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題名 台灣中學生對英語字彙語意之操控使用研究--以五個常用動詞為例
The Manipulation of English Word Meaning by Senior High School Students in Taiwan : Taking Five Most Frequently Used Verbs for Example作者 楊心蕙
Yang, Xin-Hui貢獻者 黃麗儀
Huang, Li-Yi
Yang, Xin-Hui關鍵詞 英語教學
Second Language Acquisition
form-meaning mapping日期 2001 上傳時間 15-Apr-2016 15:57:57 (UTC+8) 摘要 字彙在英語教學上佔有重要地位。因為字彙中的形式、語意和功能用法非屬於一對一之關係,所以常會造成學習者使用上的困擾,進而阻礙溝通。此篇論文主要在探討學習者對於語意之使用情形,希望可以找出以中文為母語的學習者在形式-語意連結上的共通點和所遵循的規則,以及連結背後之影響因素。
As Wilkins (1972) states that "Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed" (p.111), vocabulary plays an important role in the learning of a foreign language. However, the form, meaning, and function of vocabulary is not of a one-to-one correspondence. The mismapping often leads to misunderstanding and blocks communication. The study tries to explore how English learners in Taiwan manipulate the form-meaning mapping, and what the factors are to influence the mapping.參考文獻 Adjemian, Christian. 1976. "On the Nature of Interlanguage Systems." Language Learning 26: 297-320. ---. 1983. "The Transfer of Lexical Properties." In S. Gass, and L. Selinker, eds. Language Transfer in Language Learning. MA: Newbury House. Beebe, Leslie M., ed. 1988. Issues in Second Language Acquisition: Multiple Perspectives. MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Benson, M, E. Benson, and R. Ilson. 1986. A Guide to Word Combinations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V. Biber, D., S. Cornard, and R. Reppen. 1998. Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Carter, Ronald. 1998. Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives. 2nd version. London: Routledge. Chan, Tak-hung. 2000. "Translation and the Foreign Language Program - Whither are We Going?" In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 8-16. Taipei: Crane. Chang, Miao-hsia. 1996. "The Role of Context in Vocabulary Comprehension in Reading." In the Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. Taipei: Crane. Chia, Hui-lung. 1996. "Making a Guess: Guidelines for Teaching Inference of Word Meaning." In The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on English Teaching, 145-50. Taipei: Carne. Chuang, Yuangshan. 1999. Corpus Analyses of the Vocabulary in the Junior and Senior High School Students` English Textbooks and Writing in Taiwan. Taipei: Crane. Coady, J., and T. Huckin. 1997. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Cambridge UP. Cobuild on CD-ROM. 1995. Version 1.2. Computer corpus. HarperCollins. Dornyei, Z. 1995. "On the Teachability of Communication Strategies." TESOL Quarterly 29 (1): 55-84. Dulay, H., and M. Burt. 1974. "Natural Sequences in Child Second Language Acquisition." Language Learning 24: 37-53. Edda, Weigand, ed. 1998. Contrastive Lexical Semantics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V. Farghal, M., and H. Obiedat. 1995. "Collocations: a Neglected Variable in EFL." International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 33 (4): 315-31. Gardner, R. 1985. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: the Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold. Garside, Roger, Geoffery Leech, and Anthony McEnery, eds. 1997. Corpus Annotation: Linguistic Information from Computer Text Corpora. London: Longman. Gass, Susan M., and Carolyn G. Madden, eds. 1985. Input in Second Language Acquisition. MA: Heinle & Heinle. Gass, Susan M., and Larry Selinker. 1994. Second Language Acquisition: an Introductory Course. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Granger, Sylviane. 1998. Learner English on Computer. London: Longman. Harley, Birgit, ed. 1995. Lexical Issues in Language Learning. Ann Arbor: Research Club in Language Learning. Henriksen, B. 1999. "Three Dimensions of Vocabulary Development." Studies in Second Language Acquisition 21: 303-17. Hill, J., and M. Lewis. 1997. LTP Dictionary of Selected Collocations. Commercial Colour Press. Hsieh, Liang-Tsu. 1999. "The Effects of Pre-reading Vocabulary Instruction and Cultural Background Knowledge Activation on Chinese Junior College Fourth-year Students` EFL Reading." In the Proceedings of the 16th Conference on English Teaching and Learning in ROC, 227-39. Taipei: Crane. ---. 