
Showing 26-50 of 156
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2012-10 Fuzzy evaluating management performance and marketing strategies in community colleges article 說明頁(1007)
2012.1 模糊統計在試題難度上的應用 article pdf(932)
2012.1 Goodness-of-Fit Test for Membership Functions with Fuzzy Data article pdf(1347)
2012.08 Efficiency Evaluation In Time Management For School Administration With Fuzzy Data article pdf(1221)
2012.08 Portfolio Selection Model with Interval Values Based on Probability Distribution Functions article pdf(1330)
2012-08 Special issue on management engineering article 說明頁(855)
2012.06 A new approach on Correlation Evaluation with Fuzzy Data and its Applications in Econometrics article pdf(1275)
2012.06 Much Ado About Many Things: Principle Functions Analysis and Evaluation for Primary Leadership article pdf(1153)
2012-06 Fuzzy Evaluating Goal Oriented and Marketing Strategy in Community Colleges article pdf(504)
2012.05 模糊数据调查表的设计及应用 article pdf(1730)
2012-03 A Fuzzy Evaluation Model for Monitoring the English Human Capital article pdf(1024)
2012-02 高中學生時間運用與學習表現關聯之研究:模糊相關的應用 article 說明頁(1057)
2012 Fuzzy time series models for LNSZZS forecasting article pdf(800)
2012 模糊數據問卷調查表的設計及應用 article pdf(775)
2011-12 Database of Fuzzy Probability Distribution Function and Its Application article pdf(523)
2011.05 Building the three-Group Causal Pathin the VAR Model article pdf(1274)
2011-03 Comparisons of Rule Usage in Probability Reasoning Based on OT and ISM article pdf(487)
2011 Soft computing techniques and its application in the intelligent capital compensation article 說明頁(905)
2011 A new fuzzy linear programming model and its applications article 說明頁(1255)
2010.12 Does the digital natives technologies really help?A fuzzy statistical analysis and evaluation on students’ learning achievement article pdf(780)
2010.06 Fuzzy Estimation Methods and their application in the real estate article pdf(984)
2010.03 An Innovative Approach on Fuzzy Correlation Coefficient with Interval Data article pdf(1290)
2010-03 On the Optimization Methods for Fully Fuzzy Regression Models article pdf(506)
2010.02 Numerical methods for solving fuzzy system of linear equations article 說明頁(1210)