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題名 一位台灣博士生於英語教學學術社群的參與經驗之敘事探究
A Narrative Inquiry into Experience of A Taiwanese Ph.D. Student Participating in the TESOL Academic Community
作者 蔣宗益
Chiang, Tsung Yi
貢獻者 招靜琪
Chao, Chin Chi
Chiang, Tsung Yi
關鍵詞 學術投稿
Scholarly Publication
Cultural Capital
Community of Practice
日期 2013
上傳時間 25-Aug-2014 15:11:51 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究為長期性的敘事研究,運用了Wenger (1998)的「實踐社群」社會學習理論(communities of practice),以及Norton(1995)的投資理論 (investment),研究目的是為了探索一位台灣的英語教學研究所博士生的學術成長經驗及其所衍生的意義,特別是針對他奮勉進行學術研究投稿、完成博士學位、並進而開啟他未來的學術生涯等等的過程。本研究主要追蹤了研究參與者在其博士生涯的三個形成階段中,他的學術投稿經驗的心路歷程,一路到研究參與者最後在全球的英語教學領域之學術社群中取得更完全的參與度階段。為了能夠對於研究參與者其經驗有深入的了解,本研究採用了「敘事研究法」,收集了研究參與者的學習經驗自傳、敘說訪談的錄音及其逐字稿、研究者的現場筆記及研究筆記、以及其他由研究參與者所提供的文件等資料,以便能分析參與者的言談資料、且對資料進行敘事性的分析、並進而產出情節故事作為研究結果。研究結果發現,研究參與者持續努力來達成其所認定的學術投稿要求,確實增長了他在學術素養的成長,並足以成為學術社群當中的一員。在其過程當中,研究參與者對於實踐其學術投稿的過程當中相關資源的運用方式,與在Wenger ‘s (1998) 「實踐社群」社會學習理論的非正式學習的特色是相互呼應的。研究參與者在學術社群當中所獲得的參與度,也表現出了其所累積的文化資產。最重要的是,從研究參與者的經驗透露出,就其受到英語教學社群的社會文化的影響之下來看,研究參與者埋首致力於學術投稿活動不僅僅是為了當下於英語教學社群的參與,也為了即將到來的終生志業進行Norton (1995)理論當中的個人投資的傾向。這樣的情況顯示出,要學習成為一個英語教學研究領域的學者,的確是涉及了諸多層面的複雜構面及諸多意義上的磋商。而就整個過程來說,也是與研究參與者,他身為初階的年輕學人,身處於台灣的社會情境當中,為了能夠符合全球各地諸多種類專業社群的規範,他以放遠全球的思維來,來實踐在地的行動,成長中的信念是有所共鳴的。最後,本研究將針對台灣高等教育環境中的英語教學研究領域之博士班課程提出建議並討論,以促進年青學人們在學術領域的發展。
Drawing on Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory as well as Norton’s (1995) notion of investment, this longitudinal qualitative study aims to investigate and derive meanings from the academic experience of one former Taiwanese TESOL doctoral student as he struggled to write for scholarly publications, survived the Ph.D. program, and initiated his academic career. The study mainly traces the twists and turns of his publishing experience in three stages of his forming years till the participant finally has acquired a fuller membership in the global TESOL academic community. To capture and derive an in-depth understanding of the experiences, a narrative inquiry approach was adopted, collecting the young scholar’s written autobiography, recorded narrative interviews and transcripts, the researcher’s research notes and other related documents that the participant provided, so as to thematically analyze the narrative data and then exert the narrative analysis to configure the happenings and events into seven emplotted narratives as the research results. The findings indicate that the participant’s continual endeavor to meet the perceived and assumed requirements for publishing indeed rendered him the academic literacy development necessary to become a member of the academic community. In the process, the participant’s ways of utilizing resources situated in the practice of publishing echo the features of informal learning in Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory. The membership in the academic community gained by the participant also indicates the accumulated cultural capital. Most importantly, the participant’s experience as a doctoral student, being socially and culturally medicated by the TESOL academic community, reveals a tendency to engage in academic tasks for scholarly purposes not only for the current participation in the TESOL academic community but also for personal investment (Norton, 1995) for the coming life-long career. This suggests learning to become a TESOL scholar indeed involves multiple layers of complexity and challenges, and the whole process is also a resonant to his growing faith as a novice young scholar, situated in the social context of Taiwan, to act locally and think globally, in order to conform to norms of various discourse communities around the world. Suggestions for TESOL doctoral programs in Taiwanese higher education to help and support young scholars’ academic development are discussed.
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 招靜琪zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chao, Chin Chien_US (Authors) 蔣宗益zh_TW (Authors) Chiang, Tsung Yien_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔣宗益zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chiang, Tsung Yien_US (日期) 2013en_US 25-Aug-2014 15:11:51 (UTC+8)- 25-Aug-2014 15:11:51 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 25-Aug-2014 15:11:51 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0094551506en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 英國語文學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 94551506zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究為長期性的敘事研究,運用了Wenger (1998)的「實踐社群」社會學習理論(communities of practice),以及Norton(1995)的投資理論 (investment),研究目的是為了探索一位台灣的英語教學研究所博士生的學術成長經驗及其所衍生的意義,特別是針對他奮勉進行學術研究投稿、完成博士學位、並進而開啟他未來的學術生涯等等的過程。本研究主要追蹤了研究參與者在其博士生涯的三個形成階段中,他的學術投稿經驗的心路歷程,一路到研究參與者最後在全球的英語教學領域之學術社群中取得更完全的參與度階段。為了能夠對於研究參與者其經驗有深入的了解,本研究採用了「敘事研究法」,收集了研究參與者的學習經驗自傳、敘說訪談的錄音及其逐字稿、研究者的現場筆記及研究筆記、以及其他由研究參與者所提供的文件等資料,以便能分析參與者的言談資料、且對資料進行敘事性的分析、並進而產出情節故事作為研究結果。研究結果發現,研究參與者持續努力來達成其所認定的學術投稿要求,確實增長了他在學術素養的成長,並足以成為學術社群當中的一員。在其過程當中,研究參與者對於實踐其學術投稿的過程當中相關資源的運用方式,與在Wenger ‘s (1998) 「實踐社群」社會學習理論的非正式學習的特色是相互呼應的。研究參與者在學術社群當中所獲得的參與度,也表現出了其所累積的文化資產。最重要的是,從研究參與者的經驗透露出,就其受到英語教學社群的社會文化的影響之下來看,研究參與者埋首致力於學術投稿活動不僅僅是為了當下於英語教學社群的參與,也為了即將到來的終生志業進行Norton (1995)理論當中的個人投資的傾向。這樣的情況顯示出,要學習成為一個英語教學研究領域的學者,的確是涉及了諸多層面的複雜構面及諸多意義上的磋商。