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題名 組織設計與外部網絡關係對新產品開發績效之影響
The impact of organizational design and network relationship on new product development
作者 林郁彣
貢獻者 黃國峯
關鍵詞 新產品開發
日期 2010
上傳時間 30-Oct-2012 10:10:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 觸控面板產業技術、市場快速發展,新廠商也不斷投入。在這樣的環境下,除了不斷降低成本外,企業該如何進行新產品開發,彈性、快速、有效的回應顧客需求與環境變化以獲取市場地位與競爭力為一值得研究的議題。

Facing fasting changing technology and market in the touch panel industry, an increasing number of firms still enter this industry. In addition to cost down, how new product development meet customers’ needs in an flexible, quick and efficient way to expand market share and attain competitive advantage is also becoming important issue in current era.

This study is to analyze how touch panel firms in Taiwan integrate internal and external resources (i.e. organizational design and network relationship) to enhance the capability of new product development.

There are several results in this research. First, the new product development project is process-based instead of function-based, which makes all departments can work with the same goal and cooperate with each other. Second, in the business to business market, firms within external networks have their own strategies and roadmaps. The ability to align the goals and resources with these firms in an effective way to achieve win-win situation is the key to success. Finally, when working with these firms in the external networks, firms need to design appropriate organizational mechanisms to get the best benefit of it.
參考文獻 中文部分
1.王美音譯 (1998),Leonard-Barton, D. (1995),知識創新之泉:智價企業的經營,台北:遠流
2.李芳齡、李田樹譯 (2004),Christensen, C.M. and Raynor, M.E. (2003),創新者的解答,台北:天下雜誌
3.高熏芳、林盈助、王向葵譯 (2001),Maxwell, J.A. (1996),質化研究設計:一種互動取向方法,台北:心理
4.許士軍 (1996),定性研究在管理研究上的重要性,中原學報,24(2),1-3
5.歐用生 (1995),質的研究,台北:師大書苑
6.賴士葆 (1990),硏究發展/行銷/製造三部門互動與新產品發展績效相關之硏究 ,台北:華泰
7.拓墣產業研究所 (2010),觸控技術融入人們生活每一角落,台北:拓墣科技

