
題名 從理念到實踐: 台北地區高中英語教師文法教學之信念與實踐
作者 鍾雅蓓
貢獻者 張郇慧
關鍵詞 文法教學
日期 2007
上傳時間 17-Sep-2009 16:35:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在探討台北地區高中英文教師對於英語文法教學的信念與實踐。本研究的對象為台北市的高中英文教師,研究方法以質量並重的問卷和訪談為主。問卷共回收146份,主要採用描述性統計分析;訪談人數為6人。研究重點如下:(一)教師信念與教學實務(二)教師信念與教學實務之間的關聯性以及(三)教師的教育背景和研習經驗如何影響教師的信念與實踐。
     1. 教師在文法教學的角色為幫助學生正確地溝通。
     2. 教師的文法教學法主要採取演繹法且經過課前設計。
     3. 教師的教學內容主要取決於學生程度及教材。
     4. 教師的教學信念與實踐大致符合。
     5. 教師的學術背景主要影響教師針對文法教學的時間問題上;
     6. 而參加研習會影響教師的信念較顯著,表現在文法教學的方法和內容上。
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張郇慧zh_TW (Authors) 鍾雅蓓zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 鍾雅蓓zh_TW (日期) 2007en_US 17-Sep-2009 16:35:26 (UTC+8)- 17-Sep-2009 16:35:26 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-Sep-2009 16:35:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0093951010en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93951010zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在探討台北地區高中英文教師對於英語文法教學的信念與實踐。本研究的對象為台北市的高中英文教師,研究方法以質量並重的問卷和訪談為主。問卷共回收146份,主要採用描述性統計分析;訪談人數為6人。研究重點如下:(一)教師信念與教學實務(二)教師信念與教學實務之間的關聯性以及(三)教師的教育背景和研習經驗如何影響教師的信念與實踐。
     1. 教師在文法教學的角色為幫助學生正確地溝通。
     2. 教師的文法教學法主要採取演繹法且經過課前設計。
     3. 教師的教學內容主要取決於學生程度及教材。
     4. 教師的教學信念與實踐大致符合。
     5. 教師的學術背景主要影響教師針對文法教學的時間問題上;
     6. 而參加研習會影響教師的信念較顯著,表現在文法教學的方法和內容上。
dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledgement------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii
     Table of Contents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv
     List of Tables-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi
     Chinese Abstract-------------------------------------------------------------------------------viii
     English Abstract---------------------------------------------------------------------------------ix
     1. Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
     1.1 Background and Motivation--------------------------------------------------------1
     1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study--------------------------------------------3
     1.3 Research Questions------------------------------------------------------------------4
     1.4 Organization--------------------------------------------------------------------------4
     1.5 Definition of Terms------------------------------------------------------------------5
     2. Literature Review--------------------------------------------------------------------------6
     2.1 The Role of Grammar Instruction on Second Language Acquisition-----------6
      2.1.1 Non-interface Position--------------------------------------------------------6
     2.1.2 Interface Position--------------------------------------------------------------8
     2.2 Recent Conceptions about Grammar Instruction----------------------------------8
      2.2.1 Nature of Focus on FormS---------------------------------------------------9
      2.2.2 Nature of Focus on Meaning-------------------------------------------------9
      2.2.3 The Role of Accuracy and Fluency----------------------------------------10
      2.3 Findings from Empirical Studies---------------------------------------------------11
      2.3.1 Studies about the Strategies to Grammar Instruction-------------------11 Experiential Teaching Strategy------------------------------------12 Analytic Teaching Strategy----------------------------------------12 Implicit-Explicit Dimension--------------------------------------13 Intralingual-Crosslingual Dimension----------------------------14 Inductive-Deductive Dimension----------------------------------14
      2.3.2 Studies about the Choices of Linguistic Forms--------------------------15
     2.4 Teachers’ Beliefs---------------------------------------------------------------------16
      2.4.1 Factors which Influence Teachers’ Beliefs-------------------------------18
      2.4.2 The Relationship between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices------------20
      2.5 Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices on Grammar Instruction-----------------------20
      2.5.1 Studies in ESL Countries---------------------------------------------------21
      2.5.2 Studies in EFL Countries---------------------------------------------------23
     3. Methodology---------------------------------------------------------------------------------26
     3.1 Participants----------------------------------------------------------------------------26
     3.2 Instruments----------------------------------------------------------------------------27
     3.2.1 The Questionnaires----------------------------------------------------------28
     3.2.2 The Semi-structured Interview---------------------------------------------29
     3.3 Procedures-----------------------------------------------------------------------------29
     3.4 Data Analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------30
     3.4.1 The Quantitative Data from the Questionnaire--------------------------30
     3.4.2 The Qualitative Data from the Semi-structure Interview---------------31
     4. Results-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33
      4.1 Demographic Information of the participants------------------------------------33
      4.2 Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices-----------------------------------------------------34
      4.2.1 The Role of Grammar in English Learning-------------------------------34
      4.2.2 The Approaches to Grammar Teaching-----------------------------------37
      4.2.3 The Content of Grammar Instruction--------------------------------------39
     4.2.4 Time Issues of Grammar Instruction--------------------------------------41
     4.3 Consistency between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices-------------------------42
     4.3.1 Level of Consistency--------------------------------------------------------42
      4.4 Factors Connected with Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices----------------------45
      4.5 Other Findings from Interviews--------------------------------------------------54
      4.5.1 Difficulties Encountered by Teachers-------------------------------------55
      4.5.2 Difficulties Encountered by Students-------------------------------------56
      4.5.3 Grammatical Error Correction---------------------------------------------56
      4.5.4 Further comments or suggestions-----------------------------------------57
     5. Discussion and Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------59
     5.1 Discussion of the Findings---------------------------------------------------------59
     5.1.1 Teachers’ beliefs and practices in grammar instruction------------------59
     5.1.2 Consistency Subject between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices---------64
     5.1.3 Factors on teachers’ beliefs and practices---------------------------------67
     5.2 Pedagogical Implications------------------------------------------------------------71
     5.3 Limitations of the Present Study----------------------------------------------------73
     5.4 Suggestions for Further Research---------------------------------------------------75
     Table 3.1 The Background Information about the Six Teachers-------------------------27
     Table 4.1 Mean Difference between Beliefs and Practices-------------------------------43
     Table 4.2 Results from Teachers with a Master Degree-----------------------------------47
     Table 4.3 The Results from Teachers with a Bachelor’s Degree-------------------------47
     Table 4.4 The Results from Teachers with Workshop Attendance about Grammar Instruction within the Last Two Years-------------------------------------------------------50
     Table 4.5 The Results from Teachers Without Workshop Attendance about Grammar Instruction within the Last Two Years-------------------------------------------------------51
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dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 文法教學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教師信念zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教師實踐zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 從理念到實踐: 台北地區高中英語教師文法教學之信念與實踐zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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