in January 2023. This study had conducted campus tours in Japanese national and private universities, an in-class participation in a world-class university in Japan, in-depth semi-structured interviews with university faculty members and senior university administrators across Japan and Hong Kong, as well as the in-depth conversations with university faculty members in Japan and a former special advisor to the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. All conversations and interviews were transcribed and returned to participants for member-checking. This study has contributed to filling the research gaps first by providing a higher education study on the impact of geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific context, and the findings highlighted Hong Kong’s current understanding of the Tokyo Bay Area might have been an imaginary concept, as the term Tokyo Bay Area is neither a well-known subject in Japan nor a bay area that could resemble the capacity of the Silicon Valley in the United States. In addition, through revealing the interplay between geopolitics and higher education, this study hopes to rediscover the purpose of higher education at times of great geopolitical uncertainty through understanding the role of geopolitics in world-class universities.
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 侯永琪zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hou, Yung-Chi, Angelaen_US (Authors) 嚴朗灝zh_TW (Authors) Yim, Long-Hoen_US
dc.creator (作者) 嚴朗灝zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yim, Long-Hoen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 12:50:02 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 12:50:02 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 12:50:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110152523en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110152523zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 大國競爭的回歸已經波及到世界政治中包括高等教育在內的多個領域。有鑑於此,採用跨學科方法研究地緣政治與高等教育的相互作用,對於深化我們對世界大學的理解至關重要。本研究聚焦於探討地緣政治如何影響世界大學的構建,特別是從國際關係的角度去分析其在高等教育中的作用和影響。本研究的核心目標是要揭示地緣政治在日本構建世界大學過程中的角色,並且探討此過程對香港的啟示。為達到上述目標,本研究設計為對日本的案例分析,旨在深入理解世界大學政策的戰略高度、前瞻性願景以及其背後的邏輯。本研究將分析地緣政治、政府政策以及大學治理之間的互動關係,探索這些因素如何共同塑造大學的全球競爭力。透過日本的案例研究,本文不僅展現了日本在地緣政治環境下推動高等教育發展的歷程,還將討論這一發展對香港的啟示與影響。 為了更深入了解地緣政治在世界大學中的作用及其對香港的影響,本研究提出了四個研究問題:(一)地緣政治如何影響世界大學?(二)日本在推行有關於世界大學的國家政策時面臨着哪些挑戰和影響?(三)香港在發展其世界大學時面臨着哪些挑戰?(四)香港可以如何借鑒日本的經驗? 為回答四個研究問題,本研究於2022年至2023年間分三個階段進行了數據收集。前兩個階段的田野調查分別於2022年11月和12月在日本進行,第三個階段於2023年1月在香港透過深度訪談完成。研究包括在日本國立和私立大學的校園觀察,參與日本一所世界大學的課堂,以及與日本和香港的大學教職人員及高級行政人員進行深入的半結構式訪談。此外,本研究還包括了與日本大學教職人員及日本已故首相安倍晉三的前特別顧問的深入對話。所有的對話和訪談均被記錄並轉錄,並已將訪談記錄返還給參與者進行成員查核,以確保資料的準確性和完整性。 本研究首先透過提供有關於印太地緣政治對高等教育影響的研究,彌補了現有研究的不足之處。研究結果揭示了香港對東京灣區的誤解,因為在東京灣區在日本本土並非廣為人知的概念,也未具備類似於美國矽谷的規模。此外,透過揭示地緣政治與高等教育之間的相互作用,本研究希望透過了解地緣政治在世界大學中的角色,重新思考在地緣政治不確定性時期高等教育的根本目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since the return of great power competition has reached almost every aspect of world politics, including higher education, it is significant to have an interdisciplinary study to expand the understanding of the interplay between geopolitics and higher education by exploring the role of geopolitics in world-class universities. By doing so, this study is to examine the higher education issue of world-class university with a world view from the discipline of international relations. The main purpose of this research is to understand the role of geopolitics in the building of world-class universities in Japan, as well as its implications to Hong Kong. With the determination to gain a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between geopolitics and higher education, this research is designed to be a case study of Japan that aimed to explore the altitude, vision, and rationales behind world-class university policies, as well as the dynamics of geopolitics, government, and universities. It is also aimed to tell the story of the development of world-class universities in Japan against the backdrop of geopolitics, and to present its implications to Hong Kong. To better understand the role of geopolitics in world-class universities, as well as Japan’s implications for Hong Kong, this study has proposed four guided research questions: 1) How does geopolitics impact world-class universities? 