1.Ainamo, A. (2007), Coordination Mechanisms in Cross-Functional Teams: A Product Design Perspective, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.23, No.9-10, pp.841-860
2.Amabile, T.M., Patterson, C., Mueller, J., Wojcik, T., Odomirok, P.W., Marsh, M. and Kramer, S.J. (2001), Academic-Practitioner Collaboration in Management Research: A Case of Cross-Profession Collaboration, Academy of Management Journal, 44(2):418-431
3.Bonaccorsi, A. and Lippaini, A. (1994), Strategic Partnerships in New Product Development: an Italian Case Study, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 11, pp.134-145
4.Booz, Allen and Hamilton (1982), New Product Management for the 1980’s, New York: Booz, Allen and Hamilton Inc
5.Child, J. and Faulkner, D. (1998), Strategies of Cooperation: Managing Alliances, Networks and Joint Ventures, Oxford: Oxford University Press
6.Clark, K.B. and Wheelwright, S.C. (1992), Revolutionizing Product Development: Quantum Leaps in Speed, Efficiency, and Quality, New York, Free Press
7.Cooper, R. and Kleinschmidt, E.J. (1987), New Projects: What Separates Winners from Losers, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol.4, pp.169-184
8.Cousins, P.D. and Lawson B. (2007), The Effect of Socialization Mechanisms and Performance Measurement on Supplier Integration in New Product Development, British Journal of Management, Vol. 18, pp.311-326
9.Davila, T. (2000), An Empirical Study on the Drivers of Management Control System’s Design in New Product Development, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.25, pp.383
10.Denzin, N. and Lincoln, Y.S. (eds.) (2005), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.), London: Sage
11.Driva, H., Pawer K.S. and Menon U. (2000), Measuring Product Development Performance in Manufacturing Organizations, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.63, pp.147
12.Earnst, H., Hoyer, W.D. and Rübsaamen, C. (2010), Sales, Marketing, and Research-and Development Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: Implication for Success, Journal of Marketing, Vol.74, pp.80-92
13.Fang, E. (2008), Customer Participation and the Trade-Off Between New Product Innovativeness and Speed to Market, Journal of Marketing, Vol.72, pp.90-104
14.Fang, E., Palmatier, R.W. and Evan K.R. (2008), Influence of Customer Participation on Creating and Sharing of New Product Value, Academy of Marketing Science, Vol.36, pp.322-336
15.Galbraith, J. R. and Nathanson, D. A. (1978), Strategy Implementation: The Role of Structure and Process, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company
16.Gobeli, D.H. and Brown, D.J. (1987), Analyzing Product Innovation, Research Management, Vol.30, No.4, pp.25-31
17.Griffin, A. (1997), Modeling and Measuring Product Development Cycle Time across Industries, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol.14, pp.1-24
18.Gupta, A., Raj, S.P. and Wilemon, D. (1986), A Model for Studying R&D-Marketing Interface in the Product Innovation Process, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50, pp. 7-17
19.Handfield, R.B. and Lawson, B. (2007), Integration Supplies into New Product Development, Research Technology Management, pp.44-51
20.Ernst, H., Hoyer, W.D. and Rübsaamen, C. (2010), Sales, Marketing, and Research and Development Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: Implications for Success, Journal of Marketing, Vol.74, pp.80-92
21.Jarillo, J.C. (1988), On Strategic Networks, Strategic Management Journal Vol.9, pp.31-41
22.Jayaram, J. (2005) , Supplier Involvement in New Product Development Projects: Dimensionality and Contingency Effects, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 46, No. 13, pp. 3717-3735
23.Johnson, L. and Mattsson, L.G. (1987), International Relations in Industrial System: A network Approach Compared with the Transaction-Cost Approach, International Studies of Management and Organization, 17, pp.34-48
24.Johnson, W.H.A. and Johnston, D.A. (2004), Organizational Knowledge Creating Processes and the Performance of University-Industry Collaborative R&D Projects, International Journal of Technology Management, 27(1):93-115
25.Kamann, D.J.F. and Strijker, D. (1991), The Network Approach: Concepts and Applications, London Belhaven Press, pp.145-173
26.Knudsen, M. P. (2007), The Relative Importance of Interfirm Relationships and Knowledge Transfer for New Product Development Success, Product Innovation Management, Vol.24, pp.117-138
27.Leonard-Barton, D. (1995), Well-spirits of Knowledge-Building and Sources of Innovation, M. A.: Harvard Business School Press