2000. "The Effects of Translation on English Vocabulary and Reading Learning." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 339-47. Taipei: Crane. Huang, Shu-Chen, and Jing-Mei Chung. 1998. "The Timing of Pre-listening Vocabulary Teaching: Memory vs. Freshness." In the Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on English Teaching, 499-508. Taipei: Crane. Juffs, Alan. 1996. Learnability and the Lexicon: Theories and Second Language Acquisition Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. NY: Oxford University Press. Leech, Geoffrey, Greng Myers, and Jenny Thomas, eds. 1995. Spoken English on Computer: Transcription, Mark-up and Application. New York: Longman. Lewis, M. 1997. Implementing the Lexical Approach. England: Language Teaching. Lightbown, Patsy M., and Nina Spada. 1993. How Languages are Learned. NY: Oxford University Press. Lin, Chih-cheng. 1996. "A Multifaceted Approach to Vocabulary Instruction." In the Proceedings of the 13th Conference on English Teaching and Learning in ROC, 93-102. Taipei: Crane. Lin, Ting Fen. 2000. "The Teaching of Vocabulary in Taiwan: a Review." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 460-69. Taipei: Crane. Liu, Chen-Pin. 1999a. "A Study of Chinese Culture University Freshmen`s Collocational Competence: `Knowledge` as an Example." Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature 5: 81-99. ---. 1999b. "An Analysis of Collocational Errors in EFL Writings." In the Proceeding of the Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching, 483-94. ---. 2000. "A Study of Strategy Use in Producing Lexical Collocations." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 481-92. Taipei: Crane. Long, Michael H., and Jack C. Richards, eds. 1987. Methodology in TESOL: A Book of Readings. MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Lu, Dan. 2000. "Message Transfer between L1 and L2: Reflections on Bilingual Competence." Paper Presented at the 16th International Language in Education Conference. Hong Kong. Martin, M. 1984. "Advanced Vocabulary Teaching: the Problem of Synonyms." The Modern Language Journal 68 (ii):130-37. Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall. Qian, David. 2000. "Lexical Processing in English Reading: Perceptions versus Reality." Paper Presented at the 16th International Language in Education Conference. Hong Kong. Richards, Jack C., John Platt, and Heidi Platt, eds. 1992. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics. England: Longman. Schachter, J. 1974. "An Error in Error Analysis." Language Learning 24: 205-14. Shih, Hsue-Hueh. 2000. "The Influence of Synonymy over Collocation Learning." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 516-20. Taipei: Crane. Shoemaker, Connie L., and F. Floyd Shoemaker. 1991. Interactive Techniques for the ESL Classroom. NY: NewburyHouse. Sinclair, John, et al., eds. Cobuild English Collocations. 1.1 ed. CD-ROM. HarperCollins. Thomas, Stephen. 1989. "Using Translation to Overcome Cross-culture Pragmatic Failure." New Comparison: A Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies 8: 75-84. Ur, Penny, and Andrew Wright. 1992. Five-minute Activities: a Resource Book of Short Activities. NY: Cambridge University Press. Van-Stekelenburg, A. V. 1984. "Classics for the Gifted Evaluation." Paper Presented at The International Conference: Education for the Gifted. Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa, June 26-29. Waggot, Valerie. 2000. "Translation as a Tool for Teaching and Testing." Paper Presented at the 16th International Language in Education Conference. Hong Kong. Wichmann, Anne, Steven Fligelstone, Tony McEnery, and Gerry Knowles, eds. 1997. Teaching and Language Corpora. New York: Longman. Wilkins, R. 1972. Linguistics and Language Teaching. London: Edward Arnold. Wright, Andrew, David Betteridge, and Michael Buckby. 1983. Games for Language Learning. New edition. NY: Cambridge University Press. Wu, Wen-shuenn. 1996. "Lexical Collocations: One Way to Make Passive Vocabulary Active." In the Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China, 460-80. Taipei: Crane. Yip, Virginia. 