而就整個過程來說,也是與研究參與者,他身為初階的年輕學人,身處於台灣的社會情境當中,為了能夠符合全球各地諸多種類專業社群的規範,他以放遠全球的思維來,來實踐在地的行動,成長中的信念是有所共鳴的。最後,本研究將針對台灣高等教育環境中的英語教學研究領域之博士班課程提出建議並討論,以促進年青學人們在學術領域的發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Drawing on Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory as well as Norton’s (1995) notion of investment, this longitudinal qualitative study aims to investigate and derive meanings from the academic experience of one former Taiwanese TESOL doctoral student as he struggled to write for scholarly publications, survived the Ph.D. program, and initiated his academic career. The study mainly traces the twists and turns of his publishing experience in three stages of his forming years till the participant finally has acquired a fuller membership in the global TESOL academic community. To capture and derive an in-depth understanding of the experiences, a narrative inquiry approach was adopted, collecting the young scholar’s written autobiography, recorded narrative interviews and transcripts, the researcher’s research notes and other related documents that the participant provided, so as to thematically analyze the narrative data and then exert the narrative analysis to configure the happenings and events into seven emplotted narratives as the research results. The findings indicate that the participant’s continual endeavor to meet the perceived and assumed requirements for publishing indeed rendered him the academic literacy development necessary to become a member of the academic community. In the process, the participant’s ways of utilizing resources situated in the practice of publishing echo the features of informal learning in Wenger’s (1998) social learning theory. The membership in the academic community gained by the participant also indicates the accumulated cultural capital. Most importantly, the participant’s experience as a doctoral student, being socially and culturally medicated by the TESOL academic community, reveals a tendency to engage in academic tasks for scholarly purposes not only for the current participation in the TESOL academic community but also for personal investment (Norton, 1995) for the coming life-long career. This suggests learning to become a TESOL scholar indeed involves multiple layers of complexity and challenges, and the whole process is also a resonant to his growing faith as a novice young scholar, situated in the social context of Taiwan, to act locally and think globally, in order to conform to norms of various discourse communities around the world. Suggestions for TESOL doctoral programs in Taiwanese higher education to help and support young scholars’ academic development are discussed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledges………………………………………………………………........ iii
Chinese Abstract…………………………………………………………..….…. x
English Abstract……………………………………………………………….… xii
1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………..….... 1
Background of the Study……………….…………………….……..... 1
Graduation Requirements in TESOL Ph.D. Programs in Taiwan……. 3
Purpose of the Study………………………………….……………… 4
Significance of the Study…………………………………..………… 4
Starting from the Personal Curiosity………………………..……….. 5
The Researcher’s Narratives about His Own Experience..………...... 5
Narrative I: A narrative about my experience in a TESOL doctoral program in the social context of Taiwan………………..……………
Narrative II: Awareness of the future challenges………..………… 8
Definitions of Terms…………………………………………………. 9
2: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………….…….. 12
Studies about NNS Scholars Submitting for Scholarly Publication…………………………………………..………………..
Studies about NNS Doctoral Students Submitting for Scholarly Publication…………………………………………………..………..
Studies about Completing the Doctoral Dissertation…………….….. 18
Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………… 22
Research Questions…………………………………………….…….. 27
3: METHDOLOGY……………………………………………….…..….. 28
The Research Paradigm …………………………………………….. 28
Justifying the Approach to Collect the Research Data………..……. 30
The Research Participant ………………...……………………..…... 32
The research participant’s background………………………….. 32
How the researcher participant was recruited…………….…..… 33
The reasons why the research participant was recruited……..… 36
The interaction in the first narrative interview………………..… 37
Data Collection ……………………….……………………………. 38
Autobiography………………………………………...………. 39
Narrative Interview…………………………..……………….. 39
Weekly Logs………………………………………………..…. 42
Researcher’s research notes…………………………….…..…. 43
Related documents given by the participant…………...……… 43
Data Analysis………………………..……………………………… 44
The Researcher-Composed Narratives………………………..…..… 46
Establishing the Truthworthiness of the Findings…………………... 49
Narrative 1
Title: Preliminary Learning and Enlightenment
Stage & Time: Master’s Study (Sep. 2003- Jun. 2006)……………....
Story I: Presenting at conferences in the early stage…………….. 54
Story II: Searching for research topics for term projects………... 55
Story III: Participating in related academic writing activities…... 56
Narrative 2
Title: A Brand-New Start: Trials and Errors
Stage & Time: The First Two Years of Ph.D. study (Sep. 2006-Jun. 2008)……………………………………………………………….…