28.McDonough, E.F., Kahn, K., and Barczak, G. (2001), An Investigation of the Use of Global vs. Co-located and Distributed New Product Development Teams, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18(2), pp.110-120
29.Merriam, S.B. (1988), Case Study Research in Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: Jossey-Bass
30.Millson, M.R. and Wilemon, D. (2002), The Impact of Organizational Integration and Product Development Proficiency on Market Success, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.31, pp.1-23
31.Mintzberg, H. (1979), The Structuring of Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
32.Oliver, N., Dostaler, I. and Dewberry, E. (2004), New Product Development Benchmarks: The Japanese, Borth American, and UK Consumer Electronics Industries, The Journal of High Technology Management, Vol.23, No.1, pp.371-388
33.Olson, E., Walker, O. and Ruekert, R. (1995), Organizing for Effective New Product Development: The Moderating Role of Product Innovativeness, Journal of Marketing, Vol.59, No.1, pp.48-62
34.Pittaway, L., Robertson, M., Munir, K., Denyer, D. and Neely, A. (2004), Networking and innovation in the UK: a systematic review of the literature: report prepared for the DTI and ESRC, International Journal of Management Reviews, 5-6(3-4): 137-168
35.Ragatz, G.L., Handfield, R.B., & Scannell, T.V. (1997), Success Factors for Integrating Suppliers into New Product Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14: 190-202
36.Robert, S. and David, P. (2004), Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes, Boston: Harvard Business School Press
37.Ruekert, Robert W. and Walker, Orville C., Jr. (1987), Marketing’s Interaction with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence, Journal of Marketing, Vol.51, pp.1-19
38.Sbragia, R. (1984), Clarity of Management Roles and Performance of R&D Multidisciplinary Projects in Matrix Structures, R&D Management, pp.113-126
39.Scott, W.R. and G.F. Davis. (2007), Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural and Open Systems Perspectives, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
40.Song and Montoya-Weiss (2001), The Effects of Perceived Technological Uncertainty on Japanese New Product Development, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.44(1), pp. 61-80
41.Sounder, W.E. and Moenaert, R. (1992), Integrating Marketing and R&D Project Personnel within Innovation Projects: An information Uncertainty Model, Journal of Management Studies, 29(4), pp.485-512
42.Sounder, W.E., Sherman, D. and Cooper, R.D. (1998), Environmental Uncertainty, Organizational Integration, and New Product Development Effectiveness: A Test of Contingency Theory, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol.15, pp.520-533
43.Spencer, J.W. (2001), How Relevant is University-Based Scientific Research to Private High-Technology Firms? A United States-Japan Comparison, Academy of Management Journal, 44(2):432-440
44.Stevens, G. A., and J. Burley (2003), Piloting the Rocket of Radical Innovation, Research Technology Management, 46(3), pp.16-25
45.Technology Management, 46(3): 16-25.
46.Swink, M.L., Sandvig, J.C. & Mabert, V.A. (1996), Customizing Concurrent Engineering Processes: Five Case Studies‟, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 13, No.3, pp. 229-244
47.Tessarolo, P. (2007), Is Integration Enough for Fast Product Development? An Empirical Investigation of the Contextual Effect of Product Vision, Product Innovation Management, Vol.24, pp.69-82
48.Thorelli, H.B. (1986), Networks: Between markets and hierarchies, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.7, pp.37-51
49.Troy, L.C, Hirunyawipada, T. and Paswan, A.K. (2008), Cross-Functional Integration and New Product Success: An Empirical Investigation of the Findings, Journal of Marketing, Vol.72, pp.132-146
50.Ulrich, K.T. and Eppinger, S.D. (1995), Product Design and Development(1st Ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill
51.Wasti, S.N. and Liker, J.K. (1997), Cross-Function and Same-Function Alliance: How Does Alliance Structure Affect the Behavior of Partnering Firms?, Management Science, Vol.56, No.2, pp.302-317
52.Wilfred, A. and Richard, S. (2010), Coordination Mechanisms in Cross-functional teams: A Product Design Perspective, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.23, No.9-10, pp.841-860
53.Yin, R.K. (1994), Case Study Research : Design and Methods (2nd Ed.), Newbury Park, CA: Sage

