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題名 藥品廣告之法規範與健康素養
The regulation of pharmaceutical advertising and health literacy
作者 林承宇
Lin, Cheng-Yu
貢獻者 蔡明誠<br>Ming-Cheng Tsai
Lin, Cheng-Yu
關鍵詞 媒體識讀
media literacy
health literacy
new literacy
the right to health
communications law
pharmaceutical advertising
日期 2011
上傳時間 30-Oct-2012 10:36:50 (UTC+8)
摘要 為國民的健康把關,通常是政府作為實現國民健康權的一種具體作為,有關國民的用藥安全更是政府責無旁貸的責任。本論文著眼於「虛擬藥房」的藥品廣告刺激一般常民用藥的消費過程,政府基於保護國民健康所採取的介入方式是「法規範」對藥品廣告的管理,此種管理方式隨著藥品本身與商業言論的時空變遷會有緊縮或放寬的變革,然而易侷限於專業精英討論的上層層次;後有主管機關意識到常民健康的落實須直達正確的用藥觀念,以健康促進作為彌補上層可能無法下達困境的下層層次。
It is the constitutional and legal responsibility of the State to protect people’s health and achieve “the right to health” via, among others, the provision of safe medicines. The vast amounts of advertisings have challenged the State to providing safety access to medicines. This thesis focuses on the advertisings of “virtual pharmacies”, and attempts to investigate how they stimulate consumer behaviors. Legally, the State controls pharmaceutical advertising by means of various different legislative and administrative measures. Nonetheless, this “top-down” process has had only limited effects due to rapid social change and the evolution of the protection of commercial speech. This thesis argues that, to fill the gap, the promotion and development of “health literacy”, i.e. a “bottom-up” way, could be the answer to a meaningful control of pharmaceutical advertisings.
This thesis conducts empirical analyses and applies them to various theories of political economy regarding pharmaceutical advertising. Moreover, the relationships between “health literacy” and “the right to health” are also elaborated. It is argued that to substantiate the constitutional “right to health”, the best way is to promote and develop the concept of “health literacy”. Only through empowering the consumers with the proper knowledge of “health literacy” can the State, assisted by the implementation of relevant laws, fulfills its responsibility. “Health literacy” is as important as law itself, and the latter cannot satisfactorily operate to arrive at the desired results without the construction of the former.
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔡明誠<br>Ming-Cheng Tsaizh_TW (Authors) 林承宇zh_TW (Authors) Lin, Cheng-Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林承宇zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Cheng-Yuen_US (日期) 2011en_US 30-Oct-2012 10:36:50 (UTC+8)- 30-Oct-2012 10:36:50 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 30-Oct-2012 10:36:50 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0934515051en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 新聞研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93451505zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 為國民的健康把關,通常是政府作為實現國民健康權的一種具體作為,有關國民的用藥安全更是政府責無旁貸的責任。本論文著眼於「虛擬藥房」的藥品廣告刺激一般常民用藥的消費過程,政府基於保護國民健康所採取的介入方式是「法規範」對藥品廣告的管理,此種管理方式隨著藥品本身與商業言論的時空變遷會有緊縮或放寬的變革,然而易侷限於專業精英討論的上層層次;後有主管機關意識到常民健康的落實須直達正確的用藥觀念,以健康促進作為彌補上層可能無法下達困境的下層層次。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) It is the constitutional and legal responsibility of the State to protect people’s health and achieve “the right to health” via, among others, the provision of safe medicines. The vast amounts of advertisings have challenged the State to providing safety access to medicines. This thesis focuses on the advertisings of “virtual pharmacies”, and attempts to investigate how they stimulate consumer behaviors. Legally, the State controls pharmaceutical advertising by means of various different legislative and administrative measures. Nonetheless, this “top-down” process has had only limited effects due to rapid social change and the evolution of the protection of commercial speech. This thesis argues that, to fill the gap, the promotion and development of “health literacy”, i.e. a “bottom-up” way, could be the answer to a meaningful control of pharmaceutical advertisings.
This thesis conducts empirical analyses and applies them to various theories of political economy regarding pharmaceutical advertising. Moreover, the relationships between “health literacy” and “the right to health” are also elaborated. It is argued that to substantiate the constitutional “right to health”, the best way is to promote and develop the concept of “health literacy”. Only through empowering the consumers with the proper knowledge of “health literacy” can the State, assisted by the implementation of relevant laws, fulfills its responsibility. “Health literacy” is as important as law itself, and the latter cannot satisfactorily operate to arrive at the desired results without the construction of the former.
dc.description.tableofcontents 論文目錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
圖次 v
表次 vi

第一章 研究背景及目的 1
一、緣起 1
二、問題之提出 6
三、研究目的與範圍 8

第二章 文獻回顧及評述 11
一、文獻回顧 11
(一)藥品廣告與法規範:從商業言論到法條規範 11
(二)健康權之討論 20
(三)健康素養之賦權 33
(四)傳播三大學派與Neil Postman對科學、技術與人文之反省 44
二、文獻評析與對話 50

第三章 方法論、研究方法與研究思維 52
一、方法論之啟發 52
二、研究工具之選用:研究方法之運用 59
三、研究理路與論文架構 62

第四章 藥品廣告之社會現實:法規範交融 64
一、藥品、廣告之本質 64
二、藥品廣告之現實:實證取徑分析 69
三、藥品廣告之規範力:案例分析與型態分類 92
四、小結:藥品廣告規範新思維 113

第五章 藥品廣告規範之政治經濟學 118
一、藥之簡史及其經濟效益概述 118
二、藥品廣告之政治經濟學 122
三、傳播政治經濟學之檢視 127
四、法學政治經濟學之檢視 136
五、小結:跨領域對話之檢視 139

第六章 結論:健康權之實在 141
一、法規範由上而下轉為由下而上之賦權方式 142
二、健康權之實踐:健康素養之如何可能 144
三、法規範與行政實務之完整:健康權之具體 149
四、總結:人人都可以是健康的贏家 151
五、研究議題的延續力 152

參考文獻 154
一、中文文獻 154
二、英文文獻 160

附件一:深度訪談名單 167
附件二:深度訪談問題 169
附件三:《藥事法》暨《藥事法施行細則》 170
附件四:藥品廣告申請核定表 189
附件五:過去一年核定通過之感冒藥品電視廣告內容整理 190

圖四:借用Jürgen Habermas旨趣概念所形成之落實人民健康權過程圖............10

dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 媒體識讀zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 健康素養zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新素養zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 健康權zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 傳播法規zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 藥品廣告zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) media literacyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) health literacyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) new literacyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the right to healthen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) communications lawen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) pharmaceutical advertisingen_US
dc.title (題名) 藥品廣告之法規範與健康素養zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The regulation of pharmaceutical advertising and health literacyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻
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