
Showing 26-50 of 217
Date Title Type Full Text
2021-12 99期序言 article pdf(200)
2021-12 圖書館資訊科技與應用 book/chapter 說明頁(8)
2021-06 Effects of Design Factors of a Game-based English Vocabulary Learning App on Learning Performance, Sustained Attention, Emotional State, and Memory Retention article pdf(230)
2021-06 98期序言 article pdf(196)
2021-04 Developing a Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System to Facilitate Asynchronous Online Discussion Effectiveness article pdf(185)
2021.02 An Interactive Test Dashboard with Diagnosis and Feedback Mechanisms to Facilitate Learning Performance article pdf(273)
2020-12 97期序言 article pdf(172)
2020-09 The Effects of Video-Annotated Learning and Reviewing System with Vocabulary Learning Mechanism on English Listening Comprehension and Technology Acceptance article pdf(182)
2020-07 A Semantic Network Instant Feedback System to Improve Online Discussion Performance conference 說明頁(249)
2020-07 A Video-Annotated Learning Review System with Vocabulary Learning Mechanism to Facilitate English Listening Comprehension conference 說明頁(293)
2020-07 An Image Retrieval System Based on Automatic Image Annotation to Facilitate Digital Humanities Research conference 說明頁(314)
2020-07 Developing a Computer-Mediated Communication Competence Predicting Model Based on Learning Behavior Features conference 說明頁(285)
2020-07 Developing a Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System to Facilitate Asynchronous Online Discussion Performance conference 說明頁(268)
2020-07 The Effects of Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Gamified Mechanisms on Reading Comprehension Performance conference 說明頁(230)
2020-07 The Effects of Sharing SOAR Study Note on English Reading Comprehension conference 說明頁(309)
2020-06 96期序言 article pdf(207)
2020-04 Mining Effective Learning Behaviors in a Web-based Inquiry Science Environment article pdf(185)
2020-03 羅家倫先生文存數位人文研究平台之建置與應用 article pdf(251)
2020-01 An Instant Perspective Comparison System to Facilitate Learners’ Discussion Effectiveness in an Online Discussion Process article pdf(192)
2020-01 Developing a Computer-Mediated Communication Competence Forecasting Model Based on Learning Behavior Features article pdf(262)
2020-01 The Effects of Sharing Selection, Organization, Association, and Regulation (SOAR) Study Note on Learners’ Reading Comprehension and Reading Anxiety article pdf(250)
2019-12 95期序言 article pdf(239)
2019.09 A Web-based Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Gamification Mechanisms to Improve Reading Performance 期刊論文 pdf(156)說明頁(707)
2019-07 Community Detection with Opinion Leaders’ Identification for Promoting Collaborative Problem-based Learning Performance article pdf(492)pdf(218)post-print version
2019-07 A Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Formative Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms to Promote Digital Reading Performance article pdf(279)post-print version