1995. Interlanguage and Learnability: from Chinese to English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V. 丁雍嫻。1987。"Lexical Transfer and Vocabulary Teaching in Senior High School." 《第四屆中華民國英語文教學研討會論文集》。頁375-83。台北:文鶴。 大學入學考試中心。1995。《八十四年度基礎科目英文考科試題研發工作計畫研究報告:高中常用字彙表》。台北。 王世平。1997。〈五專英語『字彙與閱讀』『整合式』教學實證研究〉。《第十四屆中華民國英語文教學研討會論文集》。台北:文鶴。 王文昌。1997。《英語搭配大詞典-增訂版》。台北:中央圖書。 田正德編。1990。《整合式迪克生英文成語》。台北:金麟。 余民寧。1997。《教育測驗與評量:成就測驗與教學評量》。台北:心理。 李玉芬。1987。〈國中英語一詞多義的現象:問題與方法〉。《第四屆中華民國英語文教學研討會論文集》。頁169-81。台北:文鶴。 李麗鍾。1986。"Children`s Use of the Keyword Method to Learn Simple English Vocabulary Words." 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87555003資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 黃麗儀 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Huang, Li-Yi en_US (Authors) 楊心蕙 zh_TW (Authors) Yang, Xin-Hui en_US dc.creator (作者) 楊心蕙 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Yang, Xin-Hui en_US (日期) 2001 en_US 15-Apr-2016 15:57:57 (UTC+8) - 15-Apr-2016 15:57:57 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 15-Apr-2016 15:57:57 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) A2002001002 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 語言學研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 87555003 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 字彙在英語教學上佔有重要地位。因為字彙中的形式、語意和功能用法非屬於一對一之關係,所以常會造成學習者使用上的困擾,進而阻礙溝通。此篇論文主要在探討學習者對於語意之使用情形,希望可以找出以中文為母語的學習者在形式-語意連結上的共通點和所遵循的規則,以及連結背後之影響因素。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) As Wilkins (1972) states that "Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed" (p.111), vocabulary plays an important role in the learning of a foreign language. However, the form, meaning, and function of vocabulary is not of a one-to-one correspondence. The mismapping often leads to misunderstanding and blocks communication. The study tries to explore how English learners in Taiwan manipulate the form-meaning mapping, and what the factors are to influence the mapping. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 封面頁 證明書 Acknowledgements(誌謝) 個人簡歷 TABLE OF CONTENTS(目錄) List of Tables and Figures(圖表目錄) Chinese Abstract English Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Goal of the Study 1.3 Organization Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Lexical Meaning 2.2 Collocation 2.3 Ll Transfer and Interlanguage 2.4 Corpora 2.5 Pedagogy 2.6 Conclusion Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Synchronic Approach 3.2 Verbs as the Investigated Object 3.3 Corpus Assistance 3.4 Task Design Task One - Problem Solving Task Two - Cloze Test Task Three - Mini-text Task Four - Translation 3.5 Subject Background Sheet 3.6 Subjects 3.6.1 Background of Subjects 3.6.2 Proficiency Test 3.7 Method of Analysis 3.8 Summary Chapter 4 Analyses and Discussion 4.1 Analyses on the Four Tasks 4.1.1 Task One The First Group of Subjects The Second Group of Subjects The Third Group of Subjects Summary of Task One 4.1.2 Task Two The First Group of Subjects The Second Group of Subjects The Third Group of Subjects Summary of Task Two 4.1.3 Task Three The First Group of Subjects The Second Group of Subjects The Third Group of Subjects Summary of Task Three 4.1.4 Task Four The First Group of Subjects The Second Group of Subjects The Third Group of Subjects Summary of Task Four 4.1.5 Conclusion of the Analyses on the Four Tasks 4.2 Further Analyses on Form-Meaning Mapping 4.2.1 Lexical Meaning 4.2.2 Collocation 4.2.3 Frequency 4.2.4 L1 Transfer 4.2.5 Conclusion of the Form-Meaning Mapping Analyses 4.3 Analyses on Subject Background Sheets 4.3.1 Subjects` Background Information the Age to Start Learning English Length of English Learning Preference for English Self-reported Assessment for Proficiency Levels of English the Order of Difficulty in English Learning Aspects Noticed in English Vocabulary Learning Aspects that are Difficult in English Vocabulary Learning the Process of Self-expressing in English 4.3.2 Relations between the Subject Background Information and the Researcher-designed Proficiency Test Relations between the Age to Start Learning English and the Researcher-designed Proficiency Test