題名 論世界語言中分類詞與複數的共現
On the Co-occurrence of Numeral Classifier and Plurality Marker in Languages of the World作者 陳韻如 貢獻者 何萬順
陳韻如關鍵詞 分類詞
Numeral Classifiers
Typological Property日期 2012 上傳時間 1-三月-2013 09:23:58 (UTC+8) 摘要 在過去的研究中,學者們指出分類詞與複數常常呈現互補分佈的關係,當其中一個的出現為必要時,另一個通常為非必要。另外更有學者聲稱分類詞與複數在句法結構上佔據同一個句法位置,因此是同一個句法成分。然而,另也有學者發現兩者其實是可並存的。在Gil (2008) 跟 Hasplemath (2008) 所共同研究到的114個語言中,有22個語言同時具有分類詞與複數。本論文的目的即在於探究這22個語言的分類詞與複數之間的關係,藉此去論斷兩者是否呈現互補,是否為同一句法成分,而兩者之共現情形,則是相當重要的判斷依據。 22個語言的資料顯示出,當語言同時出現分類詞與複數時,其使用範圍大多呈現互補分佈的關係,而分類詞與複數共現於一個名詞詞組的情形,並非少數。由於這22個例外的語言並非完全違反互補分佈之宣稱,因此分類詞與複數應為同一個句法成分,而其共現於同一名詞詞組的情形應為分岔的句法結構,此結構可能由兩種原因所造成,一為語言接觸,一為語言變遷。所以,這22個原為例外的語言,其實大多仍符合語言的普遍現象。
The relationship between numeral classifiers and number plurals has been examined by several linguists (Greenberg 1972, Sanches& Slobin 1973, Chierchia 1998, and T’suo1976, Borer 2005 and Her 2012a). They found that it is a universal property that classifiers and plurals are in complementary distribution. Borer (2005) and Her (2012a) further proposed that classifiers and plurals are the same category. However, classifiers and plurals can co-occur at least in 22 languages, according to a surveye by Gil (2008) and Haspelmath (2008). The aim of this study is to find out the relationship between classifiers and plurals in these 22 languages. After the analysis of data, the results show that classifiers and plurals are in complementary distribution in their usage, but not in cases of co-occurrence. The possible reasons for the co-occurrence may be language contact or language change. Thus, to account for the co-occurrence in the 22 languages, syntactic structure of classifiers and plurals may be co-head structure. Most languages tend to have either classifier system or plural system because they are the same category. But the co-occurrences are also reasonable since they are co-head.參考文獻 Aarssen, J., & Backus, A. (2001). Colloquial Turkish: the complete course for beginner. London and New York: Routledge.Aikhenvald, A.Y. (2000). Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Alfons, N. A. (2010). Reduplication System of Hatam: Form and Function. Linguistika, 17(1), 1-17.Besnier, N. (2000). Tuvaluan: Polynesian Languages of the Central Pacific. London and New York: Routledge.Bickel, B. (2003). Belhare. In G.Thurgood and R. J. LaPolla (Eds.) The Sino-Tibetan languages. 546-569. London: RoutledgeBisang, W. (1999). Classifiers in East and Southeast Asian languages. Counting and beyond. In J. Gvozdanović (Ed.), Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide. pp.113-185. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Borer, H. (2005). Structuring Sense, Vol. 1: In Name Only. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Bowden, J. (2001) Taba: Description of a South Halmahera Language. Canberra: Pacific linguistics.Bugaeva, A. (2012). Southern Hokkaido Ainu. In N. Tranter (Ed.), The Languages of Japan and Korea. Routledge.Burling, R. (1961). A Garo Grammar. Deccan College Postgraduate and Research Institute Poona.Burling, R. (2003). Garo. In G.Thurgood and R. J. LaPolla (Eds.) The Sino-Tibetan languages. 387-400. London: RoutledgeBurling, R. (2004). The Language of the Modhupur Mandi (Garo). Volume I: Grammar. New Delhi: Bibliophile South Asia& Morganville, N.J. Promilla.Chao, Y.-R. (1968). A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University of California Press. Cheng,L. L.-S. & Sybesma, R. (1999). Bare and not so bare nouns and the structure of NP. Linguistic Inquiry, 30(4), 509-542. Chierchia, G. (1998). Plurality of mass nouns and the notion of “Semantic Parameter” In: S. Rothstein (ed.). Events and Grammar. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 53–103.Corbett, G. (2000). Number. