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題名 宗教與民主化:社會系統理論觀點的檢視與重構
Religion and democratization: social systems theory perspective
作者 劉育成
Liu ,Yu Cheng
貢獻者 顧忠華
Liu ,Yu Cheng
關鍵詞 社會系統理論
social systems theory
social evolution
Niklas Luhmann
日期 2010
上傳時間 17-Apr-2012 09:26:16 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文從系統分化的社會演化觀點嘗試提出對現代民主之內涵與民主化開展之可能性的另種論述。本文中所提及的「民主」與民主化不一定跳脫西方世界對相關概念的想像與定義,但在嘗試將「民主」視為政治系統用以描述自身之方式的這個主張而言,無論是西方式民主或者是其他種類的民主均能夠含括於其中。此外,民主化的開展僅被視為政治系統朝向「民主」的一種系統分化的社會演化過程。西方國家對民主的界定則是在此分化的演化發展中,透過宗教與政治、宗教與法律,以及政治與法律等系統彼此之間、以及從社會中分化出來而取得之形式「之一」。這是一個對系統而言不斷增加複雜性的過程,也正是在此過程中,對於民主或民主化之內容的界定變得越來越不容易。在本論文對西方與台灣民主化過程的探究中,嘗試指出的是一個類似的功能分化的社會演化與系統內部分化的相互辯證過程。這個辯證過程使現代「民主」概念得以作為一個「未預期之後果」而出現。

This thesis draws on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, and examines the relationship between religion and democratization in Taiwan. In order to advance the analysis and to make some helpful suggestions, two points are firstly highlighted. One is the concept of democracy itself, and the other is the descriptions of it by the political system and by other social systems within society. The word ‘democracy’ has long history since ancient Greek city-state, however, its modern use and the meaning of it can possibly date back to the Middle ages, especially to the sixteenth century. Modern concept of democracy relates to the tradition of monotheism, in this case referring to the Reformation and later to the formation of Western political philosophy. The second point argues that ‘democracy’ is simply a self-description of society, and its realization lies in the transformation of the form of differentiation from hierarchical to functional. Luhmann would like to link the semantics to social evolution, by which he can investigate and explore the dialectical process between semantics and structures. The analysis of the relationship between democracy and democratization refers to this dialectical process, concerning systems differentiation and social evolution.

Issues relating to democratization, the consolidation of democracies, and their discontented consequences, etc. need to be reconsidered in the sense that the concept of democracy and its modern descriptions utilize a ‘paradox’ which must be hidden while forming and maintaining identities, whether they be societies, nations, or individuals. This constitutes both positive and negative sides of the development of democracy, and also leads to crises gradually confronted by those ‘matured’ democratic Western countries and also by some third-wave democratizing regions. Among them exists a similar problem which will be discussed in this thesis: the concept of democracy and its modern developments are increasingly eroding its own foundation when the differentiation of subsystems and the evolution of society both go too far. This by no means indicates that there will not be any democracy in the near future. Instead, as an observer observing observations, this thesis inquires our present situations while at the same time attempting at offering some possible and also suitable questions from systems theory perspective.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094254501
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 顧忠華zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 劉育成zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Liu ,Yu Chengen_US
dc.creator (作者) 劉育成zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Liu ,Yu Chengen_US
dc.date (日期) 2010en_US
dc.date.accessioned 17-Apr-2012 09:26:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 17-Apr-2012 09:26:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 17-Apr-2012 09:26:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094254501en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/52816-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94254501zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文從系統分化的社會演化觀點嘗試提出對現代民主之內涵與民主化開展之可能性的另種論述。本文中所提及的「民主」與民主化不一定跳脫西方世界對相關概念的想像與定義,但在嘗試將「民主」視為政治系統用以描述自身之方式的這個主張而言,無論是西方式民主或者是其他種類的民主均能夠含括於其中。此外,民主化的開展僅被視為政治系統朝向「民主」的一種系統分化的社會演化過程。西方國家對民主的界定則是在此分化的演化發展中,透過宗教與政治、宗教與法律,以及政治與法律等系統彼此之間、以及從社會中分化出來而取得之形式「之一」。這是一個對系統而言不斷增加複雜性的過程,也正是在此過程中,對於民主或民主化之內容的界定變得越來越不容易。在本論文對西方與台灣民主化過程的探究中,嘗試指出的是一個類似的功能分化的社會演化與系統內部分化的相互辯證過程。這個辯證過程使現代「民主」概念得以作為一個「未預期之後果」而出現。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) This thesis draws on Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems, and examines the relationship between religion and democratization in Taiwan. In order to advance the analysis and to make some helpful suggestions, two points are firstly highlighted. One is the concept of democracy itself, and the other is the descriptions of it by the political system and by other social systems within society. The word ‘democracy’ has long history since ancient Greek city-state, however, its modern use and the meaning of it can possibly date back to the Middle ages, especially to the sixteenth century. Modern concept of democracy relates to the tradition of monotheism, in this case referring to the Reformation and later to the formation of Western political philosophy. The second point argues that ‘democracy’ is simply a self-description of society, and its realization lies in the transformation of the form of differentiation from hierarchical to functional. Luhmann would like to link the semantics to social evolution, by which he can investigate and explore the dialectical process between semantics and structures. The analysis of the relationship between democracy and democratization refers to this dialectical process, concerning systems differentiation and social evolution.