Relations between Length of English and the Researcher-designed Proficiency Test Relations between Preference for English and the Researcher-designed Proficiency Test Relations between Self-reported Assessment of Proficiency Levels of English and the Researcher-designed Proficiency Test Relations between the Process of Self-expressing in English and the Research-designed Proficiency Test 4.3.3 Conclusions of the Analyses on Subject Background Sheets 4.4 Semantic Networks 4.5 Summary Chapter 5 Pedagogical Implications and Application Activity One Activity Two Activity Three Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Research 6.1 Conclusion 6.2 Limitations and Future Researches References Appendixes A Proficiency Test B Tasks C Subject Background Sheet D Data of a Subject with High Proficiency Level E Data of a Subject with Medial Proficiency Level F Data of a Subject with Low Proficiency Level zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 英語教學 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 字彙 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 形式--語意搭配 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Second Language Acquisition en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) vocabulary en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) form-meaning mapping en_US dc.title (題名) 台灣中學生對英語字彙語意之操控使用研究--以五個常用動詞為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Manipulation of English Word Meaning by Senior High School Students in Taiwan : Taking Five Most Frequently Used Verbs for Example en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Adjemian, Christian. 1976. "On the Nature of Interlanguage Systems." Language Learning 26: 297-320. ---. 1983. "The Transfer of Lexical Properties." In S. Gass, and L. Selinker, eds. Language Transfer in Language Learning. MA: Newbury House. Beebe, Leslie M., ed. 1988. Issues in Second Language Acquisition: Multiple Perspectives. MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Benson, M, E. Benson, and R. Ilson. 1986. A Guide to Word Combinations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V. Biber, D., S. Cornard, and R. Reppen. 1998. Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Carter, Ronald. 1998. Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives. 2nd version. London: Routledge. Chan, Tak-hung. 2000. "Translation and the Foreign Language Program - Whither are We Going?" In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 8-16. Taipei: Crane. Chang, Miao-hsia. 1996. "The Role of Context in Vocabulary Comprehension in Reading." In the Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. Taipei: Crane. Chia, Hui-lung. 1996. "Making a Guess: Guidelines for Teaching Inference of Word Meaning." In The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on English Teaching, 145-50. Taipei: Carne. Chuang, Yuangshan. 1999. Corpus Analyses of the Vocabulary in the Junior and Senior High School Students` English Textbooks and Writing in Taiwan. Taipei: Crane. Coady, J., and T. Huckin. 1997. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Cambridge UP. Cobuild on CD-ROM. 1995. Version 1.2. Computer corpus. HarperCollins. Dornyei, Z. 1995. "On the Teachability of Communication Strategies." TESOL Quarterly 29 (1): 55-84. Dulay, H., and M. Burt. 1974. "Natural Sequences in Child Second Language Acquisition." Language Learning 24: 37-53. Edda, Weigand, ed. 1998. Contrastive Lexical Semantics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V. Farghal, M., and H. Obiedat. 1995. "Collocations: a Neglected Variable in EFL." International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 33 (4): 315-31. Gardner, R. 1985. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: the Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold. Garside, Roger, Geoffery Leech, and Anthony McEnery, eds. 1997. Corpus Annotation: Linguistic Information from Computer Text Corpora. London: Longman. Gass, Susan M., and Carolyn G. Madden, eds. 1985. Input in Second Language Acquisition. MA: Heinle & Heinle. Gass, Susan M., and Larry Selinker. 1994. Second Language Acquisition: an Introductory Course. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Granger, Sylviane. 