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題名 新創社會企業與創業生態系之互動關係 —台歐比較研究
Interaction Between Social Enterprise Start-up and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem—A Comparative Study Between Taiwan and Europe
作者 許家瑄
Hsu, Chia-Hsuan
貢獻者 鄭至甫
Jeng, Jyh-Fu
Hsu, Chia-Hsuan
關鍵詞 社會企業
Social enterprise
Entrepreneurial ecosystem
Sustainable development
Circular packaging
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 13:59:05 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來,全球面臨日益嚴峻的社會與環境問題,聯合國因而提出了17項永續發展目標,期望在2030年實現,這些目標已成為世界各國政府高度關注的議題。透過新創社會企業提出的社會創新方法有助於緩解或甚至解決眾多迫在眉睫的重大挑戰。而創業生態系統在新創企業的成長過程中扮演重要角色,然而過往文獻研究多著重在以利潤為導向的傳業活動,對於社會創新創業者的需求則不甚了解。因此本研究以Isenberg所提出的創業生態系統架構作為基礎,探討新創社會企業在成長歷程中如何與創業生態系統中的資源互動,進一步分析其在成長過程中可能產生出資源需求與缺口。 本研究以電子商務產業作為研究背景,並以台灣與歐洲代表性循環包裝新創社會企業作為比較個案,旨在深入探討不同的社會文化與環境背景下,新創社會企業的與創業生態系統資源互動關係有何異同,希望能為創業生態系統參與者提供實務建議,從而推動台灣創業生態系統朝向更有利於社會企業發展的方向前進。 本研究發現,相較於以利潤為導向的新創企業,社會企業更為注重各項資源中社會網絡的連結及宣傳機會,而參與創新創業競賽亦帶來資金補助、人脈建立、提升團隊知名度等正向效益。在市場面向上,尋找早期消費者與合作夥伴應從具相同理念的小型企業開始,而能進一步與政府及大型企業的合作,主要在於永續議題的興起。另外,從台歐比較中發現,對台灣新創社會企業而言,政府的長期支持是其持續成長的關鍵因素,然而,在文化及人才方面則較為弱勢。相反的,歐洲新創社會企業,文化因素是其能發展的重要關鍵,而歐盟各國制定的法規不一致性,則成為長期發展下會遇到的困難。
In recent years, the world has encountered increasingly severe social and environmental challenges. In response, the United Nations has introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), intended to be achieved by 2030. These goals have garnered significant attention from governments globally. The social innovation approaches advanced by Social Enterprise start-ups have the potential to mitigate or even resolve many of these urgent and critical challenges. The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem plays a crucial role in the growth of startups. However, existing literature has predominantly focused on profit-driven entrepreneurial activities, with a limited understanding of the needs of social innovation entrepreneurs. Therefore, the study employs Isenberg's entrepreneurial ecosystem framework as a foundation to explore how social enterprise start-ups interact with the resources within the entrepreneurial ecosystem during their growth process. Furthermore, it analyzes the potential resource demands and gaps that may arise throughout their development. This study examines the e-commerce industry as the research context, focusing on a comparative case analysis of representative circular packaging social enterprise start-ups in Taiwan and Europe. The aim is to delve into the similarities and differences in how social enterprise start-ups interact with the resources of the entrepreneurial ecosystem under varying social, cultural, and environmental backgrounds. The study seeks to offer practical recommendations for participants in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, thereby fostering the development of Taiwan’s entrepreneurial ecosystem in a way that is more conducive to the growth of social enterprises. The study finds that, compared to profit-driven startups, social enterprises emphasize the connections within social networks and opportunities for publicity among various resources. Participation in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions also brings benefits such as funding, networking, and increased team visibility. On the market front, identifying early adopters and partners should begin with small enterprises that share similar values, while the ability to collaborate further with governments and large corporations largely hinges on the rising importance of sustainability issues. Additionally, the comparative analysis between Taiwan and Europe reveals that long-term government support is crucial for the sustained growth of Taiwanese social enterprises. However, these enterprises face challenges in terms of cultural influence and talent acquisition. In contrast, for European social enterprises, cultural factors are key to their development, while the inconsistency in regulations across EU member states poses difficulties for long-term growth.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄭至甫zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Jeng, Jyh-Fuen_US (Authors) 許家瑄zh_TW (Authors) Hsu, Chia-Hsuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 許家瑄zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsu, Chia-Hsuanen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 13:59:05 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 13:59:05 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 13:59:05 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109364114en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理與智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109364114zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來,全球面臨日益嚴峻的社會與環境問題,聯合國因而提出了17項永續發展目標,期望在2030年實現,這些目標已成為世界各國政府高度關注的議題。透過新創社會企業提出的社會創新方法有助於緩解或甚至解決眾多迫在眉睫的重大挑戰。而創業生態系統在新創企業的成長過程中扮演重要角色,然而過往文獻研究多著重在以利潤為導向的傳業活動,對於社會創新創業者的需求則不甚了解。