1.DisplaySearch http://www.displaysearch.com.tw/products.aspx
2.台灣工業銀行〈觸控面板產業概況〉 http://www.ibt.com.tw/Research/Research_E0101.aspx?i_id=170
3.康和證券2009年觸控面板產業研究報告 http://www.moneydj.com/KMDJ/Report/ReportViewer.aspx?a=1f391e3b-77d0-410a-a05a-ecd3c59c03e5
4.電子工程專輯 http://www.eettaiwan.com/
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098355038
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃國峯zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 林郁彣zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 林郁彣zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2010en_US
dc.date.accessioned 30-Oct-2012 10:10:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 30-Oct-2012 10:10:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 30-Oct-2012 10:10:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0098355038en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/54150-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98355038zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 99zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 觸控面板產業技術、市場快速發展,新廠商也不斷投入。在這樣的環境下,除了不斷降低成本外,企業該如何進行新產品開發,彈性、快速、有效的回應顧客需求與環境變化以獲取市場地位與競爭力為一值得研究的議題。

dc.description.abstract (摘要) Facing fasting changing technology and market in the touch panel industry, an increasing number of firms still enter this industry. In addition to cost down, how new product development meet customers’ needs in an flexible, quick and efficient way to expand market share and attain competitive advantage is also becoming important issue in current era.

This study is to analyze how touch panel firms in Taiwan integrate internal and external resources (i.e. organizational design and network relationship) to enhance the capability of new product development.

There are several results in this research. First, the new product development project is process-based instead of function-based, which makes all departments can work with the same goal and cooperate with each other. Second, in the business to business market, firms within external networks have their own strategies and roadmaps. The ability to align the goals and resources with these firms in an effective way to achieve win-win situation is the key to success. Finally, when working with these firms in the external networks, firms need to design appropriate organizational mechanisms to get the best benefit of it.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 新產品開發 4
第二節 組織設計 8
第三節 網絡關係 18
第四節 研究架構 24
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究方法 25
第二節 研究流程 28
第四章 產業介紹與個案公司介紹 30
第一節 觸控面板產業介紹 30
第二節 個案公司介紹 39
第五章 個案分析 41
第一節 組織設計與新產品開發之關聯性 41
第二節 外部網絡關係與新產品開發之關聯性 50
第六章 結論與建議 62
第一節 研究結論與討論 62
第二節 研究貢獻與管理意涵 63
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 64
文獻參考 66
附檔-訪談大綱 71
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098355038en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新產品開發zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織設計zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外部網絡關係zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 組織設計與外部網絡關係對新產品開發績效之影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The impact of organizational design and network relationship on new product developmenten_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分
1.王美音譯 (1998),Leonard-Barton, D. (1995),知識創新之泉:智價企業的經營,台北:遠流
2.李芳齡、李田樹譯 (2004),Christensen, C.M. and Raynor, M.E. (2003),創新者的解答,台北:天下雜誌
3.高熏芳、林盈助、王向葵譯 (2001),Maxwell, J.A. (1996),質化研究設計:一種互動取向方法,台北:心理
4.許士軍 (1996),定性研究在管理研究上的重要性,中原學報,24(2),1-3
5.歐用生 (1995),質的研究,台北:師大書苑
6.賴士葆 (1990),硏究發展/行銷/製造三部門互動與新產品發展績效相關之硏究 ,台北:華泰
7.拓墣產業研究所 (2010),觸控技術融入人們生活每一角落,台北:拓墣科技