1998. Learner English on Computer. London: Longman. Harley, Birgit, ed. 1995. Lexical Issues in Language Learning. Ann Arbor: Research Club in Language Learning. Henriksen, B. 1999. "Three Dimensions of Vocabulary Development." Studies in Second Language Acquisition 21: 303-17. Hill, J., and M. Lewis. 1997. LTP Dictionary of Selected Collocations. Commercial Colour Press. Hsieh, Liang-Tsu. 1999. "The Effects of Pre-reading Vocabulary Instruction and Cultural Background Knowledge Activation on Chinese Junior College Fourth-year Students` EFL Reading." In the Proceedings of the 16th Conference on English Teaching and Learning in ROC, 227-39. Taipei: Crane. ---. 2000. "The Effects of Translation on English Vocabulary and Reading Learning." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 339-47. Taipei: Crane. Huang, Shu-Chen, and Jing-Mei Chung. 1998. "The Timing of Pre-listening Vocabulary Teaching: Memory vs. Freshness." In the Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on English Teaching, 499-508. Taipei: Crane. Juffs, Alan. 1996. Learnability and the Lexicon: Theories and Second Language Acquisition Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins B. V. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. NY: Oxford University Press. Leech, Geoffrey, Greng Myers, and Jenny Thomas, eds. 1995. Spoken English on Computer: Transcription, Mark-up and Application. New York: Longman. Lewis, M. 1997. Implementing the Lexical Approach. England: Language Teaching. Lightbown, Patsy M., and Nina Spada. 1993. How Languages are Learned. NY: Oxford University Press. Lin, Chih-cheng. 1996. "A Multifaceted Approach to Vocabulary Instruction." In the Proceedings of the 13th Conference on English Teaching and Learning in ROC, 93-102. Taipei: Crane. Lin, Ting Fen. 2000. "The Teaching of Vocabulary in Taiwan: a Review." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 460-69. Taipei: Crane. Liu, Chen-Pin. 1999a. "A Study of Chinese Culture University Freshmen`s Collocational Competence: `Knowledge` as an Example." Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature 5: 81-99. ---. 1999b. "An Analysis of Collocational Errors in EFL Writings." In the Proceeding of the Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching, 483-94. ---. 2000. "A Study of Strategy Use in Producing Lexical Collocations." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 481-92. Taipei: Crane. Long, Michael H., and Jack C. Richards, eds. 1987. Methodology in TESOL: A Book of Readings. MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Lu, Dan. 2000. "Message Transfer between L1 and L2: Reflections on Bilingual Competence." Paper Presented at the 16th International Language in Education Conference. Hong Kong. Martin, M. 1984. "Advanced Vocabulary Teaching: the Problem of Synonyms." The Modern Language Journal 68 (ii):130-37. Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall. Qian, David. 2000. "Lexical Processing in English Reading: Perceptions versus Reality." Paper Presented at the 16th International Language in Education Conference. Hong Kong. Richards, Jack C., John Platt, and Heidi Platt, eds. 1992. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics. England: Longman. Schachter, J. 1974. "An Error in Error Analysis." Language Learning 24: 205-14. Shih, Hsue-Hueh. 2000. "The Influence of Synonymy over Collocation Learning." In Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 516-20. Taipei: Crane. Shoemaker, Connie L., and F. Floyd Shoemaker. 1991. Interactive Techniques for the ESL Classroom. NY: NewburyHouse. Sinclair, John, et al., eds. Cobuild English Collocations. 1.1 ed. CD-ROM. HarperCollins. Thomas, Stephen. 1989. "Using Translation to Overcome Cross-culture Pragmatic Failure." New Comparison: A Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies 8: 75-84. Ur, Penny, and Andrew Wright. 1992. Five-minute Activities: a Resource Book of Short Activities. NY: Cambridge University Press. Van-Stekelenburg, A. V. 1984. "Classics for the Gifted Evaluation." Paper Presented at The International Conference: Education for the Gifted. 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