因此本研究以Isenberg所提出的創業生態系統架構作為基礎,探討新創社會企業在成長歷程中如何與創業生態系統中的資源互動,進一步分析其在成長過程中可能產生出資源需求與缺口。 本研究以電子商務產業作為研究背景,並以台灣與歐洲代表性循環包裝新創社會企業作為比較個案,旨在深入探討不同的社會文化與環境背景下,新創社會企業的與創業生態系統資源互動關係有何異同,希望能為創業生態系統參與者提供實務建議,從而推動台灣創業生態系統朝向更有利於社會企業發展的方向前進。 本研究發現,相較於以利潤為導向的新創企業,社會企業更為注重各項資源中社會網絡的連結及宣傳機會,而參與創新創業競賽亦帶來資金補助、人脈建立、提升團隊知名度等正向效益。在市場面向上,尋找早期消費者與合作夥伴應從具相同理念的小型企業開始,而能進一步與政府及大型企業的合作,主要在於永續議題的興起。另外,從台歐比較中發現,對台灣新創社會企業而言,政府的長期支持是其持續成長的關鍵因素,然而,在文化及人才方面則較為弱勢。相反的,歐洲新創社會企業,文化因素是其能發展的重要關鍵,而歐盟各國制定的法規不一致性,則成為長期發展下會遇到的困難。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, the world has encountered increasingly severe social and environmental challenges. In response, the United Nations has introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), intended to be achieved by 2030. These goals have garnered significant attention from governments globally. The social innovation approaches advanced by Social Enterprise start-ups have the potential to mitigate or even resolve many of these urgent and critical challenges. The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem plays a crucial role in the growth of startups. However, existing literature has predominantly focused on profit-driven entrepreneurial activities, with a limited understanding of the needs of social innovation entrepreneurs. Therefore, the study employs Isenberg's entrepreneurial ecosystem framework as a foundation to explore how social enterprise start-ups interact with the resources within the entrepreneurial ecosystem during their growth process. Furthermore, it analyzes the potential resource demands and gaps that may arise throughout their development. This study examines the e-commerce industry as the research context, focusing on a comparative case analysis of representative circular packaging social enterprise start-ups in Taiwan and Europe. The aim is to delve into the similarities and differences in how social enterprise start-ups interact with the resources of the entrepreneurial ecosystem under varying social, cultural, and environmental backgrounds. The study seeks to offer practical recommendations for participants in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, thereby fostering the development of Taiwan’s entrepreneurial ecosystem in a way that is more conducive to the growth of social enterprises. The study finds that, compared to profit-driven startups, social enterprises emphasize the connections within social networks and opportunities for publicity among various resources. Participation in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions also brings benefits such as funding, networking, and increased team visibility. On the market front, identifying early adopters and partners should begin with small enterprises that share similar values, while the ability to collaborate further with governments and large corporations largely hinges on the rising importance of sustainability issues. Additionally, the comparative analysis between Taiwan and Europe reveals that long-term government support is crucial for the sustained growth of Taiwanese social enterprises. However, these enterprises face challenges in terms of cultural influence and talent acquisition. In contrast, for European social enterprises, cultural factors are key to their development, while the inconsistency in regulations across EU member states poses difficulties for long-term growth.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 致謝 i 中文摘要 ii Abstract iii 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的與問題 6 第四節 研究流程 7 第二章 文獻回顧 8 第一節 聯合國永續發展目標之背景與概述 8 第二節 社會企業相關概念 11 第三節 創業生態系統 15 第四節 台灣與芬蘭創業生態系概況 22 第三章 研究方法 26 第一節 研究方法與分析架構 26 第二節 資料蒐集方式 28 第三節 案例選擇 29 第四章 個案研究分析 30 第一節 個案公司—配客嘉 30 第二節 個案公司—RePack 43 第三節 兩間個案公司比較分析 54 第五章 結論與建議 58 第一節 討論與發現 58 第二節 研究貢獻 64 第三節 研究限制與後續建議 68 第四節 結論 69 參考文獻 70 中文文獻 70 英文文獻 71 附錄 訪談大綱 78zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2962461 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會企業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創業生態系zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 永續發展zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電子商務zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 循環包裝zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social enterpriseen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Entrepreneurial ecosystemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sustainable developmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E-commerceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Circular packagingen_US
dc.title (題名) 新創社會企業與創業生態系之互動關係 —台歐比較研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Interaction Between Social Enterprise Start-up and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem—A Comparative Study Between Taiwan and Europeen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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