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題名 《莊子》論愛探析
其他題名 An Exploration on Love in Chuang-tzu
作者 王志楣
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 莊子 ; 愛 ; 道家 ; 老莊 ; 天人合一
Chaung-tzu ; love ; Taoism ; Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu ; a theory that man is an integral part of nature
日期 2006-12
上傳時間 26-Sep-2014 15:04:44 (UTC+8)
摘要 莊子向重視人生具體的修養境界,而「愛」是人生永恆的議題,不過,歷來研究莊子者,往往把矚目的焦點放在道論、齊物、修養方法等理論上,罕見對莊子有關「愛」之思想探討;本文即選擇莊書中使用「愛」字之語詞者加以分類分析,已見其意涵、作用所在。經本文探討後,知莊子對愛之詮釋,雖無嚴謹一致之定義,然可確知莊子並不肯定贊同一般世俗感性之喜愛及儒、墨所倡之仁愛、兼愛,而是期待臻至至人無己之愛的境界,追求並發揚這種與道家根本精神契合的愛,亦是一種修道、體道的過程、理想。 莊子對「愛」之見解自有其時代背景意義,其目的無非要透過創新的批判、超越,以重建思想文化體系,以符合道家自然人生哲學,挽救日趨紛亂的社會人心。本文同時從莊書中歸納出如何從世俗之愛邁向契道之愛的方法,亦即透過身心的修練,恢復心靈本然純真狀態,將可朗現莊子所謂的道家之愛,亦可謂達到天人合一之層次。
Even though ”Love” is the eternal issue in human`s life, Chuang-tzu was a person who emphasized real cultivation of people. It is often seen that most people who studied Chuang-tzu have put toomuch emphases on his Taoism, Making All Things Equal, and the theories of cultivations but Chuang-tzu explorations of ”Love” are rarely examined by people. This paper, by selecting the usages of the word ”love” in Chuang-tzu, intends to categorize and analyze the significance and functions of the word. After analyzing, this paper finds that there is no exact and consistent definition of Chuang-tzu`s ”love” But, it is sure that Chuang-tzu didn`t agree to the notions of earthen emotionalism, Confucianism`s humanity, or Mohist`s love without distinction. Chuang-tzu, as a matter of fact, was expecting a state of love in which only a saint`s selfless love existed. To Chuang-tzu`s mind, pursuing and promoting this kind of love is in itself a process and ideal of practicing andexperiencing Tao. Chuang-tzu`s notion of love has its historical significance for he tried to reestablish a system of thoughts and culture through creative criticism and transcendence. For him, the promotion of Taoism philosophy was to save the chaotic mind in society. This paper generalizes from Chuang-tzu a method how one can escape fromearthen emotionalism to Tao`s love. Through Chuang-tzu love and the practicing of body and mind, one can regain his/her purest state of mind and become an integral part of nature.
關聯 國文學誌,13,1-20
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 王志楣zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang,Chih-Meien_US (日期) 2006-12en_US 26-Sep-2014 15:04:44 (UTC+8)- 26-Sep-2014 15:04:44 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 26-Sep-2014 15:04:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 莊子向重視人生具體的修養境界,而「愛」是人生永恆的議題,不過,歷來研究莊子者,往往把矚目的焦點放在道論、齊物、修養方法等理論上,罕見對莊子有關「愛」之思想探討;本文即選擇莊書中使用「愛」字之語詞者加以分類分析,已見其意涵、作用所在。經本文探討後,知莊子對愛之詮釋,雖無嚴謹一致之定義,然可確知莊子並不肯定贊同一般世俗感性之喜愛及儒、墨所倡之仁愛、兼愛,而是期待臻至至人無己之愛的境界,追求並發揚這種與道家根本精神契合的愛,亦是一種修道、體道的過程、理想。 莊子對「愛」之見解自有其時代背景意義,其目的無非要透過創新的批判、超越,以重建思想文化體系,以符合道家自然人生哲學,挽救日趨紛亂的社會人心。本文同時從莊書中歸納出如何從世俗之愛邁向契道之愛的方法,亦即透過身心的修練,恢復心靈本然純真狀態,將可朗現莊子所謂的道家之愛,亦可謂達到天人合一之層次。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Even though ”Love” is the eternal issue in human`s life, Chuang-tzu was a person who emphasized real cultivation of people. It is often seen that most people who studied Chuang-tzu have put toomuch emphases on his Taoism, Making All Things Equal, and the theories of cultivations but Chuang-tzu explorations of ”Love” are rarely examined by people. This paper, by selecting the usages of the word ”love” in Chuang-tzu, intends to categorize and analyze the significance and functions of the word. After analyzing, this paper finds that there is no exact and consistent definition of Chuang-tzu`s ”love” But, it is sure that Chuang-tzu didn`t agree to the notions of earthen emotionalism, Confucianism`s humanity, or Mohist`s love without distinction. Chuang-tzu, as a matter of fact, was expecting a state of love in which only a saint`s selfless love existed. To Chuang-tzu`s mind, pursuing and promoting this kind of love is in itself a process and ideal of practicing andexperiencing Tao. Chuang-tzu`s notion of love has its historical significance for he tried to reestablish a system of thoughts and culture through creative criticism and transcendence. For him, the promotion of Taoism philosophy was to save the chaotic mind in society. This paper generalizes from Chuang-tzu a method how one can escape fromearthen emotionalism to Tao`s love. Through Chuang-tzu love and the practicing of body and mind, one can regain his/her purest state of mind and become an integral part of nature.en_US
dc.format.extent 1317010 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 國文學誌,13,1-20en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 莊子 ; 愛 ; 道家 ; 老莊 ; 天人合一en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Chaung-tzu ; love ; Taoism ; Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu ; a theory that man is an integral part of natureen_US
dc.title (題名) 《莊子》論愛探析zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) An Exploration on Love in Chuang-tzuen_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen