Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 39
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-06 School internationalization in Taiwan: constructing assessment indicators and future application article web page(108)
2023-05 An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Vietnam’s Vocational Training Project for Rural Laborers article web page(108)
2023-04 Building a case for communities of practice as drivers of innovative teaching in English medium instruction context article web page(136)
2022-09 高中教師素養導向教學效能量表之發展與驗證 article web page(258)
2022-09 Towards a comprehensive effectiveness scale for university students’ perception of English medium instruction in Vietnam and Taiwan: an importance-performance analysis article web page(158)
2022-08 Lecturer teaching styles and student learning involvement in large classes: a Taiwan case study article web page(230)
2022-08 Students’ Intention to Take E-Learning Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Protection Motivation Theory Perspective article web page(206)
2022-06 Monitoring Learning-Oriented School Education: Indicator Construction and Their Application article web page(280)
2021-12 國小教師親子關係、工作壓力與主觀幸福感之關係模式:職家互動以及性別角色觀點 article web page(202)
2021-06 《教師專業素養指引與師資職前教育課程基準》實施之影響、挑戰與因應:中等師資培育機構之觀點 article web page(166)
2021-06 The role of graduate students’ learning strategies in reducing their English medium instruction avoidance: the mediation effect of language anxiety article web page(253)
2020-09 國民小學校長分布式領導對教師教學效能之影響:以教師專業學習社群為中介變項 article web page(150)
2020-09 臺灣華語師資在新南向國家之競爭優劣勢:菲律賓華校觀點 article web page(205)
2020-06 臺灣師資培育公費制度(乙案)之利害關係人取向政策評估 article web page(196)
2019-07 Creating a picture of the world class university in Taiwan: a Foucauldian Analysis article web page(267)
2019-06 高中校長課程領導角色之個案研究--以高瞻計畫中的課程發展為例 article web page(189)
2019-06 國中社會領域初任教師知覺組織支持、教師同僚共享氛圍和自我效能之關係 article web page(230)
2019-03 To be a first-class department in a first-class university: perceived effects of a world-class initiative in two departments in a Taiwanese university article web page(175)
2018-12 國中校長真誠領導之影響因素:華人傳統領導文化之觀點 article pdf(328)
2018-12 國中校長和教師交換關係與建言行為關聯性之研究:以權力距離與內外團體為調節變項 article web page(206)
2018-09 瑞典學校治理中的公民及家長參與:校長觀點(下) article web page(191)
2018-08 瑞典學校治理中的公民及家長參與:校長觀點(上) article web page(227)
2017-09 國中教師組織公民行為之多構面構念類型界定 article web page(705)
2017-05 國民中學教師組織公民行為前置因素的再檢視 article web page(915)
2017-02 教育部推動高教轉型策略的可能限制與建議:以「學校典範重塑」為例 article web page(171)