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.Csirmaz, A., & Dékány, É. (2010). Hungarian Classifiers. Paper presented at Word Classes: Nature, Typology, Computational Representation.Dalrymple, M. & Suriel M. (2009). Plural semantics, reduplication, and numeral modification in Indonesian. Journal of Semantics, 29, 229-260.Day, C. (1973). Meaning in Mayan Languages (The Sementics of Social Categories in a Transformational Grammar of Jacaltec*). Munro S. Edmonson (ed.) Mounton and Co.N.V, Publishers, The Hague.Day, C. (1973). The Jacaltec Langauge. Indiana University.Dékány, É. K. (2011). A Profile of the Hungarian DP: The Interaction of lexicalization, agreement and linearization with the functional sequence. Dissertation. Univerity of Tromsø.Doetjes, J. (2008). Counting and degree modification. Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes, 37, 139-161.Doetjes, J. (to appear). Count/mass distinction across languages. In Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger and Paul Portner (Eds.) Semantics: an international handbook of natural language meaning, partIII, Berlin: De Gruyter.Downing, P. (1996). Numeral classifier systems : the case of Japanese. Amsterdam: Benjamins.Dryer, M. (1989). Plural words. Linguistics, 27, 865-895.Ehrman, M. E., & Sos K. (1972). Contemporary Cambodian: Grammatical Sketch.Washington, D.C.: Foreign Service Institute.Emrah, G. (2011). Plural marking in Turkish: Additive or associative? Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle of the University of Victoria, 21, 70-80.Fehri, F. (2005). Distribution of Number and Classifier in Arabic and Chinese and parametrization. Linguistic Research, 9, 9-52Gil, D. (2008). Numeral classifiers. In: Haspelmath, Martin & Dryer, Matthew S. & Gil, David & Comrie, Bernard (Eds.) The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapter 55. Available online at http://wals.info/feature/55. Accessed on 2012/5/21. Gilbert, R. K. (2008). Cambodian for Beginners. Paiboon Publishing.Göksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A comprehensive grammar. London, New York : Routledge. Göksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2011). Turkish: An Essential Grammar. London, New York : Routledge .Gorgoniyev, Y. A. (1966). The Khmer Language. Moscow: Nauka Pub.Greenberg, J. (1972). Numeral classifiers and substantival number: problems in the genesis of a linguistic type. Working Papers on Language Universals, 9, 1-39. Stanford, CA: Department of Linguistics, Stanford UniversityGreenberg, J. (1990). On language. Selected writings of Joseph H. Greenberg, ed. By Denning, K. and S. Kemmer. Stanford: Stanford University Press.Greenberg, J. (1963). Universals of language. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.Gruzdeva, E. (1998). Nivkh. LINCOM EUROPA.Haiman, J. (1984). A Cambodian (Khmer) Grammar. John Benjamins B.V.Hale, A. & Shrestha, K. P. (2006). Newar(Nepal Bhasa). LINCOM EUROPAPress.Hale, A., & Shresthachrya, I.(1973). Is Newari a Classifier Language? Nepalese studies, 1(1), 1-21. Harrison, S. (1976). Mokilese reference grammar. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii.Hargreaves, D. (2003). Kathmandu Newar. In G. Thurgood and R. J. LaPolla (Ed.) The Sino-Tibetan Languages (pp.371). London: Routledge.Haspelmath, M. (2008). Occurrence of nominal plurality. In Haspelmath, Martin & Dryer, Matthew S. & Gil, David & Comrie, Bernard (Eds.) The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, chapter 34. Available online at http://wals.info/feature/34. Accessed on 2012/5/21.Her, O.-S. and Lai, W.-J. (2011). Classifiers: The Many Ways to Profile ‘one’: A Case Study of Taiwan Mandarin. Unpublished manuscript. National Chengchi University.Her, O.-S. (2012a). Distinguishing classifiers and measure words: A mathematical perspective and implications. 