
題名 懲罰與責任:教師專業倫理之辯證
Punishment and Responsibility:Dialectic of the Ethics of Teachers’ Profession.
作者 李真文
Li,Chen Wen
貢獻者 馮朝霖
Fong,C. L.
Li,Chen Wen
關鍵詞 懲罰
ethics of teaching
日期 2007
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 15:04:50 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究主要析理台灣教育界對於懲罰議題的不同立場,藉以探討懲罰與教師責任之間的倫理辯證關係。研究問題主要回答有五。
The aim of the dissertation is to clear out the concepts between “punishment” and “responsibility” beyond the discourses of education in Taiwan. It is proposed five main questions here, the core of all the questions is to answer the ethics for professionals in education, especially for teachers.
The first question to be discussed is how is it thought justified of punishment in theories. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of theories of punishment offering justification acknowledged. They are retributive theory, deterrent theory, and reformative theory. Punishment is justified in response to offenders’ desert, or to threat offenders from doing again, or as a means to re-educate people, in these three different visions of theories. There is no disagreement on these three theories that the assumption that rules are authorized and those who break the rules should be punished without excuses.
In the context of (post-)modern times, though the justification of punishment were wildly accepted, we must notice the construction of punishment-rule, authority and pain is need to be reexamined. For Foucault, according Discipline and Punish, punishment is in the same sense of discipline, namely without discipline there is no punishment neither.
Critical theorists begin with the premise that people are unfree and inhabit a world life with contradictions and asymmetries of power and privilege. Under such context of real life, punishment is the means of hegemony without doubt.
The advocates of human rights see punishment as violence. It is mistaken to think that corporal punishment accepted in education. Children should be raised up and educated in atmosphere filled of dignity and respects, not the treatment of punishment (especially physically).
All these views challenge the rules governed punishment, question the authorized power to exert punishment, and reject the pain on the human bodies. The evidence shown here is that justification of punishment theories have to be rectified.
Furthermore, we have recalled the context why punishment used throughout in schools in Taiwan. It seems reasonable to conclude: teacher professionalism in Taiwan did not prepare our teachers well to reform the phenomenon of punishment abuse.
We also offered some alternatives to educators for teaching without punishment. We drew attention to the ethics of “care”, in contrast to the traditional ethics of “justice”, meet the needs of education well. Some real examples and useful thoughts were shown that the preparation and in-service training of teacher professionals need to be reformed too.
Finally, we come to a conclusion of punishment and responsibility of teachers. It needs to be recognized as part of ethics of educators.
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參、 網路資料
描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 馮朝霖zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Fong,C. L.en_US (Authors) 李真文zh_TW (Authors) Li,Chen Wenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李真文zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Li,Chen Wenen_US (日期) 2007en_US 17-Sep-2009 15:04:50 (UTC+8)- 17-Sep-2009 15:04:50 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 15:04:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0891525023en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 89152502zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究主要析理台灣教育界對於懲罰議題的不同立場,藉以探討懲罰與教師責任之間的倫理辯證關係。研究問題主要回答有五。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The aim of the dissertation is to clear out the concepts between “punishment” and “responsibility” beyond the discourses of education in Taiwan. It is proposed five main questions here, the core of all the questions is to answer the ethics for professionals in education, especially for teachers.
The first question to be discussed is how is it thought justified of punishment in theories. Generally speaking, there are three kinds of theories of punishment offering justification acknowledged. They are retributive theory, deterrent theory, and reformative theory. Punishment is justified in response to offenders’ desert, or to threat offenders from doing again, or as a means to re-educate people, in these three different visions of theories. There is no disagreement on these three theories that the assumption that rules are authorized and those who break the rules should be punished without excuses.
In the context of (post-)modern times, though the justification of punishment were wildly accepted, we must notice the construction of punishment-rule, authority and pain is need to be reexamined. For Foucault, according Discipline and Punish, punishment is in the same sense of discipline, namely without discipline there is no punishment neither.
Critical theorists begin with the premise that people are unfree and inhabit a world life with contradictions and asymmetries of power and privilege. Under such context of real life, punishment is the means of hegemony without doubt.
The advocates of human rights see punishment as violence. It is mistaken to think that corporal punishment accepted in education. Children should be raised up and educated in atmosphere filled of dignity and respects, not the treatment of punishment (especially physically).
All these views challenge the rules governed punishment, question the authorized power to exert punishment, and reject the pain on the human bodies. The evidence shown here is that justification of punishment theories have to be rectified.
Furthermore, we have recalled the context why punishment used throughout in schools in Taiwan. It seems reasonable to conclude: teacher professionalism in Taiwan did not prepare our teachers well to reform the phenomenon of punishment abuse.
We also offered some alternatives to educators for teaching without punishment. We drew attention to the ethics of “care”, in contrast to the traditional ethics of “justice”, meet the needs of education well. Some real examples and useful thoughts were shown that the preparation and in-service training of teacher professionals need to be reformed too.
Finally, we come to a conclusion of punishment and responsibility of teachers. It needs to be recognized as part of ethics of educators.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論-教育倫理學之爭端          ~1
第一節 研究背景與動機                      -1-
第二節 問題意識與目的                      -6-
第三節 研究方法與步驟  -13-
壹、方法與步驟                      13
貳、概念與架構                   15
第四節 預期貢獻與限制                      -18-
壹、預期貢獻                     18
貳、研究限制                         19