1.Ainamo, A. (2007), Coordination Mechanisms in Cross-Functional Teams: A Product Design Perspective, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.23, No.9-10, pp.841-860
2.Amabile, T.M., Patterson, C., Mueller, J., Wojcik, T., Odomirok, P.W., Marsh, M. and Kramer, S.J. (2001), Academic-Practitioner Collaboration in Management Research: A Case of Cross-Profession Collaboration, Academy of Management Journal, 44(2):418-431
3.Bonaccorsi, A. and Lippaini, A. (1994), Strategic Partnerships in New Product Development: an Italian Case Study, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 11, pp.134-145
4.Booz, Allen and Hamilton (1982), New Product Management for the 1980’s, New York: Booz, Allen and Hamilton Inc
5.Child, J. and Faulkner, D. (1998), Strategies of Cooperation: Managing Alliances, Networks and Joint Ventures, Oxford: Oxford University Press
6.Clark, K.B. and Wheelwright, S.C. (1992), Revolutionizing Product Development: Quantum Leaps in Speed, Efficiency, and Quality, New York, Free Press
7.Cooper, R. and Kleinschmidt, E.J. (1987), New Projects: What Separates Winners from Losers, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol.4, pp.169-184
8.Cousins, P.D. and Lawson B. (2007), The Effect of Socialization Mechanisms and Performance Measurement on Supplier Integration in New Product Development, British Journal of Management, Vol. 18, pp.311-326
9.Davila, T. (2000), An Empirical Study on the Drivers of Management Control System’s Design in New Product Development, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.25, pp.383
10.Denzin, N. and Lincoln, Y.S. (eds.) (2005), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.), London: Sage
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12.Earnst, H., Hoyer, W.D. and Rübsaamen, C. (2010), Sales, Marketing, and Research-and Development Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: Implication for Success, Journal of Marketing, Vol.74, pp.80-92
13.Fang, E. (2008), Customer Participation and the Trade-Off Between New Product Innovativeness and Speed to Market, Journal of Marketing, Vol.72, pp.90-104
14.Fang, E., Palmatier, R.W. and Evan K.R. (2008), Influence of Customer Participation on Creating and Sharing of New Product Value, Academy of Marketing Science, Vol.36, pp.322-336
15.Galbraith, J. R. and Nathanson, D. A. (1978), Strategy Implementation: The Role of Structure and Process, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company
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17.Griffin, A. (1997), Modeling and Measuring Product Development Cycle Time across Industries, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol.14, pp.1-24
18.Gupta, A., Raj, S.P. and Wilemon, D. (1986), A Model for Studying R&D-Marketing Interface in the Product Innovation Process, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50, pp. 7-17
19.Handfield, R.B. and Lawson, B. (2007), Integration Supplies into New Product Development, Research Technology Management, pp.44-51
20.Ernst, H., Hoyer, W.D. and Rübsaamen, C. (2010), Sales, Marketing, and Research and Development Cooperation Across New Product Development Stages: Implications for Success, Journal of Marketing, Vol.74, pp.80-92
21.Jarillo, J.C. (1988), On Strategic Networks, Strategic Management Journal Vol.9, pp.31-41
22.Jayaram, J. (2005) , Supplier Involvement in New Product Development Projects: Dimensionality and Contingency Effects, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 46, No. 13, pp. 3717-3735
23.Johnson, L. and Mattsson, L.G. (1987), International Relations in Industrial System: A network Approach Compared with the Transaction-Cost Approach, International Studies of Management and Organization, 17, pp.34-48
24.Johnson, W.H.A. and Johnston, D.A. (2004), Organizational Knowledge Creating Processes and the Performance of University-Industry Collaborative R&D Projects, International Journal of Technology Management, 27(1):93-115
25.Kamann, D.J.F. and Strijker, D. (1991), The Network Approach: Concepts and Applications, London Belhaven Press, pp.145-173
26.Knudsen, M. P. (2007), The Relative Importance of Interfirm Relationships and Knowledge Transfer for New Product Development Success, Product Innovation Management, Vol.24, pp.117-138
27.Leonard-Barton, D. (1995), Well-spirits of Knowledge-Building and Sources of Innovation, M. A.: Harvard Business School Press
28.McDonough, E.F., Kahn, K., and Barczak, G. (2001), An Investigation of the Use of Global vs. Co-located and Distributed New Product Development Teams, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18(2), pp.110-120
29.Merriam, S.B. (1988), Case Study Research in Education, Thousand Oaks, CA: Jossey-Bass
30.Millson, M.R. and Wilemon, D. (2002), The Impact of Organizational Integration and Product Development Proficiency on Market Success, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol.31, pp.1-23
31.Mintzberg, H. (1979), The Structuring of Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
32.Oliver, N., Dostaler, I. and Dewberry, E. (2004), New Product Development Benchmarks: The Japanese, Borth American, and UK Consumer Electronics Industries, The Journal of High Technology Management, Vol.23, No.1, pp.371-388
33.Olson, E., Walker, O. and Ruekert, R. (1995), Organizing for Effective New Product Development: The Moderating Role of Product Innovativeness, Journal of Marketing, Vol.59, No.1, pp.48-62
34.Pittaway, L., Robertson, M., Munir, K., Denyer, D. and Neely, A. (2004), Networking and innovation in the UK: a systematic review of the literature: report prepared for the DTI and ESRC, International Journal of Management Reviews, 5-6(3-4): 137-168
35.Ragatz, G.L., Handfield, R.B., & Scannell, T.V. (1997), Success Factors for Integrating Suppliers into New Product Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 14: 190-202
36.Robert, S. and David, P. (2004), Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes, Boston: Harvard Business School Press
37.Ruekert, Robert W. and Walker, Orville C., Jr. (1987), Marketing’s Interaction with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence, Journal of Marketing, Vol.51, pp.1-19
38.Sbragia, R. (1984), Clarity of Management Roles and Performance of R&D Multidisciplinary Projects in Matrix Structures, R&D Management, pp.113-126
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40.Song and Montoya-Weiss (2001), The Effects of Perceived Technological Uncertainty on Japanese New Product Development, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.44(1), pp. 61-80
41.Sounder, W.E. and Moenaert, R. (1992), Integrating Marketing and R&D Project Personnel within Innovation Projects: An information Uncertainty Model, Journal of Management Studies, 29(4), pp.485-512
42.Sounder, W.E., Sherman, D. and Cooper, R.D. (1998), Environmental Uncertainty, Organizational Integration, and New Product Development Effectiveness: A Test of Contingency Theory, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol.15, pp.520-533
43.Spencer, J.W. (2001), How Relevant is University-Based Scientific Research to Private High-Technology Firms? A United States-Japan Comparison, Academy of Management Journal, 44(2):432-440
44.Stevens, G. A., and J. Burley (2003), Piloting the Rocket of Radical Innovation, Research Technology Management, 46(3), pp.16-25
45.Technology Management, 46(3): 16-25.
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47.Tessarolo, P. (2007), Is Integration Enough for Fast Product Development? An Empirical Investigation of the Contextual Effect of Product Vision, Product Innovation Management, Vol.24, pp.69-82
48.Thorelli, H.B. (1986), Networks: Between markets and hierarchies, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.7, pp.37-51
49.Troy, L.C, Hirunyawipada, T. and Paswan, A.K. (2008), Cross-Functional Integration and New Product Success: An Empirical Investigation of the Findings, Journal of Marketing, Vol.72, pp.132-146
50.Ulrich, K.T. and Eppinger, S.D. (1995), Product Design and Development(1st Ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill
51.Wasti, S.N. and Liker, J.K. (1997), Cross-Function and Same-Function Alliance: How Does Alliance Structure Affect the Behavior of Partnering Firms?, Management Science, Vol.56, No.2, pp.302-317
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