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101資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099555015 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 何萬順 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳韻如 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 陳韻如 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 2012 en_US dc.date.accessioned 1-三月-2013 09:23:58 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 1-三月-2013 09:23:58 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-三月-2013 09:23:58 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0099555015 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/57030 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 語言學研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 99555015 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在過去的研究中,學者們指出分類詞與複數常常呈現互補分佈的關係,當其中一個的出現為必要時,另一個通常為非必要。另外更有學者聲稱分類詞與複數在句法結構上佔據同一個句法位置,因此是同一個句法成分。然而,另也有學者發現兩者其實是可並存的。在Gil (2008) 跟 Hasplemath (2008) 所共同研究到的114個語言中,有22個語言同時具有分類詞與複數。本論文的目的即在於探究這22個語言的分類詞與複數之間的關係,藉此去論斷兩者是否呈現互補,是否為同一句法成分,而兩者之共現情形,則是相當重要的判斷依據。 22個語言的資料顯示出,當語言同時出現分類詞與複數時,其使用範圍大多呈現互補分佈的關係,而分類詞與複數共現於一個名詞詞組的情形,並非少數。由於這22個例外的語言並非完全違反互補分佈之宣稱,因此分類詞與複數應為同一個句法成分,而其共現於同一名詞詞組的情形應為分岔的句法結構,此結構可能由兩種原因所造成,一為語言接觸,一為語言變遷。所以,這22個原為例外的語言,其實大多仍符合語言的普遍現象。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The relationship between numeral classifiers and number plurals has been examined by several linguists (Greenberg 1972, Sanches& Slobin 1973, Chierchia 1998, and T’suo1976, Borer 2005 and Her 2012a). They found that it is a universal property that classifiers and plurals are in complementary distribution. Borer (2005) and Her (2012a) further proposed that classifiers and plurals are the same category. However, classifiers and plurals can co-occur at least in 22 languages, according to a surveye by Gil (2008) and Haspelmath (2008). The aim of this study is to find out the relationship between classifiers and plurals in these 22 languages. After the analysis of data, the results show that classifiers and plurals are in complementary distribution in their usage, but not in cases of co-occurrence. The possible reasons for the co-occurrence may be language contact or language change. Thus, to account for the co-occurrence in the 22 languages, syntactic structure of classifiers and plurals may be co-head structure. Most languages tend to have either classifier system or plural system because they are the same category. But the co-occurrences are also reasonable since they are co-head. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledgements ivTable of Contents vTables & Figures viiChinese Abstract viiiEnglish Abstract ixCHAPTER1. Introduction 11.1 Motivation and Purpose 31.2 Organization of the Thesis 72. Literature review 92.1 Classifiers and Plurals: Complementary Distribution 102.1.1 Greenberg (1972) 102.1.2 Sanches and Slobin (1973) 112.1.3 Chierchia (1998) 122.1.4 T’sou (1976) 132.2 Classifiers and Plurals: The Same Category 132.2.1 Borer (2005) 142.2.2 Her (2012a) 152.3 Previous Studies on Specific Languages 162.3.1 Chinese 172.3.2 Japanese 192.4 Syntactic Analysis of Nominal Structure 212.5 Remarks 233. Defining Classifiers and Plurals 253.1 Definition of classifiers 253.2 Definition of Plurals 293.2.1 Transnumerals 313.2.2 Additive/ Associative Distinction 334. Analysis 354.1 Data Analysis in Languages 364.1.1 Mandarin Chinese 364.1.2 Japanese 404.1.3 Obligatory classifier languages 434.1.4 Optional classifier languages 624.2 A Coordinator Representation of Language Distribution 784.3 Syntactic Analysis 824.4 Possible Explanations 865. Conclusion 895.1 Summary 895.2 Limitations and Suggestion 89Reference 92AppendixesAppendix A: The Categorization of 22 Languages in WALS Online Database 102Appendix B: The Relation of Numeral Classifiers and Plural Markers 103 zh_TW dc.language.iso en_US - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099555015 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 分類詞 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 