2) What are the challenges and impacts of national policies regarding world-class universities in Japan? 3) What are the challenges for Hong Kong when developing its world-class universities? 4) How can Hong Kong learn from Japan’s experience? Three phases of data collection had been carried out between 2022 and 2023 to answer the four guiding research questions, which included the first two phases of fieldwork in Japan during the November and December of 2022, and the final phase that consisted of in-depth interviews in Hong Kong in January 2023. This study had conducted campus tours in Japanese national and private universities, an in-class participation in a world-class university in Japan, in-depth semi-structured interviews with university faculty members and senior university administrators across Japan and Hong Kong, as well as the in-depth conversations with university faculty members in Japan and a former special advisor to the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. All conversations and interviews were transcribed and returned to participants for member-checking. This study has contributed to filling the research gaps first by providing a higher education study on the impact of geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific context, and the findings highlighted Hong Kong’s current understanding of the Tokyo Bay Area might have been an imaginary concept, as the term Tokyo Bay Area is neither a well-known subject in Japan nor a bay area that could resemble the capacity of the Silicon Valley in the United States. In addition, through revealing the interplay between geopolitics and higher education, this study hopes to rediscover the purpose of higher education at times of great geopolitical uncertainty through understanding the role of geopolitics in world-class universities.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Research Purpose and Questions 13 1.3 Significance of the Study 16 1.4 Terminology 17 2. Literature Review 22 2.1 World-Class University 22 2.2 The Grand Strategy of Shinzo Abe and the Pursuit of World-Class Universities 29 2.3 Hong Kong’s Pursuit of World-Class Universities 38 2.4 The Impact of Geopolitics on Higher Education 44 3. Research Design and Methodology 47 3.1 A Constructivist Approach 47 3.2 The Three-Dimensional Theoretical Framework 50 3.3 Study Participants and Data Collection 54 3.4 Data Collection and Trustworthiness 61 4. The Grand Strategy of Geopolitics 70 4.1 Shinzo Abe and the Role of Japan in the Free and Open Indo-Pacific 70 4.2 The Impact of Geopolitics on Japanese Higher Education 74 5. The Current Development and Policy of World-Class University in Japan 79 5.1 Political Aspiration and Academic Autonomy 79 5.2 The Challenges and Impacts of National Policy 84 6. The Current Development and Policy of World-Class University in Hong Kong 91 6.1 World-Class University and One Country, Two Systems 91 6.2 The Tokyo Bay Area Aspiration 93 6.3 Concerns over World-Class University and Geopolitics 95 6.4 The Role of World-Class Universities in Geopolitics 96 7. A Constructivist Discussion 98 7.1 Multiple Realities 98 7.2 Lesson from Japan 103 7.3 Reflections on Higher Education 104 7.4 Limitations 105 8. Conclusion 108 Bibliography 115zh_TW
dc.format.extent 1065355 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 世界大學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地緣政治zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 高等教育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 印太地區zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 東京灣區zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 香港zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) World-Class Universitiesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Geopoliticsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Higher Educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Indo-Pacificen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Tokyo Bay Areaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hong Kongen_US
dc.title (題名) 地緣政治在世界大學中的角色:日本對香港的啟示zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Role of Geopolitics in World-Class Universities: Japan’s Implications for Hong Kongen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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