Issues relating to democratization, the consolidation of democracies, and their discontented consequences, etc. need to be reconsidered in the sense that the concept of democracy and its modern descriptions utilize a ‘paradox’ which must be hidden while forming and maintaining identities, whether they be societies, nations, or individuals. This constitutes both positive and negative sides of the development of democracy, and also leads to crises gradually confronted by those ‘matured’ democratic Western countries and also by some third-wave democratizing regions. Among them exists a similar problem which will be discussed in this thesis: the concept of democracy and its modern developments are increasingly eroding its own foundation when the differentiation of subsystems and the evolution of society both go too far. This by no means indicates that there will not be any democracy in the near future. Instead, as an observer observing observations, this thesis inquires our present situations while at the same time attempting at offering some possible and also suitable questions from systems theory perspective.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 導論 6
第一節 引言 6
第二節 研究動機:從啟蒙理性到社會學啟蒙 8
第三節 問題意識:宗教與政治系統的分化作為民主化開展的條件? 13
第四節 宗教與民主化發展之關係:台灣基督長老教會的地位 18
第五節 各章節略述 23
第二章 宗教與政治系統的分化:一個社會系統理論觀點 29
第一節 引言 29
第二節 民主化如何可能?宗教、政治系統與「國家」 32
2.1 宗教與政治系統的分化 43
2.2 權力:政治系統的溝通媒介 47
第三節 政治系統的內部分化作為對民主的觀察 51
3.1 政治對立作為「民主化」開展的關鍵:系統內部分化與社會演化的相互指涉 51
3.2 複雜性與民主、民主化 58
第四節 民主化作為結構與過程的辯證 63
第三章 一個西方歷史的考察:改革宗傳統作為宗教與政治分化的原型 67
第一節 國家與教會、世俗之國與神之國:系統分化的開端 67
第二節 路德與宗教改革:兩份文件 71
第三節 加爾文與改革宗傳統:從信仰到政治行動 76
第四節 諾克斯與蘇格蘭長老教會 81
第五節 從神聖╱世俗到超越╱內在:洛克與魯曼 88
第六節 從加爾文主義到台灣基督長老教會:一個理論架構的提出 96
第四章 宗教與政治系統的結構耦合:台灣基督長老教會與台灣民主化運動 99
前言: 99
第一節 從1970年代台灣基督長老教會發表的三份文件談起 100
第二節 台灣基督長老教會「政治」行動的正當性及對系統分化的可能貢獻 110
第三節 台灣基督長老教會與民主化:社會演化與系統分化之產物 114
第四節 民主化開展的契機:宗教與政治系統的分化與結構耦合 125
第五章 從分化到去分化:宗教對民主化危機的可能回應 129
第一節 民主vs民主化:系統的自我描述與系統分化的社會演化 129
1.1 何謂民主? 129
1.2 何謂民主化:朝向民主政治系統的社會演化發展? 138
1.3 朝向民主化的可能性:系統分化與結構耦合 147
第二節 現代社會的「去分化」危機:政治系統對全社會的論題化 148
第三節 宗教對現代社會去分化之危機的可能回應 155
第四節 小結 164
第六章 結論 167
參考書目 175
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094254501en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會系統理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會演化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 民主化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 魯曼zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 去分化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) social systems theoryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) social evolutionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) democratizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Niklas Luhmannen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) de-differentiationen_US
dc.title (題名) 宗教與民主化:社會系統理論觀點的檢視與重構zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Religion and democratization: social systems theory perspectiveen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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