Story I: Being motivated by people around ………………..….. 59
Story II: Effective strategies applied for productivity…………. 61
Story III: Valuable experiences acquired at conferences….…… 64
Story IV: Reflections on gained experiences……….…................ 69
Narrative 3
Title: Taking Off: Progressing and Harvest
Stage & Time: The Third and Fourth Years of Ph.D. Study (Jul. 2008-Jun. 2010)……………………………………………….……….

Story I: A series of chances to present at conferences…………..... 72
Story II: Insisting on his research interests to conduct research….. 76
Story III: Dealing with copyright issues………………..…..…….. 78
Narrative 4
Title: Getting Matured: Concentration and Withdraw
Stage &Time: The Fifth and Sixth Years of Ph.D. Study (Jul. 2010-Jun.2012)……………………………………………………..…

Story I: The self-initiative study based on Andrew’s insistence and personal beliefs………………………………………………........
Story II: An unforgettable but learnable conference presentation experience………………………………………………………....
Story III: Building a vision for contributing to learners…………. 86
Story IV: Changing the mindset and concentrating on the task at hand………………………………………………………..……..
Narrative 5
Title: A Series of Strategic Decision Makings: Selecting the Right Journals
Stage & Time: All the Six Years of Ph.D. Study (Jun 2006 - Oct 2012)…………………………………………………………………..

Story I: Endeavoring to get his manuscripts published in journals ……………………………………………………….….
Story II: A prolonged duration of being under review………...… 103
Story III: The personal definitions for a right journal…………... 104
Narrative 06
Title: Learning through Practice: The Dialogues with Experts
Stage & Time: All the Six Years of Ph.D. Study (Jun 2006 - Oct 2012)……………………………………………………………..…..

Story I: Learning to negotiate with the reviewers based on literature and theories.……………………………………………
Story II: Learning about the tips of theoretically making survey questions…………………………………………………..…...…
Story III: Figuring out the essence of a research gap……………. 107
Narrative 7
Title: Going through Challenges: From Ideal to Practical
Stage & Time: The Last Two Years of Ph.D. Study (July 2010 – July 2012)……………………………………………………………..…..

Story I: The changing research scope: from ideal to practical …………………………………………………….…...
Story II: Developing the survey questions: learning from the previous experiences.………………………………………..…..
Story III: Learning from different approaches of analyzing the quantitative data…………………………………………………
Story IV: A learning journey of writing up the dissertation……. 129
Story V: Withdrawing from the online sharing archive……….... 137
5: DISCUSSION………………………………………………………… 143
6: CONCLUSION………………..……………………………………… 152
Addressing the Research Questions…….………………………….. 152
Questions1………………………………………………………. 152
Questions2………………………………………………………. 156
Concluding Remarks……………………………………………….. 157
Pedagogical Implications…………………………………………… 158
Research Limitations...……………………………………………… 159
Directions for Future Studies……………………………………….. 160
REFERENCE…………………………………………………………..…...… 161
APPENDIXES……………………………………………………………..….. 166
Appendix I: The Timeline for Data Collection……………………….. 166
Appendix II: Prompt Questions as Guidance for Writing the Weekly Logs:………………………………………………..…..
Appendix III: The Overview of Andrew’s Academic Development ... 168
Appendix IV: Development of Andrew’s Doctoral Dissertation Research…………………………………………………..………….
Vita………………………………………………………………………..….... 171
dc.format.extent 656907 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 學術投稿zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 文化資產zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 實踐社群zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 投資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Scholarly Publicationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cultural Capitalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Community of Practiceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Investmenten_US
dc.title (題名) 一位台灣博士生於英語教學學術社群的參與經驗之敘事探究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Narrative Inquiry into Experience of A Taiwanese Ph.D. Student Participating in the TESOL Academic Communityen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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