複數 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 跨語言特徵 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Numeral Classifiers en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Plurals en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Typological Property en_US dc.title (題名) 論世界語言中分類詞與複數的共現 zh_TW dc.title (題名) On the Co-occurrence of Numeral Classifier and Plurality Marker in Languages of the World en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Aarssen, J., & Backus, A. (2001). Colloquial Turkish: the complete course for beginner. London and New York: Routledge.Aikhenvald, A.Y. (2000). Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Alfons, N. A. (2010). Reduplication System of Hatam: Form and Function. Linguistika, 17(1), 1-17.Besnier, N. (2000). Tuvaluan: Polynesian Languages of the Central Pacific. London and New York: Routledge.Bickel, B. (2003). Belhare. In G.Thurgood and R. J. LaPolla (Eds.) The Sino-Tibetan languages. 546-569. London: RoutledgeBisang, W. (1999). Classifiers in East and Southeast Asian languages. Counting and beyond. In J. Gvozdanović (Ed.), Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide. pp.113-185. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.Borer, H. (2005). Structuring Sense, Vol. 1: In Name Only. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Bowden, J. (2001) Taba: Description of a South Halmahera Language. Canberra: Pacific linguistics.Bugaeva, A. (2012). Southern Hokkaido Ainu. In N. Tranter (Ed.), The Languages of Japan and Korea. Routledge.Burling, R. (1961). A Garo Grammar. Deccan College Postgraduate and Research Institute Poona.Burling, R. (2003). Garo. In G.Thurgood and R. J. LaPolla (Eds.) The Sino-Tibetan languages. 387-400. London: RoutledgeBurling, R. (2004). The Language of the Modhupur Mandi (Garo). Volume I: Grammar. New Delhi: Bibliophile South Asia& Morganville, N.J. Promilla.Chao, Y.-R. (1968). A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University of California Press. Cheng,L. L.-S. & Sybesma, R. (1999). Bare and not so bare nouns and the structure of NP. Linguistic Inquiry, 30(4), 509-542. Chierchia, G. (1998). Plurality of mass nouns and the notion of “Semantic Parameter” In: S. Rothstein (ed.). Events and Grammar. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 53–103.Corbett, G. (2000). Number. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.Csirmaz, A., & Dékány, É. (2010). Hungarian Classifiers. Paper presented at Word Classes: Nature, Typology, Computational Representation.Dalrymple, M. & Suriel M. (2009). Plural semantics, reduplication, and numeral modification in Indonesian. Journal of Semantics, 29, 229-260.Day, C. (1973). Meaning in Mayan Languages (The Sementics of Social Categories in a Transformational Grammar of Jacaltec*). Munro S. Edmonson (ed.) Mounton and Co.N.V, Publishers, The Hague.Day, C. (1973). The Jacaltec Langauge. Indiana University.Dékány, É. K. (2011). A Profile of the Hungarian DP: The Interaction of lexicalization, agreement and linearization with the functional sequence. Dissertation. Univerity of Tromsø.Doetjes, J. (2008). Counting and degree modification. Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes, 37, 139-161.Doetjes, J. (to appear). Count/mass distinction across languages. In Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger and Paul Portner (Eds.) Semantics: an international handbook of natural language meaning, partIII, Berlin: De Gruyter.Downing, P. (1996). Numeral classifier systems : the case of Japanese. Amsterdam: Benjamins.Dryer, M. (1989). Plural words. Linguistics, 27, 865-895.Ehrman, M. E., & Sos K. (1972). Contemporary Cambodian: Grammatical Sketch.Washington, D.C.: Foreign Service Institute.Emrah, G. (2011). Plural marking in Turkish: Additive or associative? 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