第二章 懲罰-理論視角的啟示          ~23
第一節 以牙還牙-正義的反擊                  -24-
壹、怨、恨、愁…                     25
貳、仇,一再重複…                     27
參、公道何在                    30
肆、正義的討還                   32
伍、罪何以應得 35
陸、罪責相當 37
柒、小結:罪有應得                      39
第二節 殺雞儆猴-嚇阻的心理戰                 -40-
壹、保護以防意外                      40
貳、不宜模仿的禁令                  42
參、趨吉避凶的至理                 43
肆、嚇阻的作用                  46
伍、屈人之兵的心法 48
陸、小結:不寒而慄                  49
第三節 改過自新-再一次機會                -51-
壹、給一個機會                   51
貳、改造論何以出線            52
參、犯錯,表示需要再教育                  54
肆、改造大全                     55
伍、浪子回頭金不換 59
陸、小結:自新機會                  61
第四節 懲罰理論的正當性                -62-

第三章 鬆動-時代思潮的衝擊          ~65
第一節 馴服的羔羊-權力技術的透視 -66-
壹、聽見達米安的咆哮                 66
貳、重新馴服達米安               68
參、酷刑不再… 70
肆、學校-規訓機構的代表 72
伍、權力-知識-身體 75
陸、小結:規訓,懲罰的代名詞                76
第二節 邊緣的反撲-覺醒與解放的張力              -78-
壹、批判的擂台                        78
貳、批判傾向的懲罰視域                    81
參、利益爭逐下的冤大頭 84
肆、轉化的批判 89
伍、小結:雙重懲罰                      90
第三節 普世的價值-掙來的基本尊嚴               -91-
壹、人演化,人權演進                    91
貳、迎接人權教育                     93
參、學生的權利 94
肆、向體罰宣戰 97
伍、不只是副作用太強 100
陸、小結:豈能暴力對待                  103
第四節 正當懲罰的嚴峻挑戰               -104-

