Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-15 of 15
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-05 產業用地發展之政策趨勢與變革 article web page(61)
2024-02 Evaluating Spatial Policies without Indicators: A Study on Taiwan as a developmental state in transition article web page(86)
2023-12 淨零路徑下的農電空間衝突與利益關係剖析 article web page(29)
2023-06 從產業群聚與生存觀點初探空間經濟韌性 article web page(79)
2023-03 Spatial concentration of health industry under covid-19 article web page(156)
2023-02 Spatial concentration in relation to industrial resilience article web page(225)
2022-11 農地轉用與農地佔用在國土空間的發展與變遷 article web page(234)
2022-01 Reinventing the industrial land use policy in democratized development states – A comparison of Taiwan and South Korea article web page(155)
2021-03 從亞洲四小龍到後疫情時代的產業用地政策挑戰:以編定工業區系統為例 article pdf(227)
2021-03 Evolving Industrial Land Policy in the Developmental State article web page(204)
2019-03 Industrial Development Conflicts in Modern Developmental State: Taiwan Taken as an Example article web page(149)
2017-06 國土計畫下專業NGO的角色探討—從公民社會治理談起 article
2015-06 跨域治理模式的建構與評估 article web page(257)
2014-06 從空間規劃到區域治理:英國工黨時期區域規劃、組織與治理機制轉變的脈絡探討 article web page(174)
2014-01 運用引力模型比較轉軌國家之制度環境:以中國與俄羅斯的貿易便利性為例 article web page(158)
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