第四章 演進-相挺的生成演變          ~107
第一節 在歷史中望見懲罰的背影                 -108-
壹、禮教社會                    108
貳、師道傳統                 111
參、家有家規 116
肆、升學競爭 118
伍、小結:懲罰,歷史之偶然                 121
第二節 教師專業的進退                -122-
壹、師資培育與體罰現象                 122
貳、教育專業培訓                  127
參、潛在的師培文化 135
肆、教育現場的洗禮 137
伍、小結:孰為進、孰為退                 140
第三節 應用懲罰的教戰手冊                  -142-
壹、課本上的教誨-教育心理學,必修             142
貳、課本上的教誨-班級經營,選修             147
參、各抒己見的專家建言 152
肆、懲罰過當的法律責任 156
伍、謹慎使用,小心副作用 158
陸、小結:仙丹也可能是毒藥                159
第四節 懲罰何以延續                  -161-

第五章 理想-教育專業再進化      ~165
第一節 關係-倫理的再開始 -166-
壹、依正義倫理而懲罰 166
貳、關懷倫理學的出現              170
參、正義與關懷之對照 173
肆、從關懷倫理看懲罰 177
伍、小結:關懷與正義攜手 179
第二節 改變-體制內發酵的精靈              -181-
壹、要冷靜,別衝動                    181
貳、打破沈默,勇敢發聲 184
參、轉化型知識份子之作為 185
肆、江山代有“園丁”出 188
伍、小結:立異標新的勇者                 190
第三節 巧化-另類教育的窗              -191-
壹、另類教育何以另類                   191
貳、另類教育如何另類 193
參、自由與秩序如何兼顧 195
肆、問題學童的「問題」 197
伍、另類教師扮演的角色 200
陸、小結:另類、解放、回歸 202
第四節 我們何以不用懲罰               -204-

第六章 思辨-教師職責與倫理難題       ~207
第一節 懲罰之倫理判斷 -208-
壹、「為了他好」的出發點 208
貳、「也為了我好」的考量                  209
參、為了多數人著想                     210
肆、習以為常下的盲點                     211
伍、不得已的作為                       212
陸、倫理判斷的難為 212
第二節 放棄懲罰的兩樣情                -218-
壹、若不懲罰的擔憂                  218
貳、自由與紀律之辯 220
參、少點權威未必不行                  223
肆、自由學習的國度                     225
第三節 教育者的責任                -227-
壹、手段衍異與責任變動 227
貳、罰下去,教了什麼/學了什麼 229
參、教師的倫理責任                     230
肆、教育的善意與美意 233
第四節 教師專業倫理之界域                  -236-
壹、教育目的與教師角色  236
貳、教育專業論述之回眸 238
參、教師專業化再探 240
肆、倫理思辨與原則共識 242
伍、零體罰之後的教育專業 245

第七章 沒有權威和懲罰的教育         ~251
第一節 懲罰論述之征途回顧                 -251-
壹、巡看兩軍對壘之態勢  251
貳、觀點交錯下的視野 253
第二節 喋喋不休後的結論               -257-
第三節 撥雲後的反思與建言 -260-
壹、繞了幾圈後的反思 260
貳、給未來的建言 263

參考書目                   ~265


圖一 懲罰相關概念圖 15
圖二 研究架構圖 17
圖三 懲罰相關概念修正圖 227
圖四 教師專業自主相關概念圖 247
圖五 懲罰相關概念之階層圖示 248
圖六 懲罰相關概念之階層修正圖示 248

表一 國內校園體罰事件統計 98
表二 師專歷次修訂之課程學分比重 129
表三 師專歷次修訂之教育專業科目(必修) 129
表四 師專改制師院後之課程比重 130
表五 師專改制師院後之教育專業科目(必修) 131
表六 師院之教育專業科目(1993年公布必修) 131
表七 師範大學之教育專業科目(1993年公布必修) 132
表八 現行教師職前教育之教育專業科目 133
表九 關懷與責任道德/正義道德對照 174
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dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 懲罰zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教師專業倫理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教育責任zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) punishmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) responsibilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ethics of teachingen_US
dc.title (題名) 懲罰與責任:教師專業倫理之辯證zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Punishment and Responsibility:Dialectic of the Ethics of Teachers’ Profession.en_US
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